It is your classic not-in-my-backyard case where the mostly Democrats who control the Washington DC government and its bedroom communities in Northern Virginia (some of the wealthiest counties in American) are in a furor because the Trump Administration has dared to propose child migrant centers in THEIR communities.
Monica Showhalter writing at the American Thinkertells us all about it,
Rich part of Washington, D.C. goes tooth-and-claw to prevent new child-migrant shelter in its neighborhood
First she tells us what the Washington Post said on Friday about the actions of the local elites.
MANY AMERICANS are rightly outraged by the Trump administration’s treatment of migrant children, who have been separated from parents and ill-treated by authorities. Democrats have been understandably eager to distance themselves from such policies — a stance that can result in knee-jerk opposition even to sensible practices in effect during the Obama administration.
DC Mayor Bowser in pink pussy hat protesting the President
That might explain the nearly uniform outcry from Washington-area politicians incensed at federal plans to build new shelters for migrant children in Northern Virginia and the District .
The shelters, state-licensed and similar to scores across the county in operation since before President Trump took office, would help move migrant children out of squalid, cramped Border Patrol stations near the U.S.-Mexico border. They would provide a way station for unaccompanied minors while federal officials seek to place them with U.S.-based relatives or foster families.
But local politicians, nearly all Democrats, have balked at cooperating with federal authorities on any immigration matter. They have denounced the proposed new shelters with objections that smack of NIMBYism masquerading as humane concern for children.This month, the administration of D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) enacted emergency rules that blocked a planned federal shelter.
The Washington Post is saying that (LOL! not VDARE!).
Showalter goes on. Here are a few snips. I’ve left out her descriptions of some horrible murder cases in the area, so be sure to visit American Thinker for the whole piece.
Actually, the area has been plagued by some of these child migrants, getting its name in the news more than once for its gruesome murders.
MS-13 Recruits the ‘children.’
It’s indisputable that bringing in more unvetted migrants mean there are going to be more of these killings going on, something that might just affect property values and the quality of life in this tony district.
So many gruesome crimes? Gangs increasing? Recruitment younger and younger? Child migrants here alone looking for some “family”? Gangs know child decapitators won’t get punished? With that sort of thing going on, you can bet the migrant center is going to be a bonanza for gang recruitment and a new wave of gruesome crimes.
Funny how these asylum seekers always seem to end up in U.S. areas where those gangs they’re supposedly fleeing are right there waiting for them.
The migrant community that rich Washington D.C. has encouraged for its cheap gardeners and maids — and “can’t live without” — as the Daily Beast says, has always been insulated from the real problems of allowing all unvetted comers into the country.Well, now the place for the child migrant shelter is being rightly placed in an affluent part of Washington so they can live with the consequences of their choices, too.
It sounds like President Trump or whoever he’s got on the federal side trying to build this shelter is combining proximity to the Salvadoran illegal immigrant community – Washington’s largest – with a little taste of the medicine these liberals would like to inflict on the border regions and poorer parts of the country.
I can’t think of a better place to put that shelter. Let them live with the result of their own hypocrisy.
This is an update on the dreadful case in Utah where a Nigerian, who should not have been in the country, allegedly kidnapped, killed and then attempted to burn the body of a college coed, faces new charges.
Suspect in slaying of Utah student MacKenzie Lueck charged with kidnapping, sexually abusing another woman
The man accused of killing MacKenzie Lueck, a 23-year-old University of Utah student, has been charged with four new felony counts of kidnapping and sexually abusing another woman in March 2018.
Ayoola Ajayi’s little house of horrors….
This is the second set of new charges filed against 31-year-old Ayoola Ajayi since he was booked into jail in connection with Lueck’s alleged murder. Last week, prosecutors charged Ajayi with 19 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor after they found numerous pornographic photos of children on his computer.
The charges filed Tuesday in Utah’s 3rd District Court allege he abused a woman he met on an unspecified dating app. Ajayi invited the woman to his home to cook her dinner on March 10, 2018, and the charges allege that while they watched TV on his couch, he started “intensely” kissing her and trying to touch her inappropriately and forcefully.
When the woman tried to get away, Ajayi allegedly pinned her down and bit her at least three times, “causing her significant pain, and left bruising and bite marks,” the charges said. He is now facing a first-degree felony charge of aggravated kidnapping and three counts of forcible sexual abuse, a second-degree felony.
Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill said the woman came to law enforcement with these allegations after Lueck’s death. The delayed report “is understandable because many victims of sexual trauma don’t always disclose,” Gill said.
Presumably this woman is on her knees every day thanking God she didn’t suffer the same fate as poor Mackenzie.
Too bad she didn’t come forward immediately after the incident and maybe the creep would have been removed from the country (wishful thinking on my part because the authorities wouldn’t have booted him for a little sexual abuse!).
But, heck, maybe they would have found the child porn in his home, if the woman had come forward earlier.
Gill also declined to say whether anyone else has come forward with new allegations against Ajayi.
I wonder how many more women abused by the Nigerian (who should have been deported long ago) are out there?
Although my reach is limited, I’m trying to keep some of the most dreadful murder cases involving immigrants in the national spotlight.
Because they don’t fit the politically correct narrative the national media spews out every day, it is important for us to keep instructive cases like this one in front of as many Americans as possible.
See all of my previous posts on Ayoola Ajayi by clicking here.
I think its a good proposal if the goal is to bring attention to the issue and to twist the tails of Progressives, however it has no practical purpose in my opinion, and, here is why:
People (refugees are here legally!) are permitted to move anywhere in America and none of us wants that permission revoked! Freedom of movement is at the very heart of our most cherished ideals as Americans.
Lewiston, Maine Somalis protest
And, since Horowitz mentions Lewiston, Maine in his piece, and since I’m too lazy and too rushed to parse it all, how about if I simply repost most of a post I published at Refugee Resettlement Watchnearly ten years ago entitled,
Somali Migration to Maine: it’s the welfare magnet, stupid
It is about the SECONDARY MIGRATION to Maine by Somalis in search of welfare, and to escape Atlanta, Georgia where they had been placed by refugee contractors working for the US State Department.
Lewiston was primarily transformed by secondary migration!
They didn’t stay where they had been placed!
And, that is why I say the Trump proposal might make us think we, in local communities, will have some say in the process, the truth is we won’t!
Lewiston, Maine didn’t want them initially, but now it seems most of Maine is being transformed by Africans on the move with the encouragement of the Open Borders Left.
(Unfortunately some of the links don’t work because WordPress took RRW down, but you get the gist!)
From RRW on November 2, 2009:
Yesterday I brought to readers’ attention that now that the Somali population in Lewiston, ME is large and well-established, the demands for accomodation of Muslim religious practices has begun, see CAIR threatens,here. Among those who study Islamic supremacism around the world, this is known as the Stealth Jihad (see our entire categoryhere)—changing a country from within to bring about Islamic dominance.
In my post I attributed a role to Catholic Charities in bringing the first Somalis to Maine, and after a little research I found that assertion was accurate. However, the majority of the thousands of Somalis now continuing to upset Lewiston are secondary migrants resettled by Catholic Charities and other federally contracted agencies in Georgia.
Here is the best summary (Free Republic still has full Newhouse News Service article here) I’ve found so far about how Lewiston got to the point it’s at now with CAIR breathing down the necks of school administrators. I’ve only taken a bit of this very long and thorough 2002 article, so please read the whole thing.
LEWISTON — Every week, another four or five Somali families arrive in this workaday city on the Androscoggin River.
They are refugees from the clan-wracked ruins of their homeland on the Horn of Africa, from years of waiting in camps in Kenya. And they are migrants from their place of first resettlement in America, more often than not trekking 1,000 miles from the heat and multihued humanity of metropolitan Atlanta to this sparse, wintry, whitest of all states.
They are nomads, their ancient instincts honed to a 21st century edge. Pioneers in a new world, they discovered Lewiston and claimed a bit of it for themselves.
“It’s like finding a small island in the middle of the Pacific,” says Mohammed Abdi, who last year moved here from Decatur, Ga., and was quickly hired as the liaison between the city’s schools and the burgeoning Somali community. “We put it on the map.”
They were originally resettled with American blacks and that wasn’t going so well, an issue we have discussed at RRW on previous occasions.
In their exodus, they say they are looking for peace and quiet, cheaper housing, a more benevolent welfare system, better schools and a place to raise their children — families of seven or more are common —with fewer perils and temptations. That they are leaving a metro area renowned as an African-American mecca to resettle in Maine, home to fewer than 7,000 blacks in 2000, is less a matter of irony than intent, given the prickly state of their relations with African-Americans and a desire to protect their children from assimilating too quickly.
Scouts sent out! But, I will bet you anything they had some hints from their friends at Catholic Charities which was already resettling Somalis in Portland, ME.
Fed up with life in Atlanta —he was robbed twice — Abdiaziz Ali said members of the Somali community there researched other places on the Internet, comparing crime rates, the cost of housing, test scores. Then they sent scouts to a handful of cities — Kansas City, Mo., Nashville, Tenn., San Diego, Houston and El Paso in Texas, and Portland and Lewiston in Maine.
Maine was preferred, and Portland was full.
It is cold but the welfare is oh so good! Note when you read the article that some of the men stayed back in Georgia to continue to work while the wives and kids went to Maine for the welfare.
Indeed, in moving from Georgia to Maine, Somalis are trading one of the nation’s least generous welfare systems for one of its most generous.
Lewiston provides general assistance to anyone in need, splitting the cost with the state. Such relief was unavailable in Clarkston. In Georgia, there is a four-year time limit for receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. In Maine it’s five, but even that can be extended. About a quarter of Lewiston’s Somali families receive that form of welfare, according to the state. And in Maine, a state-funded program assists single parents while they attend college.
There is a waiting list for public housing in Lewiston, but not nearly as long as back in Georgia. About a third of the more than 90 apartments at Hillview, Lewiston’s largest public housing project, have Somali tenants, and about 35 more Somali families have received Section 8 vouchers, which subsidize the rent on private apartments.
Fulfilling that expectation [that people work] is complicated because so many of the Somali families are single mothers and children, the fathers dead, missing, still in Africa or still in Atlanta.
“The men don’t like it here — it’s too cold or too quiet or too behind,” says Fatuma Hussein, whose own husband still drives a taxi in Atlanta, making frequent visits to her and their three young children.
The role of Catholic Charities
There were no Somalis in Lewiston prior to the colonization that began after 9/11.
Note in the article that Somalis are quoted as saying Portland was “full.” That would be full of primarily Somalis and Sudanese resettled in Maine by Catholic Charities, the only refugee resettlement contractor in the state for 30 years. That makes it easy for us to check the numbers Catholic Charities brought. Not nearly the tens of thousands resettled in other states, but from 1983-2005, Catholic Charities resettled 498 Somalis and 607 Sudanese (I mention the Sudanese because we have heard lots about problems with the “Sudanese community” of Portland recently). You will see later that the number 498 is inaccurate because in just 3 individual years during that time period, reported in annual reports to Congress, below, the number exceeds 498.
To this day, Catholic Charities is resettling new Somalis in Maine. The stats aren’t out for 2009 but in 2007 the number of Somalis resettled was 118 and in 2008 it was 60 (that drop may be because of the discovery by the State Department of the fraud in the family reunification program).
I don’t believe the Somali scouts found Lewiston all on their own—-I think there is a really good chance that earlier resettled Maine Somalis and Catholic Charities (CC) in Atlanta tipped-off the scouts to the lucrative welfare in Lewiston. So, I checked the Office of Refugee Resettlement annual reports to Congress for the years 1997, 1998, and 1999 to see how many Somalis CC had brought to Maine in the years preceding the migration. Sure enough, in 1997, CC resettled 228 Somalis to Maine, in 1998 the number was 168 and in 1999, 277. What are the chances that a few of those Somalis were “related” to Atlanta Somalis and told them to ‘come on up, the public assistance is great!’
Note to readers in Maine: I have many more discoveries I want to share with you in another post, things that need further research, but this is getting too long!
The President only has one real way of reforming the US Refugee Admissions Program and that is to set the number to be admitted for FY2020 to zero and tell Congress to get the hell to workand reform the entire program or scrap it altogether.
If he sets the admissions number to zero, and sends none of our tax dollars to the federal contractors like Catholic Charities, until Congress takes up the issue, then he might actually have some serious leverage.
He should have done that in year-one of his Presidency!
So many have arrived in Portland that new ‘welcoming’ communities needed to be found with available housing.
Here we have a story from the Associated Press in which the Africans say they don’t want to live in the forests of Maine.
Some families expressed fear about being relocated from the busy city to towns where the vast woods that are part of Maine’s identity could trigger bad memories from their journeys. They recalled seeing fellow asylum seekers fall to their deaths, get swept away by rivers, starve to death and get bitten by venomous snakes in Panama’s infamous Darien Gap, a jungle that’s known for dangerous wildlife and bandits.
These are city dwellers who expected to be set up in ethnic enclaves in Portland, not sent to small town Maine.
Neil Munro, writing at Breitbart (Hat tip: Mary) then picked up the story and had a little fun with it:
Migrants to Progressives: Protect Us from Our Fear of Snakes in Maine
“Maine probably isn’t the place a dedicated herpetologist would like to spend much time,” reports a webpage about snakes in Maine. “There are only nine species and two sub-species of snakes in the Pine Tree State, none of them venomous and only one considered endangered. The Maine Herpetological Society lists three other species as having “special concern” status, with dwindling numbers in the state.”
I was reminded of news I reported at Refugee Resettlement Watch a few years ago where Syrian Muslims were refusing to be placed in Sweden’s forested region because they feared the forests too.
That 2015 story is still available at The Local. Asylum seekers refused to get off the bus that took them to a region of Sweden used primarily by holiday-seeking Swedes.
Of course, you and I are thinking—picky, picky, picky!
If they were truly running for their lives as they proclaim, then living where most of us would love to vacation because of its natural beauty should be gratefully accepted.
It is a “malevolent and wasteful plan to concentrate refugees in blue states.”
(Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
Sounds like a good plan, but it does have problems which unfortunately I haven’t the time to discuss this morning. The biggest problem is that it is a band aid. The entire Refugee Program should be scrapped in my opinion.
That said, it sure is fun to watch Trump twist their tails!
Trump admin weighs letting states, cities deny entry to refugees approved for resettlement in U.S.
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering a new policy that would allow state and local jurisdictions to deny entry to refugees who have been approved for resettlement in the United States, according to a draft of an executive order obtained by NBC News.
Mark Hetfield at NY anti-Trump rally!
According to the draft, “the federal government will resettle refugees only where both the relevant state and local governments have consented to participate” in the program that allows refugees to resettle.
The plans are currently out for review by lawyers and counterparts at various government agencies, a senior DHS official said.
If a state or local jurisdiction does not agree to take in refugees, the federal government will have to find another location, according to the draft. An exception to this rule would be made in the case of resettling spouses or children of refugees already settled.
The White House and the Department of Homeland Security did not respond to requests for comment.
Refugee rights organizations have long advocated for refugees to be relocated in areas where there are already refugees of the same country living to create a sense of community for those fleeing violence and persecution.
It is wonderful how the President gets them to show their colors!
Here a former Obama official admits there wouldn’t be enough ‘welcoming’ states and cities (if given the opportunity to say NO!) to accommodate all the refugees the refugee industry is demanding.
Peter Boogaard, photo from his twitter account:
Peter Boogaard, who worked on immigration issues in the Obama White House, said the executive order would hinder religious organizations, like the Catholic Church, from resettling immigrants in states around the country and “would also have a dramatic impact on the ability of future administrations to return refugee admissions to the normal historic levels.”
If carried out, the draft executive order on refugees would undermine efforts to resettle them and violate the intent of a 1980 law that clearly grants the federal government authority over refugee policy, said Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which works to resettle refugees under State Department agreements.
“Governors could elect not to take part in the refugee resettlement program. That would have a horrible impact on the program. That would literally be an abdication of federal authority,” Hetfield said.
He called it a “malevolent and wasteful plan to concentrate refugees in blue states.”