That is one of the shocking pieces of news the Senate Homeland Security Committee heard on Wednesday while the entire media apparatus of the United States was fixated on the Trump Impeachment Extravaganza.
Luckily for us Stephen Dinan at the Washington Timeswas not mesmerized by the Schiff Show in the House of Representatives.
Just now when I receivedDinan’s story (h/t Joanne), I quickly searched to see who else reported this disgusting news and only see a reference to a C-Span video of the hearing.
Shame on the media. It appears that no one other than the Washington Times covered the important Senate hearing.
More than 600 children ‘recycled’ by migrant smugglers at border: ICE
More than 600 children were “recycled” through the border over the last year, including some who were carried across eight times, by a different person each time, looking to exploit lax policies to gain a foothold in the U.S., a top ICE official told Congress on Wednesday.
And those are only cases that were detected, officials said.
ICE: Fake families in a quarter of the cases!
The recycled children are one of the more disturbing aspects of illegal border flow over the last 12 months, which set records for the number of children and families who snuck into the U.S.
The families were drawn by a lax policy, imposed by a federal court, that gives adults a quick release into communities as long as they brought a son or daughter with them.
The result was massive levels of fraud, with adults renting or outright buying unrelated children in order to present themselves as a family, authorities said. In some cases it was a one-off, but in other instances children were “recycled” across the border multiple times, said Derek N. Benner, acting deputy director at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
“We’ve identified over 600 children that have been recycled,” he said.
That means that once they came across with an unrelated adult, they were then separated by the smuggling operation and taken back south across the border to be brought back again with a new adult, he said.
“Some of them had indicated they’ve made the trip as many as eight times, with separate, unrelated adults each time,” he added.
Mark Morgan, acting commissioner at Customs and Border Protection, recounted one case where they caught a Honduran man who’d “bought a child” for $80, then attempted to cross into the U.S.
“Why did he do it? Because the loopholes in our system told him — and the smugglers made sure he understood — ‘You grab a child, that’s your passport into the United States,’” Mr. Morgan told the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
Lies, fraud, corruption from Africa to our Southern Border. If you aren’t reading RRW yet, see that the UN is being accused of fraud and corruption in one of the major camps in Africa (Uganda this time, not Kenya) from which we receive refugees.
Note to those who have sent me stories recently. Thank you! I hope to post more of the horrible frauds, crooks, criminal news that you have been sending. So much to report and so little time!
And, then WTH! he will be out and free in America. He had earlier been the subject of a deportation order.
This is the kind of news that ticks me off! First, there is no mention of how he and his family came to be living in New Haven, CT. Were they refugees resettled in 2016 during Obama’s big movement of Syrian refugees to Anytown, USA, or did they get here through another legal or illegal avenue?
Why are we never told?
Since there is no pic of the Syrian stalker, we’ll use the face of US Attorney John Durham who announced the light sentence that puts the Syrian back on the streets in two years!
And, of course there is no photo. Stories like this one are dressed-up with pictures of court houses and gavels because even if a photo could be used for a foreign criminal, it rarely is!
But, of most concern in this case is the lack of any discussion about why the guilty stalker was ordered to be deported, but now gets only a couple of years in the slammer.
What is his wife going to do to protect herself in two short years?
This Justice Department press release from Tuesday is not one of their better releases. Could that be because it is written in a Connecticut DOJ office?
Syrian National Sentenced for Stalking Offense
John H. Durham, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, announced that ALAA HASAN QALB ALLOUZ, 34, a citizen of Syria last residing in New Haven, was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Jeffrey A. Meyer in New Haven to 24 months of imprisonment, followed by three years of supervised release, for stalking in violation of a protective order.
According to court documents and statements made in court, in July 2016, Allouz, his wife and their children emigrated from Syria and settled in New Haven. In April 2017, Allouz’s wife filed a petition for dissolution of marriage, after incidents of domestic violence and Allouz’s state arrests for risk of injury, assault, breach of peace, and violation of a protective order offenses. In July 2017, Allouz’s wife obtained a Standing Criminal Protective Order ordering Allouz not to contact his wife. In August 2017, after Allouz threatened his wife, Allouz’s wife withdrew her petition for dissolution of marriage.
Deportation ordered in 2018, so why wasn’t he deported!
On February 2, 2018, Allouz was taken into custody by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement on a federal arrest warrant and order of deportation, and he was transferred from a Connecticut state prison to a detention center in Massachusetts.
While in detention, he continued to threaten his wife!
While he was detained in ICE custody, Allouz made multiple phone calls to his wife during which he repeatedly harassed, threatened and intimidated her. He also made calls to other individuals during which he threatened to harm his wife and her family members. Allouz also threatened his wife and her family members in letters and e-mails.
I repeat: So why wasn’t he deported?
Allouz has been detained, first in state and then federal custody, since January 10, 2017. On February 5, 2019, a federal grand jury in New Haven returned an indictment charging him with one count of stalking in violation of a protective order. He pleaded guilty to the offense on May 15, 2019.
He gets two years behind bars at taxpayers’ expense and then will be on supervised release for three years! Who is going to protect the wife when he walks free?
I’m continually amazed at the complexity of the scams many foreigners are using to rip-off Americans and America.
Stories similar to this one pass me by every day and I can’t possibly post them all, but ones with a twist, like this one, are interesting and worth reporting.
Rarely are we rewarded with photos of the foreign fraudsters! Estefano Dall Anese Borlotti
In this case Estefano Dall Anese Borlotti, 35, is here illegally and according to one report on his arrest, he used a Brazilian passport to obtain a Florida drivers license—is that possible!
Can a person in the country apparently illegally (he is now being held on an immigration detainer) just willy-nilly get a drivers license?
Here is the bare outline of the scheme that enabled him to steal tens of thousands of dollars from New Hampshire banks.
Secret Service: Brazilian’s bank data scheme hits Seacoast ATMs
PORTSMOUTH — A Secret Service agent’s affidavit alleges a Brazilian man, with unnamed accomplices, were able to transfer stolen bank data onto Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards they used to withdraw more than $100,000 from bank ATMs in Manchester, Barrington, Dover, Durham and Portsmouth.
The affidavit was filed with the U.S. District Court of New Hampshire by Special Agent Timothy Benitez on Oct. 24, leading to a warrant for the arrest of Estefano Dall Anese Borlotti, 35.
Miami, Florida, police records show Borlotti was arrested Thursday for unrelated charges alleging he “reincoded” stolen bank data onto credit cards and is being held there on $22,500 bail, as well as an immigration detainer.
The federal charges in New Hampshire allege Borlotti reincoded bank account information onto Dunkin’ Donuts cards to withdraw cash at Federal Savings Bank locations in Barrington, Dover, Durham, Portsmouth and Rochester at different times in April and May.
The affidavit notes the Dunkin’ Donuts cards contained “a wide variety of both United States and foreign” bank account information and were used to withdraw cash across the Seacoast, as well as in Brazil.
Miami, Florida, police records report Borlotti is being held there on charges alleging trafficking counterfeit credit cards, organized fraud and two counts of credit card forgery/intent to defraud. He’s also being held on a federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer, according to court records.
Read the whole story for more details on the scam.
And,see herewhere we learn about the drivers license:
Officials said Borlotti has a Brazilian passport, which he used to obtain a Florida driver’s license.
Hundreds of thousands of migrants have been here for more than a decade under a program that gave them temporary legal status, but is a flat-out sham.
Organized demonstrations like this one have happened wherever enclaves of certain ethnic groups have settled.
Temporary Protected Status protects those who were already in the country from about ten countries when something bad happened in their home country and that country claims it can’t take them back. In order to get TPS status the migrant had to have been in the US already through some other means, including through illegal activities like visa overstays.
The protection was supposed to last no more than two years!
In reality the impoverished country from which they came doesn’t want them back because some are crooks and criminals, but others, those working and/or collecting benefits of some sort, send millions ‘home’ in the form of remittances.
Dollars that would go to fueling our economy now go to prop-up the economies of the third world.
Trump initially wanted to stop it, but the extensive legal network of Open Borders Inc. filed lawsuits and have thus caused the government to back down.
Hundreds of thousands (you know they have drivers licenses and are likely voting) will get to stay until about two weeks before the President is sworn in in January 2021.
Hereis the depressing news at the Washington Examiner:
DHS to extend deportation protection program for citizens of six countries into 2021
The Trump administration is extending a program that allows illegal immigrants from six specific countries to obtain legal protection from deportation due to their home country’s inability to take back its own citizens.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security, announced Friday it will continue granting protections under the Temporary Protected Status program for people from El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Sudan through Jan. 4, 2021. USCIS will publish a 27-page notice in the Federal Register detailing the plan on Monday.
The move could affect an estimated 300,000 in the U.S., according to a Congressional Research Service March estimate.
The move comes weeks after a federal judge ordered a temporary stop to the winding down of the six programs. DHS extended TPS due to the unresolved litigation over related cases.
Under TPS, those from certain countries who were in the U.S. illegally at the time of a natural disaster, war, famine, or similar situation, can apply for permission to legally remain at work in the country for two-year terms until their home country says it is stable for people to return.
Many of these countries had had their programs renewed many times, some for up to 15 years. Some recipients have been in the United States for 20 years under the program. [They put down roots and then scream how unfair America is for wanting them to go home!—ed]
Former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen also extended protections for recipients from Syria, South Sudan, and Yemen. Citizens from 10 countries are TPS recipients as of Friday.
I have a few posts on TPS here at ‘Frauds and Crooks,’ but morehere at RRW.
Just another reminder, I am writing almost daily again at Refugee Resettlement Watch because news is coming fast and furious these days on the US Refugee Admissions Program.
Mexico has seen an astounding 250% increase in Africans trying to enter the United States through the southern border, according to the latest figures released by the Mexican government’s immigration agency, known as Unidad de Política Migratoria. The stats include the first eight months of 2019 and reveal that, during the same period last year, 1,507 Africans were apprehended in the country compared to 5,286 this year. During the same period 4,783 migrants from India and Bangladesh were also detained in Mexico, according to the data made public this month.
The information is alarming considering Africa and Bangladesh are hotbeds of terrorism and the fact that all the migrants are heading north into the United States. “These migrants, although less in numbers compared to migrants from Central America, increased significantly in the country,” a Mexican newspaper article states, confirming that “their principle objective is not to stay in Mexican territory but rather cross the border towards the United States.” The story also reveals that a growing number of Cubans, Haitians and south Americans, mainly from Brazil and Colombia, have also been apprehended by Mexican authorities trying to make their way to the U.S. border.
The spike in Africans is worrisome considering the State Department has determined that Africa is a major hub of Islamic terrorism, including al-Shabaab in the eastern part of the country and Boko Haram and ISIS in the west.Bangladesh is also a national security concern because the south Asian Islamic country is well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). Earlier this year a congressional probe revealed that migrants from terrorist nations, especially Bangladesh, are trying to enter the United States through Mexico at record rates.
Texas alone saw a whopping 300% increase in Bangladeshi nationals attempting to sneak into the country, according to the federal investigation outlined in a lengthy report.
I’m glad to see JW getting more involved in immigration issues. They may eventually get more information out of our government on these issues through their expertise with the Freedom of Information Act.
Who is encouraging this movement of Africans to Mexico and on to the US Border?
In 2011 I speculated it was NGOsand suggested a Congressional investigation was desperately needed. Of course, for some reason, no one is interested in answering that question.