For several days I’ve been meaning to give you an update on the pair of Brooklyn lawyers, both new Americans, who were caught tossing an incendiary device into a police cruiser in a recent Antifa/Black Lives Matter riot in New York.
There is a lengthy discussion about the fools at the New York Timeswhere they are identified as being from immigrant families. He is Jamaican and Rahman was born in Pakistan according to the NYT. I wonder how many of our tax dollars went into educating this pair.
The New York Post published a video of Ms. Rahman extolling the virtues of violent protests.***
If it weren’t so serious, it’s funny to watch her try to keep her keffiyeh on her face. Hiding her identity or guarding against the Chinese virus?
Here is Joshua Klein at Breitbarttelling us more about where Fordham-educated attorney Urooj Rahman, 31, got her terror training.
Molotov-throwing Lawyer in Brooklyn Was Intern for Soros-funded Anti-Israel Group
One of the two lawyers accused of trying to torch an NYPD cruiser during protests that engulfed Brooklyn over the weekend spent a summer in the West Bank as a fellow and intern with radical Palestinian activist organizations.
Two attorneys, Colinford Mattis, 32, and Urooj Rahman, 31, reportedly were caught attempting to distribute homemade molotov cocktail devices to protesters who were clashing with police near the 88th Precinct in Fort .
Rahman attempted to distribute Molotov cocktails to the witness and others so that those individuals could likewise use the incendiary devices in furtherance of more destruction and violence,” a witness was quoted as saying to authorities in a detention memo from federal prosecutors for the Eastern District of New York.
Rahman was captured in a photo obtained by the New York Daily News wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh on her face and holding a makeshift Molotov cocktail. The keffiyeh, a chequered black and white scarf, has become a symbol of Palestinian nationalism.
Rahman is a graduate from Fordham University law school. In 2014, she did a summer fellowship internship program at the Israel based Mada Al-Carmel’s Arab Center for Applied Social Research in a partnership program with Palestine Works.
The Mada Al-Carmel center is heavily financed by George Soros through his Open Society Foundations.
Rahman called for an “overhaul of policing in America” to end “gentrification’s violent effects on communities of colors,” echoing the central demand of some of the protest movement over George Floyd’s death.
Appearing before Judge Margo Brodie, Salmah Rizvi, a former high-level Obama intel official reportedly posted $250,000 bail to secure the release of Rahman.
Rahman reportedly had to return to federal custody after the U.S. Court of Appeals decided to reverse the decision by the District Court to allow her to post bail.
When she first posted bail, Rahman’s friend, Rizvi, told the court, “I earn $255,000 a year.” “Urooj Rahman is my best friend and I am an associate at the law firm Ropes & Gray in Washington, D.C.”
According to a report from Law360, the judge noted the strong evidence against Rahman, who was additionally accused of distributing incendiary devices to other rioters, but agreed to grant her bail due to the “willingness of family and friends to sign on as suretors.”
The Washington Free Beaconreported that Rizvi “served in intelligence posts in the Defense and State Departments during the Obama administration, where her high-value work would often inform the President’s Daily Briefs.”
To learn more about Rizvi, Rahman and the Soros connection, continue reading here.
On Friday the feds upped the charges against three bomb-throwers including Rahman. She and the two others face sentences of life in prison.
Bail was earlier revoked for Rahman and Mattis. See here.
Endnote: If one went behind the scenes to see the Leftists training their journalists, I expect the number one instruction is for them to tell the storiesof the lives of individuals—poor immigrants, poor abused African Americans, poor____ (fill in the blank)—to play on the emotions of the reader or viewer.
Why aren’t we doing more of that—telling the sad stories of those abused and injured by the Leftists and their policies?
***Just as I was wrapping up, the link to the video at the NY POST was not working, but here is the entire clip at Youtube: