The 2020 Election Evidence Project was started in response to the media refusing to report on factual pieces of evidence regarding the 2020 election. Our goal isn’t to convince you of some grandiose conspiracy theory, but instead, to present you with information the traditional media isn’t reporting and allow you to form your own opinions. Because the media generally isn’t reporting on what we’ll be presenting, inevitably a lot of our sources will come from independent and right leaning news sources, tech experts, politicians, lawyers, whistleblower, witnesses, and judges themselves.
And, they provide a resource guide with raw vote data from all the states and pdf downloads of some of the cases filed.
Got a tip?
They are looking for more tips from members of the public who have witnessed fraud or other shady behavior in this year’s presidential contest.
By the way, can you imagine how Trump must have been making the Dems and the RINO Republicans heads explode with his raucous rally in Georgia last night.
They must have expected Trump to slink away when they scammed the nation with the election steal.
They were wrong!
One Of The Most Powerful Moments In @realDonaldTrump Rally History
“It had been decided. You peons shut up and obey.”
(Angelo Codevilla writing at American Greatness)
“They” are bipartisan political elites who run the country, says Codevilla in his classic opening salvo in 2010.
They think that by destroying Trump, they will destroy you, the country class, the peons, says professor, author and thinker Angelo Codevilla.
In an age where we don’t want to read more than a few sentences at Twitter (or anywhere), it is important to take a few minutes to read and digest the work of someone who has had your back for more than a decade.
I’ve snipped just a bit of the latest from Codevilla here at American Greatness. (hat tip: Richard)
He says we, the great United States has become an oligarchy, no longer a Constitutional Republic but a country governed by a small group of the ‘elite.’
(Emphasis below is mine)
From Ruling Class to Oligarchy
Roughly half the country is living under an alien regime that means to harm us socially, politically, and economically.
“By its campaign and conduct of the 2020 election, the ruling class ceased pretending to be part of a constitutional republic. By treating fellow Americans as inferiors through word and deed, its members renounced their common citizenship with us. Eschewing persuasion, they set about compelling obedience to an openly manipulated election.
Thus did they burn their bridges to the rest of America as surely as did Hernán Cortéz when he burned the ships that had carried his troops to conquer the Aztec empire. Henceforth, they must rule or ruin as the oligarchy they have become.”
Codevilla continues….
This is how it happened. It had been clear to that class that Trump was dangerous only because he represented his “deplorable” supporters. The ruling class sought to resist them by dispiriting them and discrediting them in their own and others’ eyes. Demonizing Trump was the means by which they sought to do this.
Arguably the American country class’ principal mistake between 2016 and 2020 was to suppose that the Left was actually after Trump, rather than set about crushing them and killing the American regime.
And then Election Night. As predicted, election officials in places controlled by the Left stopped counting until it was clear how many ballots it would take for Trump to be defeated. The requisite number came, filled out by no one knows who. And then . . . who wouldn’t have predicted it? The call came from all of society’s commanding heights: Trump’s defeat had been declared.By whom? By the folks on these varied heights—certainly not by the authorities designated by the Constitution to decide who wins and loses.
But the more instances of fraud the Trump campaign sought to investigate, the louder and from more sources sounded the judgment that there was nothing to investigate. It had been decided. You peons shut up and obey.
That is how oligarchies work.
What may be done about this is another story. But the story’s premise is that it must begin with the realization that the conservative more-or-less half of American life is living under an alien regime that means to continue harming us socially and morally just as much as economically. Plainly, we find ourselves in a (mostly not yet violent) state of war. The beginning of such safety as we may work out for ourselves is to regard our rulers as they regard us.
Yes, it is that serious. The ruling class wants people like you and me destroyed. People like those whomarched in Washingtona week ago.
And, I read Codevilla’s closing paragraph above to mean we have to understand the stakes and fight like our lives and the country we love depends on it.
I know its hard for decent people to consider that we must “regard our rulers as they regard us” which is a nice way of saying they HATE US and therefore….!
Long live America First!
Update! No sooner had I published this post, when this tweet came to my attention. Liz Cheney is a ruling class superstar!
The chair of the House Republican Conference became the latest high-profile Republican to publicly urge Trump to accept the results of the presidential election.
Editor:You likely know all of this news already. I started this post yesterday, but my internet went down again.
Surely you have heard this news from Monday reported hereat Politico(Leftwingers) who suggest that Barr is not serious, but only making this move to appease the President and us.
By the way, it is often much more useful to read the other side’s media than ours sometimes.
Whatever the motive, his move forced the director of the DOJ Criminal Division’s Election Crimes Branch to resign his post. However, you should read this as good news! I urge you to do a little search on one Richard Pilger who has headed that branch of the DOJ since 2010.
His name will be familiar to anyone who watched the Obama administration’s attack on Tea Party and other Conservative groups attempts to get an IRS determination to be allowed to raise money for their small emerging political action groups.
Barr OK for election-fraud investigations roils Justice Department
Attorney General William Barr appeared Monday to make a bid to reassure backers of President Donald Trump who have complained bitterly in recent days that the Justice Department was not taking action to combat alleged voter fraud and other election irregularities.
Ina memo to U.S. attorneys, Barr authorized them to open election-fraud investigations “if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.”
Barr’s memo broadening the authorities of prosecutors in the election season had an abrupt and dramatic impact: prompting the veteran career official running the Justice Department branch that oversees such prosecutions to step down from his post, effective immediately.
Shortly after Barr’s directive was released, Richard Pilger, director of the DOJ Criminal Division’s Election Crimes Branch, sent colleagues an emailsaying he was transferring to another role in the department. The 28-year-veteran federal prosecutor also made unmistakably clear that alarm at Barr’s policy shift prompted his exit from the job he has held since 2010.
Sorry to make you sick this morning but they will all be back if Biden/Harris get away with stealing the election!
Angling for something are we?
It’s a historic day for Black women, South Asian women, women of color, women everywhere, for America.
Vanita Gupta, who served as head of Justice’s Civil Rights Division under President Barack Obama, posted a copy of Pilger’s resignation email online and called it “a testament to how grossly politicized and partisan the Barr DOJ is, in service of Trump.”
Still, the wording of Barr’s memo left unclear whether it was largely a sop to the president’s supporters or whether it portends serious investigations into last week’s election, of which Joe Biden was declared the winner over Trump.
Gupta suggested the memo was little more than posturing intended to satisfy the president and fuel misperceptions that voting fraud on any serious scale affected the 2020 presidential contest.
“Let’s be clear — this is about disruption, disinformation, and sowing chaos,” Gupta, now president of the Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights. “Trump is furious, demanding all ‘his’ lawyers take action. They have no evidence, so they’ll push the PR.”
“Voters decided election & overwhelmingly picked Biden,” added Gupta. “Election was secure & fair. No factual basis for memo. Scaremongering about opening investigations doesn’t change result.”
If I have the energy to continue blogging, it would be fun to feature the Biden/Harris players as they scurry back into government hidey-holes (if they succeed in stealing the election, that is.)
I believe it, but I want to know why they haven’t caught and prosecuted more of them!
From Fox News:
Texas says it found 95,000 non-citizens on voter rolls; 58,000 have voted
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Friday that the state has discovered 95,000 non-citizens on the voter rolls going back to 1996, 58,000 of whom have voted in at least one Texas election— an announcement likely to raise fresh concerns about the prospect of voter fraud. Only 33 were nabbed last year. If I lived in Texas I would want to know why they haven’t prosecuted more of the “new American” cheaters!
Texas has some of the toughest voter ID laws in the nation and has been one of the main battlegrounds in the Republican-led fight against alleged voter fraud. The office, in a statement, said that 33 people were prosecuted for voter fraud last year, and 97 were prosecuted between 2005-17.
“Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice,” Paxton said in a statement.
The New York Times reported that the findings were a result of of an 11-month investigation into records at the Texas Department of Public Safety. Gov. Greg Abbott praised the findings and hinted at future legislation to crack down on voter fraud.
The revelation is likely to have national consequences and stir debate and the role of voter fraud. President Trump created a commission in 2017 to investigate allegations of voter fraud in the 2016 election. But it was eventually dismantled by Trump after the group faced lawsuits, opposition from states and in-fighting among its members. Trump said at the time that Democrats refused to hand over data “because they know that many people are voting illegally.” Democrats have dismissed claims of voter fraud and accused Republicans of trying to disenfranchise minority voters with tight voter ID laws.
We all know this is happening most likely everywhere!
What are you waiting for? Get involved by becoming an election integrity watchdog in your county. Find out what your board of elections is doing to weed out the crooks and purge the dead!
Voter fraudis developing into an important category here at Frauds and Crooks.
The judge in the case said the Election Board officials who registered her “don’t know what they are doing.” Or do they?
I’ve had this story for a few days (thanks to reader Nancy), but am just getting to it because of the more pressing news from Nevada, Ohioand Virginia.
From Newsweek(I am actually surprised it is even being reported nationally!):
A permanent resident of North Carolina will not face prison time after she was illegally allowed to vote in three separate elections. Hyo Suk George, 70, was charged with illegal voting by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security after she reportedly voted in 2008, 2010 and 2016 in Columbus County. Instead of sentencing George to six months in prison, U.S. District Judge Terrence Boyle fined George $100.
George arrived in the United States from South Korea in 1989. She got a green card in 1995 and has worked in housekeeping and the fast-food industry, her federal public defender Sherri Alspaugh said. She registered to vote “next to the senior center” after taking the advice of a town council member, according to the News & Observer. [They should be naming the town council member!]
Alspaugh said her client did not remember whether she registered at the county board or a library, but said there were likely volunteers working registration. In his ruling, Boyle also expressed frustration toward the election board in Whiteville, North Carolina, because it allowed George to register to vote using her green card, Social Security number and driver’s license, the News & Observer reported.
“So they see a green card and say, ‘That’s OK’ because they don’t know what they’re doing,” the judge said. “They ought to be a little smarter than that.” Boyle added that the same amount of attention that is placed on voters should be placed on educating election officials. Green cards give immigrants permanent residency in the United States but not citizenship. Only U.S. citizens are allowed to vote. An investigation by the North Carolina Board of Elections found that 508 voters who cast ballots in the 2016 election were ineligible to vote.Of those, 441 voters were individuals serving active felony sentences. Only convicted felons who have completed their sentences are allowed to vote in North Carolina. The election board also found that 41 noncitizens votedand 24 voters cast ballots twice. Two individuals reportedly voted using the names of family members who had recently died, the News & Observer reported at the time.