Trump: Republicans Not Willing to Fight for the Presidency; How many are owned by China?

“[I]t’s just not going anywhere. It’s going down like a shot dog.” (Low class comment by Senator John Thune (R-SD) about any election challenge that might occur on January 6th.) If there is any bright side to the train wreck, the Election Steal of 2020, it is very clear that most Republicans are timid and … Continue reading Trump: Republicans Not Willing to Fight for the Presidency; How many are owned by China?

Cross-posted from Refugee Resettlement Watch: How RINOs Undermined the President

Yesterday I wrote about Elizabeth Neumann, a former Republican big wig at the Department of Homeland Security who claimed she supported the President initially because she is pro-life, but decided to work against him because he cut back on immigration and talked mean “racist” talk. Talk, she says, that makes America less safe. So much … Continue reading Cross-posted from Refugee Resettlement Watch: How RINOs Undermined the President