“My life was almost taken. Both my babies’ lives were almost taken.”
(Valerie Kasper)
Just one more mentally ill homeless black man roaming America and committing violent crimes.
So, why is this story of interest?

It caught my attention because this violent crime happened on a so-called greenway—a biking and nature trail that weaves its way through neighborhoods allowing public corridors for creeps with a criminal intent to be wandering far from the neighborhoods you would normally avoid and into communities you might assume are safe.
They call it “connecting communities.” There are lots of papers on it, here is one.
For a little background, know that environmentalists dreamed up the greenway concept, originally called greenlining, knowing it would sell really well to upscale urban and suburban people who do want to exercise and get out into nature.
The next step to the greenlining plan is to control the adjoining properties, which enviros call the viewshed, as a way for the government to control land use.
When pushing new trails on a community, those environmental land use planners downplay the crime corridor potential—like the awful crime here on Atlanta’s Peachtree Creek Greenway.
If you have trails like these near where you live, never, ever, use them alone!
And, I would fight like hell to never have one through my community.
See also the story at US News. I didn’t use it because the “man’s” photo is not attached. Where the photo should be, US News features a political cartoon about Trump.
LOL! Does US News have a fear of perpetuating stereotypes?
From CBS 46:
Judge denies bond for man accused of stabbing pregnant woman in Brookhaven
BROOKHAVEN, Ga. (CBS46) — A judge denied bond Friday for a man accused of stabbing a pregnant woman on the Peachtree Creek Greenway on June 5, citing the nature of the alleged crime and previous criminal history.
“Based on the facts and circumstances, as well as his criminal history and being out on bond on two charges — one of which is arguably a violent charge, I do find that he is a risk to the community,” DeKalb County Magistrate Judge Abbi S. Taylor said.
Christopher Jones, 30, was taken into custody Thursday morning near the Arts Center MARTA station. He is charged with aggravated assault with intent to murder, aggravated battery and cruelty to children in the first degree.
Police said a pregnant woman was walking along the Peachtree Creek Greenway with her three-year-old child around 5:30 p.m. when the suspect tried to start a conversation with her. As she walked away, the suspect allegedly stabbed the woman in the back, then stabbed her in her stomach and on her forearm.
“It just seems completely unprovoked and one of those questions that we’ll be asking why forever,” said the woman’s partner and father of her children, named Steven.
He and his partner are both international school teachers who met in Brazil. They were preparing to welcome their second child in September. The baby boy was born via emergency c-section after the attack. They will have a long road ahead.
Fortunately no one is dead this time.
See the video report and you will get a better understanding of why the woman’s partner doesn’t ‘get it.’