Of course you would only know that if you were following Utah media reports on the case. The national media has long since moved on after an initial little flurry of coverage back in June and early July.
Once the mainstream media figured out that this was not a story they wanted to help spread—African man, here illegally, slaughters beautiful white girl—because it doesn’t fit the narrative of immigrants as people just like us looking for a better life, the veil on the case has dropped. My previous posts on the horrible murder are here: https://fraudscrookscriminals.com/?s=Ajayi
Except in Utah where bits of news come out every few days. Stories like this one:
New witness: MacKenzie Lueck murder suspect wanted to carry out ‘disturbing’ project
Before I get to the story, let me say again that because of the Leftwing media mob’s on-going efforts to keep quiet about news that doesn’t fit their political agenda we have a whole generation of young people who are not sufficiently wary about monsters likeAyoola Ajayi.
Is no one warning their daughters and granddaughters to be more careful about who they meet up with through social media? Are all the Progressive parents too fearful of looking like ‘racists’ to their own kids?
One of the things that struck me on reading this latest report from Utah is how dumb the alleged killer is.
We heard he was some savvy IT guy who was building an image of himself as a person of quality.
Sheesh, he was dumb.
Didn’t he know that his phone would ultimately be his undoing as the police used its location to move in quickly?
Of course not quickly enough to save Mackenzie who apparently foolishly never let anyone know where she was going at 3 a.m.
Here is the news from Fox13 in Salt Lake City:
SALT LAKE CITY — New details are unfolding in the investigation into the murder of University of Utah student MacKenzie Lueck, and a witness is now describing why he’s troubled by what he said suspect Ayoola Ajayi asked him to do in the days after Lueck disappeared. Ajayi allegedly tried to burn Lueck’s body in the backyard of this house. Don’t miss what a housekeeper told the media. https://www.insideedition.com/alleged-mackenzie-lueck-killer-was-ted-bundy-says-former-house-cleaner-54104
That man said Ajayi reached out to him for a backyard landscaping project. That proposed project has now turned into evidence for detectives.
Landon Fullmer owns 360 Landscapes. He’s taken on quite a few projects for the busy summer season.
Though, when he thinks about this summer, there’s one project, in particular, he’ll always remember — even though he never actually took it on. He said a man named Ayoola Ajayi contacted Fullmer through Angie’s List on Monday, June 24. That was one week after Lueck disappeared, and days after her family reported her missing. Apparently, Ajayi wanted the land in his backyard leveled. That’s all he indicated on his request, Fullmer said.
“We had a phone conversation,” Fullmer explained. “I asked him to be a little bit more specific in what he was looking for. He said his backyard needed to be leveled or graded, maybe some soil and some sod brought in.”
Continue reading here.
Fullmer never did meet up with Ajayi to discuss the project because on the day they were scheduled to talk, the police had swooped in on Ajayi and were focusing on the back yard.
Just like the case of alleged serial killer Billy Chemirmir in Texas, I’m staying on it because it does have lessons to teach. Of course, lessons the PC media doesn’t want to give you! So what do you do?
Make sure this story doesn’t die! Send it around through social media and consider that by doing so you might actually save the life of some naive young woman (or man) who is living in diversity-is-beautiful la-la land!
This morning I wanted to see whether the news of two days agoabout Somali refugees being arrested in Arizona as they tried to board a plane for Egypt in order to join ISIS had reached the mainstream media.
Apparently other than a mention on Fox News that got the President’s attention and mentions on some Washington DC publications, the story is not getting much national coverage.
Did the Washington Post mention the news? Nope. How about The New York Times? Nope again.
But I do see it mentioned on Yahoo Entertainment with this headline. LMHO! The story is about Trump and his tweets!
Trump tweets arrests of Somali ISIS sympathizers in Arizona: ‘Get smart people!’
President Trump on Tuesday used the megaphone that is his Twitter feed to draw attention to the arrest of two Somali refugees in Arizona who authorities say were planning to travel from Tucson to Egypt to join the Islamic State. This is why the mainstream media hates Trump, he gets the news out that they don’t want to report.
Ahmed Mahad Mohamed, 21, and Abdi Yemani Hussein, 20, were charged with providing support to a terror group. They were arrested Friday at Tucson International Airport. According to federal authorities, Mohamed had told an undercover FBI agent during social media exchanges that he was “thirsty” for the blood of disbelievers and that “the best wake up call is [for the] Islamic State to get victory or another 911.”
The president also tagged “Fox & Friends,” typically an indication that the tweet was responding to a segment on his favorite cable news morning show. [Maybe the Prez watches Fox because it reports on news like this!—ed] The indictment did not indicate that the two men had committed any acts of violence in the United States.
That last line is the Left’s go-to position on any refugee terrorist charge. Well they didn’t kill any Americans yet! Duh! Because law enforcement nabbed them before they could!
By the way, this pair of Islamic refugee terrorists most likely got into the US during the Obama era.
It’s a very good thing that Trump has his Twitter “megaphone.” Shame the mainstream media! Keep ’em coming!
Editor: This week the President challenged local Democrat elected officials to fix their decaying cities with special attention to Baltimore. But, I am seeing no mention of the unsuccessful push there for more than a decade to rebuild Baltimore with immigrants. This is a post I wrote in May of 2015 at Refugee Resettlement Watch as Baltimore was in flames. Changing American cities by changing the people (pushing out African Americans!)? Is it possible that diversity doesn’t build economic strength, but in fact further destroys African American communities?
Baltimore: Thousands of impoverished refugees poured into city in last ten years; fuel for the fire?
Is Baltimore a failed social experiment in the government’s (and big business’s) push for more diversity in your towns and cities? Can we call it a first spectacular failure for Obama’s Task Force on New Americans plan to seed communities with third-worlders? The Lutheran Center in Baltimore is home to Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, one of the Top Nine refugee resettlement contractors in the country, and it is headquartered in one of Baltimore’s better neighborhoods. This is what we said in 2014: Gotta keep up their real estate holdings! The Lutheran Center is a six-story structure constructed in 1999 on property owned by Baltimore’s historic Christ Lutheran Church. The building is located near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in the historic Federal Hill neighborhood, a charming area rich with history and an eclectic array of eateries and shopping venues. In fact, Baltimore is a preferred refugee resettlement site according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement!
Baltimore, a majority African American (63%) city where we hear jobs are scarce and poverty is profound, with by several accounts amounting to 25% of the population living below the poverty level, the US State Department and its refugee resettlement contractors have nevertheless been pouring more diversity and consequently more poverty into the city for at least a decade.
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake fell for the feds ‘progressive’ schemehere in 2012when she said that bringing more refugees and immigrants to the city would boost the economy completely failing to understand that, just because African Americans are black, they wouldn’t simply ‘welcome’ the rainbow colors of the world to compete with them for jobs, housing and scarce social services.
The hard truth was revealed in the New York Times of all places. African Americans don’t take kindly to diversity!
Here is one shocking little fact that was buried in a New York Timesstory about the recent riots: Black gang leaders directed angry rioters to Asian and Arab shops while protecting stores owned and run by fellow African Americans.
Then he described how he and some Bloods had stood in front of black-owned stores to protect them from looting or vandalism. He said they had made sure no black children, or reporters, were hit by rioters. They pointed them toward Chinese- and Arab-owned stores. Charles said Mr. Gray had brought gangs together.
So much for the diversity-is-beautiful myth!
How much diversity has been brought to Baltimore to compete with poor African Americans?
This morning [in May 2015—ed] I went to the data baseand checked out the numbers of refugees deposited in Baltimore since 2005. I’m listing only countries of origin if there were more than 10 refugees resettled there. There were many other countries represented by smaller numbers.
Baltimore’s new diversity (these are newly resettled from abroad since 2005 [to May of 2015.—ed], not secondary migrants from elsewhere in the US):
Azerbaijan (10)
Bhutan (1,352)
Burma (1,109)
Burundi (11)
Cent. African Republic (16)
Congo (26)
DR Congo (253)
Eritrea (374)
Iran (136)
Iraq (404)
Liberia (99)
Nepal (10)
Pakistan (13)
Palestine (19)
Russia (196)
Somalia (217)
Sudan (225)
Syria (26)
Uzbekistan (36)
Vietnam (15) All are in direct competition with African Americans for jobs, education, housing and social services. And, these numbers do not include the thousands of illegal aliens welcomed to Baltimore in the last decade!
(End of 2015 post.) Afterthought: Can we conclude that pouring ‘new Americans’ into impoverished and decaying US cities is not the panacea the Progressive social engineers want you to believe?
If it works then we should see Baltimore as a shining city on the bay by now, right?
You might want to revisit Robert Putnam’s workabout how diversity in fact destroys community cohesiveness.
This is rich!
I’ve been reporting hereand at Refugee Resettlement Watch ( for years before WordPress took it down) that a major lobbying group for more immigration to America—theNew American Economy—is telling you to “welcome” the stranger.
But, darn don’t put them in our hotels!
Here, before you read the latest from the do-as-I-say crowd, are the original leaders of the New American Economy.
Although they make it sound like they are taking a principled stand on a political issue you can bet the driving force is that they don’t want to lose business from Lefties who want no one detained (even in a fancy hotel!) and they don’t want their high-end patrons to have to mingle with the riffraff. Forbes on Wednesday,
Major Hotel Franchises Decline To House Detained Migrants For ICE
Earlier this month the Trump administration announced that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would carry out actions to detain undocumented immigrant families. The declaration drew protests from around the country, and one cohort that pushed back notably was the hotel industry, including some massive hotel franchises. As long as I’ve been blogging (12 years) Bill Marriott (net worth 2.7 billion) has been pushing for more cheap migrant and refugee laborers to service his hotel empire.
Marriott, Hilton, Choice Hotels, Best Western, Wyndham, Hyatt, IHG and MGM Resorts***all released statements saying they don’t want their hotels used to detain migrants, according to a report from the Associated Press.
So now who is breaking up families?
Hotels are sometimes used to house detained migrants before they are transported to detention centers or deported to their place of origin, ICE Director Matthew Albence told the AP. Not having them as a resource could lead to the further breakup of families, he added. “If hotels or other places do not want to allow us to utilize that, they’re almost forcing us into a situation where we’re going to have to take one of the parents and put them in custody and separate them from the rest of their families.”
Hotel giant Marriot, in a statement released July 11, said: “While we have no particular insights into whether the U.S. government is considering the use of hotels to aid in the situation at the border, Marriott has made the decision to decline any requests to use our hotels as detention facilities.”
More here.
***The next time you make a hotel reservation check that list!
“Refugee backers….worry that the doomsday scenario — taking numbers down to zero — could debilitate the resettlement program for years to come.”
I had planned to immediately this morning jump on the Rep. Ilhan Omar (Somali refugee) marriage scam story, but need to tell you about this breaking news first. Church World Service which receives millions in federal grants and contracts to place refugees in your towns and cities is crying the blues…..
A little background….
Every year at this time various administration agencies and the federal resettlement contractors (also called incorrectly ‘charities’) get together to plan for the coming fiscal year and how many refugees should be admitted and from where.
The State Department then in conjunction with the White House prepares the Presidential Determination that is sent to Congress in September for consultation with various committees. However, it is the President who has the power under the Refugee Act of 1980 to set the CEILING for the coming year.
One step in the process that has now been missing for years is the “scoping meeting” which for many many years was held in May or June and it was an opportunity for the public to weigh in with views on the scope of the program. Longtime readers of Refugee Resettlement Watchmay recall that for a number of years during the Obama Administration those of us with concerns about the program swamped them with comments. That opportunity for public comment was dropped and the Trump Administration has never revived it.
So here we are again the annual squabble over numbers of refugees for the coming fiscal year has begun (FY20 begins on October 1, 2019). Previously I saw that the nine federal contractors (Church World Service is one of the nine) who are paid to place the refugees are again pushing for 75,000.
Not happy with what they learned last week from the Trump team, they have leaked to Politico and surely other news outlets to vent and to stir up their minions to put pressure on Congress and the White House so they can continue to be paid to change America by changing the people.
And, get this! Heritage Foundation is on the side of more refugees rather than less!