And, apparently there is no need to change a single law.
Here is the story from the Epoch Times(hat tip: Judy):
Trump Administration Signals Tougher Action to Bar Communist Party Members From Immigrating to US
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on Friday published a policy alert about banning members of the communist party or any other totalitarian party from getting an immigrant visa.
“In general, unless otherwise exempt, any intending immigrant who is a member or affiliate of the Communist Party or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible to the United States,” USCIS said in a policy alert (pdf).
This is data from 2013, but the article is very useful because it includes this line: “In 2000, 22,000 visas were issued to Chinese nationals in the US; in 2012, that number jumped to 189,000.” Bush was already permitting a huge flow from China when Obama really threw open the flood gates.
People with membership or affiliation with the communist party or other totalitarian parties are inconsistent and incompatible with the Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America, which includes pledging to “support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States,” the agency said in a statement.
The policy alert didn’t announce any new immigration policy but suggests the Trump administration may take tougher action to enforce related policies.
USCIS explained in its Policy Manual that the policy is based on a series of laws passed by Congress between World War I and the 1950s. Those laws state that any alien who is or has been a member or affiliate of a Communist or any other totalitarian party are “inadmissible” for immigration into the United States.
As the biggest communist party in the world, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members are expected to be affected most by the new policy.
Of course there are exceptions and people trying to get into the US will lie, but even taking this position signals where this administration is on the spread of communism.
“He bears the primary responsibility for what happened on Tuesday.”
(Chris Wallace)
Poor Chrissy Wallace, we feel for you. NOT!
Editor: As you have all heard as you woke up this morning, the President and First Lady have both tested positive for the Chinese virus. Pray for them and our country through this difficult time.
Chris Wallace Works Through ‘PTSD’ to Relive Chaotic Debate: Trump ‘Bears the Primary Responsibility for What Happened’
Hey audience: Look at me, Mr. Invisible!
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is nothing to joke about.
Wallace you would have been better off yesterday simply keeping your mouth shut. You said in advance of the debate that you wanted to be as “invisible” as possible, but you weren’t as you clearly felt Biden needed help and joined the debate yourself.
You would do the country a great service now if you disappeared from view for awhile.
But, no you had to talk to the media including the New York Timesto make sure you didn’t get blamed for the mess.
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace is speaking out on television for the first time since the debate over which he presided on Tuesday night — and he’s putting most of the blame for the chaotic event on President Donald Trump.
Appearing on Bill Hemmer Reports Thursday, Wallace got his much-anticipated segment off to a lighthearted start by reacting tongue-in-cheek to a clip of the debate showing a particularly frantic sequence.
“I had just gotten over the PTSD,” Wallace joked. “And then you put me right back into it.”
“I thought, ‘We’re going to have a real debate here,’” Wallace said — noting that he took Trump’s first interruption of former Vice President Joe Biden as a sign that an organic conversation would take place. “It became clearer and clearer over time that this was something different, and that the president was determined to try to butt in and throw Joe Biden off … I saw [a] Fox analysis that indicates the president interrupted either Biden’s answers or my questions a total of 145 times, which is way more than one a minute.
What a lying sack. I just tried to find out how many times each participant interrupted and found the number all over the map on Trump (but none as high as 145). I found nothing in my quick look for counts on Biden and Wallace interruptions.
“He [Trump] bears the primary responsibility for what happened on Tuesday.”
And now here isUSA Today trumpeting the Wallace whine-fest.
Chris Wallace: Trump ‘bears the primary responsibility for what happened’ during debate
In his first interview following the insult-laden debate, Wallace told the New York Times Wednesday that he “never dreamt that it would go off the tracks the way it did.”
“Generally speaking, I did as well as I could, so I don’t have any second thoughts there,” Wallace said.
“I’m just disappointed with the results. For me, but much more importantly, I’m disappointed for the country, because it could have been a much more useful evening than it turned out to be.” [Cry me a river!—ed]
Wallace, who also moderated the final 2016 presidential debate between Trump and Hillary Clinton, added:
“I’m a pro. I’ve never been through anything like this.”
In hindsight, Wallace said he agreed with his critics, admitting, “I don’t know that I ever really did” seize control of the debate. But the veteran anchor said he didn’t have “advance warning” of Trump’s game plan.
Implication of that last line is that Trump played a dirty trick on the “pro” Wallace.
I know there are plenty of analysis out there about the debate and how it went off the tracks, but here is one I found useful and persuasive.
Wallace claimed he chose the topics and wrote the questions seemingly all skewed toward Leftwing talking points. I am still fuming because there were no questions on immigration, the border, Islamic terrorism, or bringing our troops home from useless Middle East wars (wars that Biden has supported).
Please don’t do all of your news viewing and reading at Fox Newsgoing forward!
That is my prediction of course. And, heck, maybe last night’s train wreck of a Presidential debate will cool enthusiasm for any more debates this year (or forever!).
I got up this morning pretty down-in-the-dumps after staying up past my bedtime for what I expected would be a hot debate, but never dreamed it would go off the rails as badly as it did.
From a tweet following the debate: The Reagan Battalion wrote: “Joe Biden better buy Chris Wallace a beer after he saved his a** so many times tonight.”
Not long into the debate it became clear that Biden and Wallace were double-teaming to take down Trump. Furious, I switched to watching comments fly by on twitter and realized it was apparent to everyone, Left and Right, that Wallace had stepped in to debate Trump whenever Trump sought a response from Biden.
Because I am too lazy to do it, I am so glad to see this compilation by Ryan Saavedra at theDaily Wireof many of the tweets I read in real time last night—tweets that told me that I wasn’t imaging things!
Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate
Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.
Wallace had bragged in advance that he planned to be invisible—what a joke. He also said he picked all the topics and questions. Note that he did not bring up immigration/open borders/refugees/Islamic terrorism.
One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.
Fox News host Brian Kilmeade even noted the discrepancy and called it out on social media, writing: “Why is @JoeBiden allowed to interrupt? @realDonaldTrump is not.”
Continue reading hereto see what many citizen and media commenters said on the subject.
By the way, as hot as Trump was he did not call Biden names while Biden called Trump a liar and a clown.
LOL! One good thing about last night was Joe Biden’s efforts to distance himself from his radical Left base.
I’m guessing that right now AOC and her gang are working on a plan for him to be so sick he wouldn’t be able to continue in a role as Prez of the US right after inauguration day (if he should win).
They are working to “collapse America from within.” It is a “political warfare document.” “Know your enemy.” “Globalists letting Marxists and Islamists off the leash.” “Prepare!”
Those are the words of Brannon Howse who takes apart for us the document published in August by the Transition Integrity Project which includes a group of players working to surround this year’s presidential election in chaos and crisis.
Former RNC chairman Michael Steele is a TIP planner along with John Podesta and Bill Kristol, etc.
And, if you are looking forward to a return to normalcy beginning on November 4th, forget it.
Howse believes that the globalists, Marxists and Islamists actually want a Trump victory (why else pick such a weak candidate as the senile Biden) surrounded by confusion, violence and chaos so over the next 4 years they can change America forever as part of the great global “reset.”
He posits that through this “color revolution” our lives will be so turned upside down within those 4 years that we will beg for normalcy (ha! the new normalcy, that is) while blaming Trump for our unhappy state.
It is way too much for me to summarize so please take one hour to watch Brannon Howse explain the game plan he believes is the globalist plan for the destruction of America. Hat tip: Leo
Before you watch, and you MUST, see who the wargame players are according to wikipedia:
Here are just a few screenshots of portions of the plan that Howse takes apart for us. I thought you should see some of the points that interested me most.
All of the Leftwing talking heads have their marching orders!
You already see the media carrying these themes to American voters!
This first one is amusing since we do know, thanks to Project Veritas just yesterday that Trump is right, ballot harvesting is happening with non-citizens. All of those Somali senior citizens turning their unmarked ballots over to criminals are not US citizens.
Biden the peacemaker while Trump is stoking violence.
They are, throughout the plan, signalling that Trump is to be called an authoritarian promoting “unbridled nativism.”
And, this! Trump supports the Second Amendment, but he is not telling people to take up arms! We take them up only in defense to protect ourselves and our families.
I have to admit that until his now infamous tweet on Friday evening in the wake of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg, the name Reza Aslan was not in the forefront of my mind.
It should have been because he is also the author of another infamous tweet (I think we have all heard these words): “Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?”referring to teenager Nick Sandmann.
Iranian ‘refugee’ Reza Aslan has now topped that with a tweet demonstrating that his Islam-is-peaceful shtick is just that—a pathetic performance.
Bruce Bawer writing at American Greatnesstells us all we need to know about a man America saved from possible death in Iran who now spews his hatefulness toward the President, indeed toward America because we presume he means what he says—burn it all down.
He might as well be saying ‘death to America.’ (I wonder if the FBI stopped by his home to ask him what exactly he means by that?)
No one who was familiar with Aslan’s writings should have been terribly surprised by his Friday night tweet, which some would justifiably describe as an explicit threat of physical violence.
Apparently, it was the author’s most attention-getting tweet since January 19, 2019, when—in the wake of the instantly famous encounter at the Lincoln Memorial involving a group of polite MAGA cap-wearing boys from Covington High School in Kentucky, a drum-banging Native American provocateur named Nathan Phillips, and a trash-talking gang of Black Hebrew Israelites—the selfsame author posted the now-iconic picture of one of the boys, Nick Sandmann, standing calmly in the face of Phillips’ provocation, and wrote:
“Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?”
The author in question was Reza Aslan, who, when he himself was a kid, fled the Iranian Revolution with his parents for the United States, where he grew up in the Bay Area. He went on to collect a B.A. in religious studies from Santa Clara University, an M.A. in theological studies from Harvard, an MFA in fiction writing from the University of Iowa, and a Ph.D. in sociology from UC Santa Barbara. His first book, No god but God (2005), whitewashed Islam and blamed Islamic terror on Western imperialism; the predictable plaudits in such left-wing organs as the New York Times, New York Review of Books, Los Angeles Times, and Financial Times made it a “worldwide success” (The Guardian) and launched his career as a “multimedia force” (L.A. Review of Books).
“We are one 911-style terror attack from the end of America!”
In addition to his books, Aslan has served as a consultant on Islam for various media projects. He hosted a short-lived CNN religion series, “Believer,” on which, in one memorable episode, he ate part of a human brain. He’s sat on the board of the National Iranian American Council, which lobbies for the Mullahs in Iran, and he’s given talks under the auspices of groups linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. In several articles over the years, the indispensable Robert Spencer has documented Aslan’s chronic dishonesty about a wide range of topics, from Islam and Christianity to his own academic credentials.
Presentable in appearance, measured in tone, he packaged himself at once as a standard-issue left-winger and as an authentic believer in an orthodox yet somehow “modern” Islam. Like the now-disgraced Tariq Ramadan, he was a “bridge-builder,” thoroughly assimilated into Western civilization, who sought nothing more than to educate Westerners about the beautiful beliefs and traditions of his faith—and thereby dispel the ugly suspicions that flow from ignorance.
What repeatedly has gotten in the way of Aslan’s own attempt to maintain this image of serenity and equanimity, however, is his own poisonous hatefulness, which frequently gets the better of him. This phenomenon is not unique to Aslan. It can be observed in the cases of many Muslim public figures in North America and Europe who try to project a calming, moderate profile but who, in certain circumstances—for example, when strongly contradicted—can let the mask slip and sound, suddenly, like nothing so much as a firebrand imam calling for someone’s head.
Continue readingbecause you all need to know about Reza Aslan and his fellow ‘new American’ travelers.