Trump ends Obama’s 12-year run as most admired man: Gallup
President Trump has ended former President Obama’s 12-year run as the most admired man in America, edging out his predecessor in the annual Gallup survey released Tuesday.
Eighteen percent of the survey’s respondents named Trump as their most admired man, compared to 15 percent who named Obama and 6 percent who named President-elect Joe Biden. Three percent named National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, while 2 percent chose Pope Francis.
First they want the 30,000 they believe they were promised for this year (FY19).
See my post yesterdaywhere I explain we are likely to reach that number by September 30th.
However, in a recent letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo they say they want 95,000 next year.
Hereis the news at from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs:
167 Jewish Organizations Urge U.S. to Meet Refugee Goal
JCPA, a network of 125 local Jewish community relations councils and 17 national Jewish agencies, has joined with 166 national, state, and local Jewish organizations and institutions in urging the United States to meet the refugee resettlement admissions goal of 30,000 for fiscal year 2019 and to return to historic norms next year.
In a letter delivered to Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on Wednesday (August 7th), the group explained, “The United States has historically distinguished itself as a beacon of hope and as a safe haven for those who most need it. For nearly 40 years, the refugee admissions target averaged 95,000 per year, with actual admissions averaging 80,000 refugees per year. Despite this, the Administration set the admissions ceiling to a historic low of 30,000 refugees in FY19. Resettling zero refugees in the U.S. in FY2020 would effectively gut the refugee resettlement program, violate our values as Jews and Americans, and abdicate the American promise of freedom and opportunity.”
Not mentioned in the short news story is the request for the CEILING for 2020 to be set at 95,000. See the letter with its 167 signatures. This is a paragraph from near the end.
We urge the Department of State, in partnership with the other implementing agencies, to restore our country’s refugee admissions cap to at least 95,000 for FY2020.The values of our nation and the safety and well-being of tens of thousands of refugees and their families depend on it.
Don’t miss the list of those that signed the letter, here.
What do they mean by restore the cap to 95,000?
In the last ten years (mostly Obama years!) the cap was no where near 95,000 until Obama set it at 110,000 in September 2017 as he was getting ready to vacate the Oval Office.
Why didn’t he set it at 110,000 or even 95,000 in his previous opportunities to set the CEILING?
I didn’t see these same groups attacking the sainted Obama for his much lower caps in his previous 7 years in office!
They make it sound like we have been admitting that extreme number in the years prior to the arrival of Donald Trump. We have not!
See the last ten years of CEILING data at Wrapsnetand then the actual number of admissions.
And, remember this: in the early years of the refugee program which began in 1980, we were not being invaded by tens of thousands of asylum seekers (wannabe refugees) at our borders as we are today.
I couldn’t manage to get the whole chart on the screen, but the part I want you to see is the column for the CEILING. So what do they mean by claiming the CEILING must be RESTORED to 95,000! Compare the CEILING column to the actual admissions and you will see that Obama’s numbers were high, but not as high as they are demanding that Trump’s should be!
When I saw the newsthe other day about 350 illegal aliens, mostly from the DR Congo, arriving at our southern border and being sent to San Antonio by border patrol I was steamed to say the least! The UN asked Obama to take 50,000 from the DR Congo five years ago. Obama started the migration and Trump is finishing it! What the h***! We have admitted over 50,000 ‘refugees’ from the DR Congo since fiscal year 2015 (not quite 5 years). 50,314 to be exact as of today!
Yet we are expected to welcome hundreds more coming in illegally.
And, by the way, who funded these ‘impoverished’ people to make the long journey from Central Africa? Does anyone in authority ever ask that question?
Before I get to the maddening news and give you some background on why they are now being shipped to “welcoming” Maine, below is a map of where the 50,314 have been placed in less than 5 years. I will bet most of you never had a clue this was happening.
And, if you missed it, the DR Congo is Ebola central in Africa these days! Continue reading “Hundreds of Congolese Asylum Seekers Arrive in Texas, Some Shipped to Maine”→
And, not only that! The Trentonian, via an opinion piece by David Neese, reminds its readers in blue New Jersey about statements from politicians past that should have earned them (at least) a wrist slap from the Southern Poverty Law Center. So where was the Southern Poverty Law Center when we needed them?
You have heard the comments repeatedly lately, but I will bet a buck most Dems outside of the DC beltway have no idea both Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders were so vocal in their demands for border security!
Maybe I’m too hard on the mainstream media! Sometimes they come through with the truth! The Trentonian:
Provocation: Documented facts about ‘undocumented’
Using at least two words that are now verboten in proper Washington circles, writer Neese begins with a little provocation about the hypocrisy that is driving us nuts these days! (Emphasis is mine)
Surely it was a white supremacist — or at a minimum a xenophobic bigot — who brazenly uttered these words: “We simply can’t allow people to pour into the United States undetected, unchecked, circumventing the people who are waiting patiently, diligently, lawfully to become immigrants in the country.”
But, lo and behold, these were not the words of some slope-browed yahoo driving around in a pickup with a confederate decal on the rear window right by the gun rack. These were the words of none other than Barack Obama, spoken in 2005.
Okay, but surely the following words, spoken in 2007, were the sentiments of a Klan rabble-rouser: “I don’t know why we need millions of people to be coming into the country who will work for lower wages than America works and drive down wages even lower than they are now.” Nope, not Klan words. Those were the words ofBernie Sanders, socialist tribune for the toiling proletariat.
Then he gets to the numbers that no one should ignore:
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) puts out a report called “Criminal Alien Statistics.”The 2018 edition notes 208,800 criminal aliens in state and federal prisons, doing time for an assortment of felonies at a taxpayer cost of $1.4 billion annually.
That seems like a lot of offenders behind bars if immigrant crime is merely, as frequently asserted, a “dog-whistle” term the Know Nothings employ to incite resentment of brown people.
Looking at a sample of 197,000 criminal aliens, the GAO reports an average 10 criminal offenses per alien among this group. Ten!
For the period roughly 2011-2016, the GAO reports the following number of offenses by illegal aliens:
— Drugs: 761,200 state, 336,600 federal.
— Assaults: 397,000 state, 108,400 federal.
— Weapons: 124,709 state, 44,500 federal.
— Sex offenses: 120,300 state, 13,600 federal.
— Robberies: 54,700 state, 13,500 federal.
— Homicides: 50,300 state, 6,000 federal.
— Kidnappings: 18,600 state, 5,000 federal.
Go hereto read it all.
Thank you Mr. Neese and The Trentonian. (If you are wondering, I don’t know David Neese.) Looking for something to do? Get Neese’s piece circulating on social media. Not my post, but his original (here) and consider contacting The Trentonian to thank them for publishing it.