Group: Texas naval base shooter voiced support for clerics
The suspect killed during what the FBI is calling a “terrorism-related” attack at a Texas naval air base voiced support for hardline clerics, according to a group that monitors online activity of jihadists.
This undated handout photo provided by Del Mar College, Texas, shows Adam Alsahli’s image for his student identification card.
The attack Thursday at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi wounded a sailor and left the gunman dead. The gunman was identified on Friday by the FBI as 20-year-old Adam Salim Alsahli of Corpus Christi. He had been a business major at a local community college.
The gunman tried to speed through a security gate at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, opening fire and wounding the sailor, a member of base security, U.S. officials told the AP. But she was able to roll over and hit a switch that raised a barrier, preventing the man from getting onto the base, the officials said.
Other security personnel shot and killed the attacker.
So, if you are guessing it was a student visa that permitted him to be living among us, you would be wrong.
Todd Bensman, writing at the Center for Immigration Studies describes one more way that our immigration system is too loose making us vulnerable to those arriving here from Islamic regions of the world and wishing to harm us.
How the Corpus Christi Jihadi Attacker Entered the United States
A new national security vulnerability
The Syria-born attacker killed Thursday morning during an apparent jihad-inspired attack on a Texas naval air station was neither a resettled refugee nor an asylum-seeker who slipped through security vetting. Instead, CIS has learned that he fell under an immigration category unusual for foreign-born extremists who have attacked inside the United States.
Adam Alsahli, 20 at the time of his death Thursday, was already a U.S. citizen when he moved from the Middle East to Corpus Christi, Texas, in 2014 with his mother (and likely several siblings) at the height of the Syrian civil war, by virtue of his father’s American citizenship, according to two sources familiar with the family’s immigration status.
The attacker’s 75-year-old father, Salim Alsahli, became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1984, the sources told CIS, and subsequently seems to have sired a family back in Syria that included Adam Alsahli’s birth in 1999.
Although his children and their mother were born in and resided in the Middle East, the father’s U.S. citizenship conferred U.S. citizenship on Adam Alsahli, since he properly registered a declaration at a U.S. embassy or consulate office overseas. That apparently happened with Adam Alsahli because by the age of three, in the year 2002, he was granted an American passport that was repeatedly renewed over the years, sources said.
In 2014, at the height of the civil war inside Syria, Adam and at least his mother moved to the United States. The mother is currently a legal permanent resident who has a pending application for U.S. citizenship, the sources said.
With an American citizen father anchored inside the United States, Adam Alsahli, his siblings, and their mother would not have entered any refugee resettlement pipeline, nor would they have had to apply for asylum, processes that would have required fairly extensive security vetting. Adam Alsahli, then about 15 years old, would have been moved right to the front of the line with almost no security vetting; likely the same would have been true of his mother and siblings.
Little is known at this point about Alsahli’s interest in Islamic extremist theology or connections to foreign groups, as the FBI continues an investigation. Nor is it yet known where the family was living prior to entering the United States in 2014.
As our Chinese virus-generated economic collapse continues, helping to move that process along, the Secret Service is investigating a complex Nigerian fraud scheme to rip us off using the unemployment assistance meant for Americans who have lost their jobs.
Several states have been hit so far by the “sophisticated” attack, but authorities believe the hit will become more widespread.
Nigerian fraudsters have played a major role on the pages of ‘Frauds and Crooks.’ See my Nigeria tag!
Feds Suspect Vast Fraud Network Is Targeting U.S. Unemployment Systems
SEATTLE — A group of international fraudsters appears to have mounted an immense, sophisticated attack on U.S. unemployment systems, creating a network that has already siphoned millions of dollars in payments that were intended to avert an economic collapse, according to federal authorities.
The attackers have used detailed information about U.S. citizens, such as social security numbers that may have been obtained from cyber hacks of years past, to file claims on behalf of people who have not been laid off, officials said. The attack has exploited state unemployment systems at a time when they are straining to process a crush of claims from an employment crisis unmatched since the Great Depression.
Suzi LeVine
With many states rushing to pay claims, payments have gone straight to direct-deposit accounts. In Washington State, the agency tasked with managing unemployment claims there began realizing the extent of the problem in recent days when still-employed people called to question why they had received confirmation paperwork in the mail.
“This is a gut punch,” said Suzi LeVine, the commissioner of Washington State’s Employment Security Department.
In a memo obtained by The New York Times, investigators from the U.S. Secret Service said they had information suggesting that the scheme was coming from a well-organized Nigerian fraud ring and could result in “potential losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars.”Roy Dotson, a special agent who specializes in financial fraud at the Secret Service, said in an interview investigators were still working to pinpoint who was involved and exactly where they were.
Mr. Dotson said it appeared the fraud was being aided by a substantial number of “mules” — people, often in the United States, who were used as intermediaries for money laundering after making connections with fraudsters online. He warned people to be wary of quick-money job offers or other suspicious financial arrangements.
The Secret Service memo said Washington State had emerged as the primary target thus far, but there was also evidence of attacks in Florida, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island and Wyoming.The agency warned that every state was vulnerable and could be targeted, noting that the attackers appeared to have extensive records of personally identifiable information, or P.I.I.
Ms. LeVine said she did not want to put a number on the losses so far in Washington State but believed it was in the millions of dollars.
Financial help for California’s undocumented immigrants starts Monday
California’s undocumented immigrants can begin applying Monday for disaster relief payments of up to $1,000 per household under Gov. Gavin Newsom’s coronavirus emergency assistance plan.
In April, Newsom announced a one-time, $75-million fund for undocumented adults who are not eligible for other forms of government assistance, such an unemployment benefits and federal stimulus checks. A qualifying undocumented adult can receive $500, with a maximum of $1,000 per household.
Since the announcement was made, many undocumented immigrants have been waiting for information to apply as soon as the application period opened.
California has more than two million undocumented immigrants. Nearly one in ten workers is undocumented.
With the funds spread among so many people, most families will not receive the funding. Applications are approved on a first-come, first-served basis, until the money runs out.
“In the best case scenario, these funds would reach one in 10 people,” said Unai Montes-Irueste, director of communications with United Ways of California.
Montes-Irueste of United Ways of California — which has helped undocumented immigrants without bank accounts during the pandemic — said it is important for people to know where to get help and avoid being scammed.
Called the Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants Project, the $75 million in state funding will be distributed to 12 organizations throughout California.
See the list of who is passing out the taxpayer dollars. Catholic Charities and Jewish Family Services are on the list. I’m guessing they get to keep a cut for their ‘administrative’ costs.
The prisoners are endangered by the Chinese virus they say.
John Binder writing at Breitbart explains how ridiculous the lawsuit is because it could result in the release of one of the allegedly most prolific murderers of senior citizens in the US—Billy, the Kenyan Killer, Chemirmir.
I told you about another such lawsuit filed against the same jail by prisoners held at that jail,here last month.
From Breitbart(thanks to several readers for bringing the story to my attention):
Lawsuit Could Free Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering 22 Elderly Americans
An American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawsuit is seeking the release of inmates in the Dallas County, Texas Jail considered “vulnerable” to contracting the Chinese coronavirus — a suit that could result in the release of a high-profile accused illegal alien serial killer from Kenya.
Chemirmir with some of his alleged victims.
In criminal court, prosecutors say Chemirmir is responsible for at least 14 murders of elderly Americans in the Dallas area. In civil lawsuits, Chemirmir has been accused of an additional eight murders of elderly Americans. Prosecutors say Chemirmir would smother his victims to death and steal property off them.
Breitbart News exclusively reported that Chemirmir first arrived in the U.S. on a B-2 tourist visa in July 2003. Though Chemirmir was supposed to only temporarily be in the U.S., he overstayed his visa and became an illegal alien who was eligible for deportation.
Rather than being deported, Chemirmir was able to use a loophole in the nation’s legal immigration system, allowing him to obtain a green card after marrying an American citizen. In November 2007, Chemirmir was approved for a green card.
The ACLU, partially funded by billionaire George Soros, has filed a class-action lawsuit against Dallas County officials demanding the release of all inmates in the Dallas County Jail who are “over 50 and those who are most vulnerable to contracting the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.”
The lawsuit is requesting that as many Dallas County Jail inmates are released as possible until the facility is in full compliance with six-feet social distancing guidelines.
More here. Follow Binder’s reporting. He does great work on immigration issues.
And, help keep the case of the Kenyan Killer alive because the national mainstream media isn’t touching it! Presumably they can’t ignore his trial, but an April 2021 trial date is a long way off.
You have surely heard the rumors that some Dems have taken advantage of their ‘vacation’ to get face work done. Watching Nancy yesterday should confirm for you that she must have been one of them.
I know you are saying, so what else is new, but this latest gambit by the Dems to include amnesty for illegal aliens (not to mention payments to them!) due to the Chinese virus is a bridge too far.
Fortunately Tucker took her on in a ten minute segment at Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Normally I don’t write about topics that are widely covered by all sorts of media, but this is just too much.
And, our Open Borders agitators are not alone as Gatestone reported hereyesterday in a detailed discussion of what is happening in Europe where the socialists are not letting a crisis go to waste and are looking to legalize the illegals too.
“Coronavirus: Lockdown for Europeans, Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants”
Read Gatestoneand then see Tucker (let me know if this youtube video disappears as happens often these days).