What if the Heritage Foundation and other ‘Think Tanks’ don’t have what it takes to save America?

And, you have been sending your money their way thinking that they are fighting for you in the swamp, only to find out that they are basically wimps who have gotten just too damn comfortable in the swamp.


Ned Ryun founder and CEO of American Majority.


There is an excellent piece by Ned Ryun at American Greatness in which he suggests it is time to build a new, leaner, meaner political Right.  (Hat tip: Richard Falknor on twitter https://twitter.com/highblueridge)

A New Right Grounded in Insurgency Thinking


For conservatives it seems every day brings with it another betrayal from the professional Right. The hollow people leading the Republican Party and Conservatism, Inc., have been exposed. Some of us have known for years they wouldn’t be up to the task when a true challenge came, but it is still staggering to watch the meltdown happen in real-time.

So maybe it’s finally time for those on the Right to stop doing the same things they’ve been doing for nearly half a century, and instead form a new movement—a New Right that is actually equipped to defeat the Left.

As the think tanks are shown to be ineffective in the face of the aggressive Left, more people are beginning to realize that perhaps the money given to places like Heritage, American Enterprise Institute, and Cato was squandered. And it was a lot of money. The three organizations combined raised roughly $2.45 billion between 2001-2018, and that does not include the hundreds of millions in investments and real estate.

Rational people should acknowledge this reality and stop pretending it’s not happening. People invested billions of dollars in these entities, only to realize they never intended to be anything but sinecures.

Even worse, so-called conservative think tanks have little if anything in common with America First and have been corrupted by corporatism and imagined access to power.

It’s time to abandon the concept of institution building, as though we will ever have the ability to match the Left institution for institution. It’s time for a scrappy New Right to be built with an insurgency approach: we must accept that we are not in power, that we do not control the institutions, and that it’s time to go on the offensive. Our thinking, our strategy, and our investments must reflect that belief.


Let’s Build Fleet of PT Boats

For too long we have accepted the rules of the game laid out by the statists and the Left. It’s past time to stop playing by Goliath’s rules; time to start playing by David’s.

Read on…. 

Then consider this:

Some people might think this is mean. To which I say: grow up. There is a war for the republic’s existence and some people are like, “Ew, this approach would make me feel so icky.” You know what will make you feel super icky? When your indoctrinated kids inform on you and get you sent to a re-education camp. So suck it up, buttercup.

Much more here.

I only have one question:

Where do I enlist? 

Endnote:  I was done with Heritage when they began sucking up to the Refugee Industry back in 2017, here is one post I wrote at the time.

Maine: Social Justice Groups Collaborate with Southern Poverty Law Center to Get Teachers’ Minds Right

In my ongoing quest  (here too!) to help us all figure out ways to fight back against the Marxist Left’s attacks on our culture and institutions, here comes another opportunity (in this case for Mainers) to push back now (not waiting for the ballot box in November!).

And, let me say, there might be some silver lining to the COVID panic.

Maybe, just maybe, families will realize they can educate their kids at home and keep them out of the clutches of the likes of Shenna Bellows and the Southern Poverty Law Center, and while they are at it encourage them to find a useful trade or career path that does not involve the Left’s indoctrination centers—colleges.

From WGME:

Social justice groups offer online sessions dealing with racism in schools

PORTLAND (WGME) – The Black Lives Matter protests that swept across the country last month led to many conversations about race in America, many of them between students and teachers.

USM offers two free online classes on social reform, racism in America

Leaders at the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine say not every student has the same experience in school.

No surprise that Maine progressive activist Shenna Bellows is behind the joint effort with the Southern Poverty Law Center. Here in 2017 is Bellows speaking at the pussy-hat confab in Augusta, Maine.


“Children of color and other marginalized groups are disproportionately impacted by bias and discrimination at school,” Shenna Bellows of the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine said.

This is why the center partnered with the Southern Poverty Law Center to put on eight online sessions dealing with racism in school.

“These are very important topics to be having, especially in these times, as we are so mindful of racial inequity,” Bellows said.

These classes are a direct response to social justice movements across the country such as Black Lives Matter, and organizers say they’re focusing on teachers in grades K-12 so students can grow up knowing how to address racism.

More here.

Mainers!  Make some noise about this! The charlatans at the Southern Poverty Law Center must not get their hooks into public schools!

For others of you: Propaganda projects like this are very likely being organized in your state, so look for it and speak up!

Remember what Mark Steyn said:

So wanker*** Right’s theory that all we gotta do is sit back and let these clowns run amok and their defects will be so obvious, people will come running to us and November will be a landslide. They’ve assured us of that bollocks for decades as they lost the schools and they lost the pop culture, and they lost everything else even now, unto the statue on the village green. Speak up, speak out, to the school board, to your coworkers, to your neighbors, because you can’t have a culture war if one side doesn’t even show up.

***Wanker: Someone excessively and annoyingly pretentious and/or false.

To learn more about the Southern Poverty Law Center, see my tag.

President of Libertarian Think Tank Supports the Mob


Jerry Taylor, President of the Washington, DC Niskanen Center which is often described as left-libertarian (promoting an “open society”) tweeted in support of the mob in the case of the St. Louis homeowners who protected their home and property earlier this week from an Antifa mob that broke into a gated community headed to the home of St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson.

First, if you haven’t seen at least a brief minute of the clip that came to Tucker Carlson’s attention last night (Carlson says the couple will be on his show tonight), here it is.

By the way it took a few minutes to find a clip that didn’t have a leftwing moral lesson attached.


What is the Niskanen Center (named after an adviser to Ronald Reagan)?

Well, by a funny coincidence I wrote about it here on Saturday at RRW as they are just one more swamp dwelling think tank, a spin-off of the Cato Institute, that is promoting ever more immigration and increased refugee resettlement, but not from the ‘humanitarian’ side, instead their primary motivation is from the business community’s perspective—give us more cheap labor.  When do we want it? Now!

One of my primary reasons for writing about them was to point out that Washington is filled with groups like this….

From the Swamp: Libertarian Think Tank Bemoans Loss of Refugee Laborers

So what exactly did Mr. Taylor, who pulls down a quarter of a million dollar salary as President of the non-profit “moderate” Niskanen Center (which touts Republican Linda Chavez as one of its board members), say on Twitter?



The Federalist has a detailed accounting of the whole exchange, here.

CAIR Sucks Up to Black Lives Matter

I know, nothing you didn’t already assume, but I’m posting this to encourage you to follow the opposition. Knowledge is power!

Sign up, as reader Bob did, and receive regular missives from those groups working to transform America, two prime examples being the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

As I have reported recently, there is tension between Arab/South Asian Muslims and blacks so the leadership at CAIR obviously determined that it needed to suck up to BLM.

NYT Opinion: White Muslims Must Face their Anti-Black Racism


See CAIR unfurl its banner over its Washington, DC headquarters:

This is a screenshot. Go here to see the story and video. https://www.cair.com/press_releases/watch-cair-marks-anniversary-of-george-floyds-killing-by-unveiling-black-lives-matter-banner-on-capitol-hill-headquarters-in-dc/

And now see them chortling over a couple of white scalps in California.

Here see Ibrahim Hooper cheer the removal of California school officials whose facebook posts offended them.

CAIR Central CA Welcomes School Officials’ Resignations after Bigoted Posts

(FRESNO, CA, 6/25/20) – The Central California office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CC) today welcomed the recent resignations of two school officials after they posted bigoted content on their Facebook pages.

Fresno’s Central Unified School District trustee Richard Atkins came under fire for a bigoted Facebook post he shared last weekend. He posted,

“If you don’t Love the Country you live in, then go back to the country you or your ancestors came from. I’m SICK of this S***.”

He resigned Tuesday from his position.

Sara Wilkins had the nerve to say she was proud to be white.

At the beginning of this week, the private Facebook account of Sara Wilkins, the president of the Madera County Board of Education, shared an image of a Confederate flag and stated: “I am proud to be white.” The post also read, “I bet no one passes this on because they are scared of be called a racist.”

A change.org petition, “Sara Wilkins needs to step down, resign, or be fired,” gained more than 1,500 signatures.

The Madera County Superintendent of Schools announced Wilkins’ resignation Thursday. In a statement, CAIR-CC Outreach Director Sukaina Hussain said: “We welcome the resignations of these public officials after their disturbing posts.

You will find a ‘sign-up’ opportunity on CAIR’s website. It is extremely useful to know what they are doing.

It is about silencing you and making you fearful, an important first step in their goal to destroy our cherished American way of life.

Southern Poverty Law Center to Spend $30 Million to Register Voters in Southern States

Earlier this week, Margaret Huang, the (new!) president of the Southern Poverty Law Center announced the giveaway to NON PARTISAN groups promoting voter registration for people of color!

SPLC to invest up to $30 million on nonpartisan voter outreach

Image from 2017 campaign for Amnesty International, Margaret Huang in center.

I am thrilled to share with you that we’re launching the SPLC’s Vote Your Voice initiative to help support voter registration and mobilization efforts in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi.

We’ll be investing up to $30 million from our endowment in nonpartisan, nonprofit voter outreach organizations in these states to increase voter registration and participation among people of color.

You know what would be so funny!  Black and brown conservative groups in those states should apply for the grants and see if they are truly grants for nonpartisan voter registration!  Opportunity to sue the SPLC if rejected???

Here is more of what Huang had to say:

As you know, our nation has a long history of denying voting rights to its citizens, especially Black and brown people, women and young people. While we have seen gains in voting rights and access in recent decades, since the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013, there has been a resurgence of state-sponsored voter suppression that is targeting communities of color “with almost surgical precision.”

See one of my many posts on the Southern Poverty Law Center: https://fraudscrookscriminals.com/2020/05/23/having-problems-at-facebook-twitter-and-google-thank-the-splc/

These tactics include purging voter rolls, blocking rights restoration efforts, eliminating polling places, scaling back early voting, instituting onerous voter ID laws, limiting access to voting by mail and other measures. As I’m sure you are aware, last Tuesday’s primary election in Georgia — a state that has been a hotbed of voter suppression efforts — was an operational disaster. It’s a deeply troubling preview of what the Nov. 3 election could look like.

This initiative is especially important right now, as millions of people across the country feel the urgency to make their voices heard this fall after the continued silence from our leaders on the many Black people being killed by police. Voting won’t solve this problem the day after the election, but in order to begin dismantling white supremacy, we need to ensure that every voter of color is able to cast their ballot without interference or hardship.

The work ahead of us will not be easy. The COVID-19 pandemic has and will continue to have a disproportionate impact on democratic participation for communities of color who have been harmed most deeply by the health and economic crisis and who will encounter greater barriers to voter participation given the new risks of voting in person on Election Day.

Throughout the five states where this initiative is focused, numerous organizations have been tirelessly working to promote voter registration and participation to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and everyone’s vote is counted. Many of these groups struggle to secure the resources they need to conduct outreach due to a once-in-a-generation economic recession. They are also facing new barriers to reaching voters in an era of social distancing where face-to-face canvassing has been curtailed.

That’s where we want to help.

In addition to supporting voter registration and mobilization activities among voters of color, we’ll be seeking to particularly aid those who face the greatest barriers to participation, including returning citizens, young people, individuals who have been purged from voter rolls, and infrequent voters who are not usually contacted by outreach groups.

We’re also aiming to help groups build capacity in between federal election cycles — too much of this work is transactional where groups are only supported ahead of presidential and congressional elections. We plan to help sustain these organizations during local election cycles by providing multi-year grants. 

This post is filed in my ‘charity fraud’ category.