You know the Left loves to tell their ‘stories’ to play on your emotions, well this one should play on ours and needs to be widely shared.
Samuel Jackson (right) survived Vietnam only to die on his own PA street. This is a news story and photo you won’t see on CNN! Can you imagine what an uproar there would be if the alleged killer was a Trump supporter! Cable news might have had to interrupt their impeachment extravaganza!
Illegal Alien Allegedly Killed Vietnam Veteran Day Before Veterans Day
An illegal alien living in Pennsylvania is accused of killing a Vietnam War Veteran the day before Veterans Day, according to law enforcement officials.
Nemias Perez Severiano, a 31-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, is accused of killing Samuel Jackson, a disabled 69-year-old who served as a Marine in the Vietnam War, the day before Veterans Day this year in Norristown, Pennsylvania, according to the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office.
On November 10, police said Severiano was driving drunk when he hit and killed Jackson before fleeing the scene of the accident. According to court records obtained by CBS Philly, the illegal alien had been drinking for five hours at a nearby bar before the fatal crash.
“While at the bar [Severiano] indicated he consumed seven to eight Modelo beers,” the arrest records stated. “[Severiano] informed the detectives that when he left the bar, he was ‘a little drunk.’”
Jackson’s sister, Peggy Jackson, said her brother “loved the Marines” and was “so proud to have served his country.”
“It was basically his day, it’s what he fought for,” Jayden Guidici, Jackson’s grandson, told ABC 6 News of his grandfather’s love of Veterans Day.
As Breitbart News reported, Marine Corp Veteran Richard Dunn donated his uniform to Jackson so he could be buried in uniform.
Maybe it might best be described as Hating Trump Voters 101.
I’m not spending a lot of time on this, too much backed up in my posting queue, but I just saw this Opinion piece at the Philadelphia Inquirerthat tells us to see the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s “Hate at School” report. (I’m betting there is nothing in it about how to treat evenTrump supporters with respect.)
Do your kids have the “emotional intelligence” to be ready for the 2020 Presidential election? Indeed are they ready to confront “racism, sexism, and heteronormativity” this year?
If not, may I suggest home schooling!
To confront the 2020 election cycle, we need emotional intelligence in schools | Opinion
In the history classes I teach, I begin with a digital dialogue called “What Gives Us Pause.” Before we begin formal instruction, I invite students to share with each other the social and political currents that worry them most, or make them most hopeful for the future. This dialogue unleashes a flood of student voices.
Author Brendon Jobs a “teacher leader.”
Every year, students name wars that tear nations apart, gentrification that disrupts the fabric of urban communities, environmental crises, and hate and prejudice. I expect them to talk about the most recent incidents of mass shootings and gun violence right here in Philadelphia. Very quickly, this bonds the classroom in ways that prepare us to support and hold each other accountable, and name patterns of behavior we witness — in the news cycle, on social media, and in our own lived experiences — as the year unfolds.
When I began teaching in 2007, the first years felt sterile. I was discouraged from getting too political or confronting social power structures like racism, patriarchy, or class. I was trained to believe that teachers had to create “safe spaces” that were apolitical and socially neutral. We celebrated civil rights victories but did not discuss the dark legacy of slavery. We didn’t talk about the environment. Textbook-driven instruction drove my practice at the expense of student voices and authentic connections with each other.
Grrrrr! “Student voices!” “Authentic connections!” But, did they learn anything about the Revolutionary War or the Civil War?
I digress…. after a recent visit to the Antietam Battlefield, a friend whispered a question—what about all the northern white families who lost their husbands, fathers and sons fighting to free the slaves, don’t they deserve reparations?
Jobs goes on….
Too often, public conversations stop at simply naming transgressions: identifying something as hurtful or difficult and then moving on. In other cases, policy-driven mandates aiming to keep discourse respectful — like bans on the use of specific words, music, readings, or opinions — leave little room for gray areas. School communities, on the other hand, can model practical responses to and discussions of these moments that young people can use their entire lives, including when confronting racism, sexism, and heteronormativity. [You can bet any students who support our President will never emote in Jobs’ classes!—-ed]
The SPLC calls it the “Trump Effect” (LOL! note the obligatory dark cover of the report!)
The stakes feel high. The special report “Hate at School”by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance project showed a sharp increase in hate and bias in schools since the 2016 election.
Thankfully, the “Hate at School” report offers many entry points for engaging students, educators, and families in inquiry around how to notice, name, and combat acts of bias and hatred on an ongoing basis — not only when individual moments grow large and public. This defines the work that educators across the nation prepare to engage as school resumes, just over a year out from the 2020 election. [It is all about 2020 to the Progressives.—ed]
Are you looking for a project? Even if your kids are grown, how about looking into what is being taught in your local schools?
My post over the weekend about Michigan teachers being indoctrinated with incomplete information about Islam, see it here, was a huge success on social media.
Fascinating that the beat goes on at the Southern Poverty Law Center. You might think the media (and people like Jobs) would hesitate for a few minutes about using the work of the hypocrites at the SPLC after the incredible airing of their dirty (racist!) linen earlier last spring.
See my complete archive on the SPLC by clicking here.
Maurice Hill, 36, had a long history of gun convictions.
I said I would write about American criminals from time to time, and I’ve told you that I watch CNNthe first thing every morning as a way of seeing where the Leftwingers/Progressives are going on any given day.
Today, at CNN, the morning anchors were talking their viewers into thinking a Trump-induced recession was upon us, but they also reported on the gun violence in the Democrat-run city of Philadelphia.
They did report that the shooter, who wounded six police officers when officers came to serve a warrant on the man who ultimately opened fire, and said the shooter had a veritable arsenal of weapons and ammunition. But, I didn’t hear them mention his name, only that he was taken into custody.
Maurice Hill, we learn here at the Philadelphia Inquirer had a long criminal history.
(See that Townhallwas on it overnight with a report about Hill’s criminal history.)
So, how did Hill get his guns including assault weapons? Are we going to hear anything about whether he had a background check? Are we going to hear anything about mental illness? Are we going to hear anything about who he hated (police?)? Are we going to be told that a background check would have kept him from owning guns? Did his family, friends and neighbors ever try to report him to the local police?
Are we going to hear anything about who his political heroes are?
I’ll bet that starting tomorrow, you won’t hear another peep about how the city of brotherly love harbors violent criminals with arsenals in their closets. Why? Because it runs against the PC narrative our mainstream media is peddling.
All the gun laws in the world are not going to keep the Maurice Hills from acquiring “weapons of war.”
And, you know where that leaves you—the law abiding American!
His lawyers claim his planning was just “puffery and bragging.”
This is a brief update of the story I posted here last month.
From the Associated Press. Readers, do you realize the progress being made here?
The word refugee is in the headline!
This AP story could easily have read: “Pittsburgh man pleads not guilty…”
Syrian refugee pleads not guilty to church bomb plot charges
PITTSBURGH (AP) — A Syrian refugee accused of plotting to bomb a Christian church in Pittsburgh to inspire Islamic State of Iraq followers has pleaded not guilty to terrorism charges.
Mustafa Mousab Alowemer entered his plea Wednesday during his arraignment in federal court. His lawyers have dismissed the alleged plotting as “puffery and bragging.” Mustafa’s alleged target where Nigerian Christians worship (among other immigrants).
Alowemer is charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and two counts of distributing information about an explosive, destructive device, or weapon of mass destruction.
Authorities claim he had detailed plans to bomb the Legacy International Worship Center, a small Christian church.
Authorities say Alowemer was born in Syria and came to the United States in 2016 [as one of Obama’s 15,000+ robustly vetted Syrian refugees—-ed]. He was arrested last month while meeting with undercover FBI agents.
As I said previously, when I began ‘Frauds and Crooks’ in January of this year I expected to be writing about frauds involving Food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, grant fraud, immigration scams and so forth, but instead I’m now writing mostly about violent crimes planned or perpetrated by so-called “new Americans” —stories largely overlooked by the mainstream media!
“Mustafa had never been an American. He had always been a citizen of the ISIS Caliphate.”
(Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage magazine)
Daniel Greenfield, writing at Frontpage magazine has more details about how Mustafa Mousab Alowemergot into America, how his family lived isolating themselves from their black neighbors in Pittsburgh, how the ‘robust screening’ process for refugees missed him, and gives more details on how the plot would have been carried out. Mustafa was one of Obama’s Syrians!
Alowemer had even planned to set a timer and get to his mosque before the bomb exploded, thus providing himself with an alibi.
My posts on the foiled Islamic terror plot are here and here.
See what Greenfield has to say and see my research on the number of Syrians Obama actually admitted to the US in his last full year in office.
It is worse than I thought. And, by the way, Pennsylvania ‘welcomed’ the fifth highest number of Syrian Muslims to the US. Continue reading “Syrian Muslim Plotted to Bomb Black Church! Where is the Outrage?”→