Columbus, Ohio (again): Fishy Refugee Story Used to Bash Trump

Religion News Service has published a lengthy and whiney report on the status of the US Refugee Admissions Program under the Trump Administration.  It is a useful summary in some ways of where the refugee industry is these days.

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Daycare worker Khadra Abdo wants to bring her five grown children to the US!

But, don’t be fooled, all of the federal contractors are still in place and still being funded. They have simply hunkered down to wait Trump out.
The story (hat tip: Joanne) is an excuse to bash Trump, but is interesting as it begins with a refugee sob story (as they all do because the Left loves stories!), that raised some questions for me about how this Columbus, Ohio Somali woman got into the US in the first place.
And, one more thing!  Just because the word “religion” is in the name of this publication that doesn’t mean it is a religious publication!  It is a media source with a Leftist spin for news that might eventually appear in places like the Washington Post.

Two years after Trump’s travel ban, faith-based refugee groups struggle

“My first thought is that I hope they are safe today, and that stays on my mind throughout the whole day,” Abdo told Religion News Service through an interpreter provided by Church World Service.
The 40-year-old Muslim mother of seven was separated from her five oldest children from a first marriage nearly 12 years ago when she and her second husband fled civil war twice — first in Somalia, then in Libya. When they arrived in Columbus, Ohio, as asylum seekers in 2012, she filed a request for her four teenaged daughters and one son, living with her 75-year-old mother in Ethiopia, to join her through World Relief.
Seven years later, she is still waiting. And the World Relief office that once helped her has been closed.
That closure in 2017 was a “direct result” of President Trump’s executive order to cut the number of refugees resettled that year in the United States, World Relief said at the time.

reporter emily miller
Reporter Emily Miller

Do these young reporters have no curiosity?  Here is what I want to know:
First, why did she have to leave her children behind in Ethiopia? And now nearly grown up, aren’t they safe in Ethiopia?  Wouldn’t Abdo be safe in Ethiopia with grandma and the five kids.
If she came to the US as an asylum seeker, that means she actually got in to the US with her present hubby (or at least we presume hubby is with her) and was not screened and admitted as a regular refugee.  Did she come across our southern or northern border?
Did she go through the asylum system and was she granted refugee status?
And, heck, why would you try to run to Libya in the first place?  Were they planning to break into Europe across the Mediterranean?
We have been told she has been here seven years, but still needs an interpreter?
Religion News continues…

Abdo now is pursuing her case through Community Refugee and Immigration Services, Church World Service’s refugee and immigration office in Columbus.
She talks “constantly” on the phone with her children in Ethiopia, she said through an interpreter. She works at a daycare and cares for her two youngest children, one born at a refugee camp in Libya and the other in the United States.
But, she said, “It is very hard and very difficult for a mother to be separated from her kids every day.” [What the hell, she left her kids behind 12 years ago!—ed]
In the meantime, Abdo is studying for her U.S. citizenship exam, which she hopes to pass this month.

This month! She can’t even speak English!
Religion News might have chosen a better star for their story!
See my earlier post today about a Columbus fraudster (from Abdo’s ‘community?) going to jail!

question markI’ve been tagging posts by the state where the fraud, crime, whatever, happened.  I’m thinking Ohio might be taking the prize so far!  What is up with Ohio?

Minneapolis: Open Borders Agitators Organized and Active

On January 24th, a Minneapolis government employee led a public forum entitled “Immigrant Moral Witness, Moral Action.” 
I’m posting this for a couple of reasons. First, to show you once again how the Open Borders (really I should call them No Borders) activists are working to control the language.  The implication is that if you don’t agree with them, you are somehow immoral!
And, of course they are again trying to get the media and you to think about all immigrants (legal and illegal) as “New Americans.”
But, more importantly I want you to see that they are organized and have tips for the types of actions they want citizens to take. Are you getting organized?
From the MinnPost:

10 things you can do right now to help immigrants and refugees in Minnesota and beyond

Michelle Rivero
Rivero works for the taxpayers of Minneapolis at the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs:

At last week’s “Immigrant Moral Witness, Moral Action” forum at First Universalist Church of Minneapolis, Michelle Rivero wrapped up her presentation by talking about the importance of speaking out with love. Given her experience as an immigration attorney and as Minneapolis’ first-ever director of the newly created Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (OIRA), Rivero said it was an emotional but necessary bit of information shared amid the rest of the night’s topics. Rivero expanded on her comments for MinnPost, and provided some nuts-and-bolts information for anyone interested in helping out in the face of how the federal government is treating asylum seekers and would-be new Americans.
“I strongly feel that if you are advocating for a position, it’s important to do so with sincerity, with honesty, with humility. If an issue is very important to you, and obviously immigration is very important to me, I think the more that we can all do to convince people of why the path that we feel we should be on is the right path, the better off we’ll be as a society. And I think when you do that with sincerity, even people who disagree with you, you can find commonalities with.

Now here (below) are Rivero’s ten tips for Minnesotan Open Borders activists. (It isn’t just more Somalis they are looking for!).
Read the whole MinnPost article for details because it will give you information you can use if your goal is to see immigration to the US (and to Minnesota) brought under control.  Knowledge is power!
1. Give money to organizations and causes.
2. Be a vocal advocate for the causes you support.
3. Support an organization working to provide support to asylum seekers at the border
4. Pay immigration bonds.
5. Learn about what your city is doing regarding immigration-related issues and ask how you can partner.
6. Send local immigration attorneys to the border.
7. Support the work of Clues and other social service organizations.
8. Be informed on immigration issues and issues that touch immigrants.
9. Support MIRAC (Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee).
10. Support Release MN8.
Read it all, here.

question markIt is one thing to read news on the internet and to watch cable news, but are you talking to those around you and getting politically organized? They are!

"Birth Tourism" Arrests Beg the Question: Why did Feds Wait So Long?

birth tourism
New American anchor babies here we come!

You might have seen the news about the big federal bust of a Chinese fraud ring responsible for bringing in pregnant Chinese women to give birth so that their babies would have US citizenship, but why is this the first big bust?
This scam on America has been going on probably for decades. I’ve been hearing about it for more then ten years!

I repeat: Why did the US government permit this to go on so long? (long enough for the perps to become millionaires!).

Here is the Fox News story, but for more of the disgusting details see the Department of Justice press release, here.

19 charged in Chinese ‘birth tourism’ crackdown: US prosecutors

Federal authorities charged 19 people on Thursday in the first crackdown on birth tourism businesses, which prosecutors say bring hundreds of pregnant women from China to the United States.
Among the arrested were Dongyuan Li, 41, whose business was called “You Win USA,” which coached pregnant Chinese women on how to get into the United States to deliver babies. Those infants would then enjoy all the benefits of American citizenship. Over two years, she raked in millions through her business, where mothers-to-be paid between $40,000 and $80,000 each to come to California, stay in an upscale apartment and give birth, authorities said.
Jing Dong, 42, and Michael Wei Yueh Liu, 53, who allegedly operated “USA Happy Baby,” also were arrested.
More than a dozen others, including the operator of another such business, also face charges but are believed to have returned to China, said the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles.
“America’s way of life is not for sale,” said Joseph Macias, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations Los Angeles, in a statement to Fox News.
Homeland Security “will aggressively target those who would make a mockery of our laws and our values to benefit and enrich themselves.”
While it isn’t illegal to visit the United States while pregnant, authorities said the businesses — which were raided by federal agents in 2015 — touted the benefits of having U.S. citizen babies, who could get free public education and years later help their parents immigrate.

More here.
Chinese baby
Be sure to see the DOJ press release with more gory details.
Note that many of those whose indictments are now unsealed have left the country.
Here is one paragraph that you need to see which tells you that our Justice Department took a helluva long time to go after these Chinese crooks.

You Win USA!

The federal investigation into Dongyuan Li’s You Win USA scheme has resulted in seizure and/or forfeiture proceedings against three real properties with millions of dollars in equity, including her $2.1 million residence in Irvine; six vehicles, including four Mercedes Benz vehicles; more than $1 million from bank accounts; and many gold bars and coins.

By the way, China is not the only country sending its nationals to the US for this scam, I see that the Russians are doing it as well.  And, I am sure those two countries are not alone in taking advantage of us.

question markWhat should you do?
Spread this news as far and wide as you can, don’t allow it to be a flash-in-the-pan national story!
Thinking about running for political office? You could and should build your whole campaign around fighting fraud!  It would be a winner!

Michigan: Feds Bust "pay to stay" Foreign Student Immigration Fraud Network

This story should warm your heart—we are nabbing at least some of the cheaters!
This time it was by setting a trap for them with the creation of a fake university with all the trappings of a real college.

The feds fake University of Farmington was located in this building says the Detroit News

Thanks to the Detroit News for another juicy story.

Feds used fake Michigan university in immigration sting

Federal agents used a fake university in Farmington Hills to lure alleged phony foreign students who were trying to stay in the United States illegally.
The University of Farmington had no staff, no instructors, no curriculum and no classes but was utilized by undercover Homeland Security agents to identify people involved in immigration fraud, according to federal grand jury indictments unsealed Wednesday.
Eight student recruiters were charged with participating in a conspiracy to help at least 600 foreign citizens stay in the U.S. illegally, according to the indictments, which describe a novel investigation that dates to 2015 but intensified one month into President Donald Trump’s tenure as part of a broader crackdown on illegal immigration.
Simultaneously Wednesday, federal agents arrested dozens of University of Farmington students in a nationwide sweep. The students were arrested on immigration violations and face possible deportation, according to a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Most of the recruiters and students involved are originally from India, according to prosecutors.
“It’s creative and it’s not entrapment,” said Peter Henning, a Wayne State University law professor and former federal prosecutor. “The government can put out the bait, but it’s up to the defendants to fall for it.”
Those charged include:
• Bharath Kakireddy, 29, of Lake Mary, Florida.
• Aswanth Nune, 26, of Atlanta.
• Suresh Reddy Kandala, 31, of Culpeper, Virginia.
• Phanideep Karnati, 35, of Louisville, Kentucky.
• Prem Kumar Rampeesa, 26, of Charlotte, North Carolina.
• Santosh Reddy Sama, 28, of Fremont, California.
• Avinash Thakkallapally, 28, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
• Naveen Prathipati, 29, of Dallas.
“… the university was being used by foreign citizens as a ‘pay to stay’ scheme which allowed these individuals to stay in the United States as a result of of foreign citizens falsely asserting that they were enrolled as full-time students in an approved educational program and that they were making normal progress toward completion of the course of study,” the indictment reads.

More here.  Please go read it and send traffic to the story because the reporter, Robert Snell, has been doing great work on fraud cases.

question markAre you thinking about this?  As we focus virtually all mainstream media coverage on the crisis at our southern border (yes, it is important), the national media is keeping us in the dark about some huge stories involving illegal immigrants (and legal ones !) who are ripping us off through fraud and other criminal activity that we must suffer and pay for.


New Americans (and PC Politicians) are killing us! TB again!

“[T]he bacteria originated with an international student and spread to at least seven others who had close contact with them.”

Doug Schultz, a Health Department spokesman

Yes, immigrants can kill with guns as Wilber Martinez-Guzman obviously did in Nevada earlier this month and they can kill with contagious diseases like Tuberculosis, but the national media, Leftwing Open Borders agitators and most politicians dodge and weave and don’t want to make that direct connection.  I will.
Check out the story last week from Minnesota!
From the Star Tribune:

TB outbreak tied to Minnesota State, Mankato under investigation

The Minnesota Department of Health is investigating a tuberculosis outbreak among eight people associated with Minnesota State University, Mankato.

mankato welcomes
Mankato is a refugee welcoming city.

State health officials are asking clinics to look out for tuberculosis symptoms in college-aged individuals who have spent time at the university since August 2016.
“Typically, health care providers seeing respiratory issues in an average, otherwise healthy 20-something Minnesotan wouldn’t normally be thinking TB,” Doug Schultz, a Health Department spokesman said late Thursday. Risk factors for the infection usually include travel abroad to a country where TB is common, but in this case, all but one contracted TB in the United States.
Investigators believe the bacteria originated with an international student and spread to at least seven others who had close contact with them, Schultz said.

What if that “international student” had not been diagnosed for another few months, how many more would be infected?

To contain the outbreak, health officials contacted about 700 people who may have interacted with the patients, such as roommates and significant others. Of those, they identified another 30 individuals who have a latent form of TB, meaning they tested positive for the bacteria but didn’t exhibit symptoms.

Did the 30! with latent TB acquire it from the one “international” student (but, hey, isn’t everyone entering the country supposed to be tested BEFORE they enter!)?

Minnesota clinics typically see around 140 TB cases each year, but an outbreak this size is considered unusual.
Though many think TB was eradicated years ago, about 10,000 Americans are diagnosed annually with it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The vast majority of TB cases are found in the immigrant (aka new American) population!

In 2017, more than 70 percent of those diagnosed were born outside the United States, including in Africa and Asia, where the disease is common. The percentage of foreign-born TB patients in Minnesota is over 80 percent, experts said.
That year, an outbreak of drug-resistant TB in Ramsey County infected 17 people, killing three of them.

The next time you see one of those glowing reports about how “New Americans” bring economic boom times to struggling cities, see if the report includes the cost to the local health department!
More here.

Fargo, ND Commissioner still trying to move the citizens of North Dakota to action on the issue of TB in the refugee community.  (See my  previous post.)

From Inforum on Monday:

Fargo approves tuberculosis testing program as city official Piepkorn again raises alarm, points finger at LSS

commissioner john strand
Commissioner Strand

Commissioner Strand tells us exactly how fearful some elected officials are—not of TB, but of the PC Leftwing mob!

“This is a delicate issue, Mr. Piepkorn,” Commissioner John Strand said. “I just don’t want to get into targeting populations of people and identifying them as bringing different risks or not.”

The Centers for Disease Control is not as squeamish. Inforum continues,

The program’s guidelines, as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, define high-risk populations. In the context of the TB program, high-risk populations, include, “refugees, migrants or recent arrivals from high incidence countries, high-risk racial/ethnic populations within the jurisdiction, the homeless; injection drug users; recent contacts of an active TB case. Residents of high-risk congregate settings (i.e. jail/prison populations, nursing homes (not employees) and other long-term care facilities for the elderly . . . ” and so on.

Read it all here.

question markIt is great that two local news outlets are more forthcoming about the issue of Tuberculosis in the refugee and migrant population to the US, but why isn’t all this being reported nationally? Why isn’t it on the cable news or in big investigations by the New York Times or Washington Post?  
It is your job to send the news far and wide through your networks! You don’t have to send my post, but send the links for the Star Tribune and Inforum to everyone you know!