I expect everyone reading this post to watch this 18 minute video that the media does not want you to see. Those 18 minutes will dispel any confusion you might have about what is happening to us at this critical juncture in the history of our great country!
For the moment it is here at Youtube with an introduction explaining why it might not continue to be available at Youtube which is censoring any video that questions the integrity of Election 2020.
Update: As expected this version was removed as well.
You will learn why it is so important for the Communist Party of China to make sure that Donald J. Trump is removed from the White House.
When you come to Washington DC on January 6th, or when you do whatever you can where you live to resist the Biden/Harris coup, remember you aren’t just fighting a corrupt Democrat Party (and weak Republicans) and their media lackeys you are standing up to the Chinese Communist Party. It is 1776 all over again!
From the Plot to Steal America:
I don’t ask much of anyone, however….
I have 1,339 subscribers to ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and I am asking every one of you to click on the Rumble link (even if you have been able to watch the video on Youtube). Rumbleis Youtube’s competition.
I can tell how many of you click on links and am going to be pretty ticked-off, if you don’t do this. Frankly I will know if spending my time writing this blog is a waste!
The other day I posted a list of conservative news aggregator sites (see it updated here with more reader suggestions), but you should be reading the leftwing propaganda sites from time to time as well—very edifying. Like this one….
Common Dreamssnarks that Vice President Mike Pence, who they intimate is an Islamophobe, got the Chinese Virus vaccine and by doing so, they say, he is a hypocrite.
I’m posting this to show you what the hard Lefties are writing, but also to inform you that Turkish Muslims living in Germany are the creators of the Pfizer vaccine.
What Common Dreams wants its readers to know is this—yousee all immigrants are good people who benefit society.
But, frankly for every deserving immigrant I can give you ten frauds, crooks and criminals as I have been saying and cataloging for over a decade.
Pence, Who Backed Muslim Visa Ban, Gets Vaccine Invented by Muslim Immigrants
Pence also praised far right-wing evangelical leader John Hagee. Hagee has said that Muslim Americans are not real Americans.
Defeated Vice President Mike Pence got the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Friday.
Here is why he is a hypocrite.
Pence served for four years in the Trump administration, which initiated a visa ban against Muslims. Although he had in 2015 called any such ban “unconstitutional,” he folded when Trump insisted on it and proudly stood behind the Mad Presidentwhen he signed the order.
Pence also praised far right-wing evangelical leader John Hagee. Hagee has said that Muslim Americans are not real Americans.
Pence has, further, improperly pressured USAID to route US foreign aid to the Middle East away from Muslims and to Christians instead.
Pence is a serial science denier. He says smoking cigarettes does not cause cancer. He has called the human-caused climate emergency “a myth.”
Ugur Sahin and Özlem Türeci
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine involves science and Muslim immigrants, so why is he getting it?
Pfizer partnered in developing the vaccine with a German firm, BioNTech, which was founded and is headed by the Turkish-German husband-wife team of Ugur Sahin and Özlem Türeci. BioNTech really developed the vaccine, though Pfizer is the one with the ability to mass-manufacture and distribute it.
The two are Turkish-German Muslims. [Gasp!]
Author Juan Cole goes on to report(breathlessly) that Sahin and Türeci are now both billionaires. It is unclear why that matters.
As far as I am concerned the jury is still out on whether the vaccine is a success or not.
Meanwhile, search “new Covid strain identified in UK” and see that the world is in a panic as evidenced by every major news outlet spreading more fear. Of course the big SCIENCE question is: will Pfizer’s vaccine work against the new strain (assuming it even works on the original strain)?
Arrested in the Philippines in 2019, he is alleged to have trained to be a pilot in order to use a hijacked plane to crash into a building on American soil. Novel strategy!
The FBI describes him as a Kenyan national, but it is pretty clear that Cholo Abdi Abdullah, working for the Somali terrorist group al Shabab, is a Somali.
Maybe the FBI doesn’t want to say that so as not to offend the sensibilities of Rep. Ilhan Omar.
Yippee! The FBI worked really hard, did I say really hard, to nab another Islamic terrorist, but I could care less when they have not worked really, really hard to discover who are the terrorists who plotted and are still plotting to overthrow our election system and indeed our government.
I know it would have been sad if this pathetic creep had gotten away with hijacking a plane, but that pales in comparison to the Communist takeover of the United States happening before our eyes.
So is this little nugget thrown out to divert our attention?
Reader Cathy sent me the Justice Department press release last night, here, and this morning I searched for news on the FBI’s big-get and it is everywhere. Every Leftwing media outlet has the news***, probably front page, happy to distract us from the real terrorists behind the Democrat Party and their Chinese overlords.
As usual, the UK Daily Mailhas a report with a photo of Cholo Abdi Abdullah.
“Thanks to the outstanding investigative work of the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the FBI’s global partnerships with law enforcement agencies around the world, Abdullah’s plot was detected before he could achieve his deadly aspirations.” Whoop-de-do! How about using our global partners to find the plotters against our election system!
Feds charge Kenyan al-Shabab terrorist with plotting 9/11-style attack on American city: Jihadi trained as a pilot and was arrested in Philippines with a gun and a bomb
As usual the Daily Mail has a handy summary at the top of its story.
Cholo Abdi Abdullah allegedly spent years training to carry out a 9/11-style attack; he pleaded not guilty to the charges in a New York court Wednesday
Abdullah, who has been in custody since 2019, was extradited to the US Tuesday
He allegedly took orders from al-Shabab commander behind 2019 Nairobi attack
He researched ways to enter the US and how to hijack a plane, prosecutors say
Abdullah faces multiple charges and if convicted 20 years to life in prison
It is not clear which skyscrapers or cities were part of the alleged plot
But the acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney called it ‘a chilling callback’ to 9/11
I’m waiting for a mugshot(s) of the major plotters, the terrorists, behind the coup to overthrow our country.
***Search the Somali Islamic terrorist’s name and see what I mean about the widespread coverage.
And Biden taps Awan’s collaborator Xavier Becerra for HHS boss.
“Congress Pays $850,000 to Muslim Aides Targeted inInquiry Stoked by Trump,” reads the November 25 New York Times headline. According to the story, the previously unreported settlement is one of the largest to resolve discrimination or harassment claims, in this case by people who “lost their jobs and endured harassment in part because of their Muslim faith and South Asian origins.”
Reporters Noam Scheiber and Nicholas Fandos give no date for settlement and do not explain why it was “previously unreported.” Congress reportedly made the payment but the only House member quoted is Florida Democrat Ted Deutch, a leading figure in Democrats’ charge that candidate Donald Trump was guilty of collusion with Russiaand a vocal proponent of impeaching President Trump.
“It is tragic and outrageous the way right-wing media and Republicans all the way up to President Trump attempted to destroy the lives of an immigrant Muslim-American family based on scurrilous allegations,” Deutch told Sheiber and Fandos. As they explain, the settlement was also “an attempt to bring a close to a convoluted saga that led to one of the most durable — and misleading — story lines of the Trump era.”
What started as “a relatively ordinary House inquiry into procurement irregularities by Imran Awan, three members of his family and a friend, who had a bustling practice providing members of Congress with technology support, was twisted into lurid accusations of hacking government information.” That side of the story could use more detail.
Of all the IT people in all the IT firms in all the world, House Democrats thought Imran Awan was best man for the job. Sometimes working from his native Pakistan, Awan and his family team accessed the computers of some 40 Democrats, including those on the intelligence and foreign affairs committees. Without their consent Awan and his team stashed the Democrats’ data on a server controlled by Xavier Becerra, chair of the House Democratic Caucus.
Capitol Police wanted a copy of the server but the one Awan produced turned out to be a fake. In February, 2017, Awan and his team got booted off the House computer network, but Becerra had already fled to California where Gov. Jerry Brown made him state attorney general. Becerra had nothing to say about Awan’s IT intrigue, and he got additional protection from federal judge Tanya S. Chutkan.
Interesting tidbit here:Shahid Imran Awan got here by ‘winning’ the green card lottery another immigration scam on the American people.
I wonder if there is more information about this case that the President might see fit to declassify? With the public no longer trusting the FBI/DOJ you never know what they might be hiding.
Now for your daily chuckle!
I have been itching for an opportunity to post the video of bumbling Biden announcing a big job for Becerra. Listen to him completely butcher the name and not even know that the Department of Health, Education and….. hasn’t existed since 1979!
It really is pathetic how the crooked Dems used this mentally incompetent man.
Not even “President Elect” yet and already filling imaginary cabinet positions with fictitious people… sure this was a fair & just election- nothing to see here! Exactly what is the department of “Health and education ggddhuuv”? pic.twitter.com/Im6FZWiQox
Three Republican leaders have refused to begin planning for a Biden/Harris inauguration and that has the Leftwing media throwing a hissy fit again.
By the way, it will be interesting to see what kind of inauguration will happen on January 20th in light of the COVID ‘crisis’ social distancing requirements.
Surely if its ol’ Joe and Kamala they will place circles on the Capitol lawn to keep the crowds (ha!ha!) down, but who would bother coming out under the circumstances.
Here is Yahoo Newsinsisting Biden won and so how dare the Republicans refuse to start planning:
As Biden passes ‘safe harbor’ milestone, Republicans on inaugural committee refuse to say he won
Republicans on the Joint Congressional Committee on the Inaugural Ceremonies voted on Tuesday against a resolution stating that the committee was preparing for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
One more little stunt by Pelosi and Hoyer for the lapdog media to run with!
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.; and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., all voted against the resolution. The three Democrats on the committee, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who introduced the measure; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.; and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., voted in favor. The measure, which would have recognized what Democrats and some Republicans say is obvious — that Biden won the election — failed to pass on a 3-3 tie vote.
“The extent to which Republicans are refusing to accept the outcome of the election and recognize Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next president and vice president is astounding,” Hoyer said in a statement released after the meeting of the committee. “Their continued deference to President Trump’s postelection temper tantrums threatens our democracy and undermines faith in our system of elections.”
The presidential inauguration traditionally occurs on the Capitol steps, although, owing to the coronavirus pandemic, plans for the ceremonies on Jan. 20 are in flux.
And as if we didn’t already know….
Hoyer’s motion to recognize Biden and Harris as the winners was basically symbolic; the joint committee has no power to decide who gets inaugurated.
But there was one useful thing in the Yahoo story and it is this.
It directs us to a Washington Post surveyof Senators and Members of Congress where we learn The Post attempted to survey all Republicans to see who was willing to say that Biden has won.
Most never bothered to answer. However, a handful did and of the 26 lawmakers identified as either saying outright that Biden won, or The Post found comments they made in support of a Biden win and thus created this list of 26.
Now this is a very handy list for you! If one of the 26 represents you (even if they are retiring), get on the phone today and let them know that you are not happy, that you are in fact pissed.
If the their office claims they were erroneously placed on this list, then tell them to get the list corrected by calling the Washington Post.
The headline in the WaPosays 27, but when you actually go to the list there are 26 named. I’m guessing they originally fingered 27 and someone complained, but the story was never corrected.
I’ve screenshot them below in case they disappear.
Just 27 congressional Republicans acknowledge Biden’s win, Washington Post survey finds
Just 27 congressional Republicans acknowledge Joe Biden’s win over President Trump a month after the former vice president’s clear victory of more than 7 million votes nationally and a convincing electoral-vote margin that exactly matched Trump’s 2016 tally.
If you are not in the habit of reading the Washington Post (I’m not either) then it comes as kind of a shock that there is not even a pretense of reporting straight news. Reporters simply report their opinions as fact.
Those are the findings of a Washington Post survey of all 249 Republicans in the House and Senate that began the morning after Trump posted a 46-minute video Wednesday evening in which he wrongly claimed he had defeated Biden and leveled wild and unsubstantiated allegations of “corrupt forces” who stole the outcome from the sitting president.
In response to the congressional Republicans who have called Biden president-elect identified in the Post survey, Trump tweeted Saturday: “I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the . . . RINOS,” the disparaging acronym for Republican in name only.
See that a few, including Senator Sasse of Nebraska, did not respond and there is no supporting documentation for putting him on the list. Since he is a long-time anti-Trump R, did The Post just assume he is in the Biden-won camp?
Now let’s get to the list of Republicans who have said on record, one way or another (according to the WaPo), that Biden clearly won the election.
Notice that some of these did not respond, so The Postfound statements they made and used those as the basis of their placement on the pro-Biden Republican list.
Again, looking for something to do from the comfort of your home! Call some of these REPUBLICAN offices and tell them what you think—the election is NOT OVER!
I’ll try to remember to go back to the list in a week or so and see how many of your elected officials told The Washington Post that they want to be removed from the list.