This is the latest on a post I wrote a little over a month ago about a federal contractor (Endeavors) that landed a massive no-bid contract and now the Dept. of Homeland Security Inspector General has launched an investigation.
The size of the contract and the connection to a Biden insider raises red flags.
DHS Inspector General reviewing huge no-bid contract with company connected to former Biden official
EXCLUSIVE: The Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General’s office is evaluating a multi-million dollar contract awarded to a Texas company that employs a former Biden transition official, multiple sources with the probe confirm to Fox News.
A DHS IG official tells Fox News the contract, with the San Antonio-based nonprofit Endeavors, is the subject of an ongoing evaluation to look at how “ICE plans to house migrant families in hotels, and how ICE selected a contractor to implement these plans.” The Formal title of the probe is, “ICE’s Contract to House Migrants in Hotels.”
Tens of thousands of migrants are crossing the southern border every month, with nearly 180,000 encountered by Customs and Border Patrol along the Southwestern Border in April 2021.
Thousands of those migrants are now being housed in hotels, thanks to Endeavors. The company recently landed a couple of massive government contracts worth upwards of a half-billion dollars.
Andrew Lorenzen-Strait
On January 20th, 2021, the very day President Joe Biden took the oath of office, Endeavors put out a news release announcing the hiring of Andrew Lorenzen-Strait, a former Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official who also served as a Biden transition advisor on Homeland Security issues.
“This is a no-bid contract, and those should be used in only the most extraordinary circumstances,” said Tom Jones of the American Accountability Foundation, a conservative-leaning watchdog organization. “It’s typical and it’s terrible. Both sides do it. It’s why we have a massive budget deficit and a debt going through the roof…There’s scumminess and swampiness on both sides of this but we need to root that out.”
If you are interested in more on the Unaccompanied Alien Children invasion of America, visit my other blog RRW.
Although the mostly illegal alien teenaged boys are NOT refugees (the Open Borders cabal wants you to think they are refugees!), I’ve been posting regularly there on the issue.
See the data maintained by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement and note that MoCo, although among the highest counties that will absorb the illegal alien teens, is not the highest.
And, by the way, the data at ORR is only through March and you know the April 2021 invasion is surely one of the largest in many years.
If you don’t see your county, it doesn’t mean your state is off the hook,state data is here.
‘Non-profit’ organizations in the county are scrambling for money they say they need to keep the mostly teenaged boysout of gangs.
What a mess. If you live in this wealthy Maryland County that borders Washington, DC, move! But, first get your kids out of the school system which will see the disastrous impact of Biden’s Open Borders policy first.
LOL! the Biden gang has put out the word that Unaccompanied Alien Children, a title used for years, is now verboten and we must refer to the illegal aliens as Unaccompanied Minors. So therefore, my message to you is to keep using the accurate term—Unaccompanied Alien Children.
As Montgomery County expects wave of unaccompanied minors, local nonprofit works to expand capacity
There have been at least 104 undocumented migrant children resettled with family or sponsors in Montgomery County since October, according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement. However, the latest data is from February which likely means many more children have already relocated to the county.
As of late April, Montgomery County Public Schools recorded 70 students are believed to be unaccompanied minors. Officials expect 3,000 undocumented children to reach the county by this year or as early as summer.
The federal data base shows that Montgomery County received 178 UACs through the end of March, so if 70 registered for school, where are the other 108? And, why is the database not up to date?
The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (MCHHS) is partnered with eight organizations: Identity, Inc., Family Services, Inc., CASA, Mary’s Center, Impact Silver Spring, Catholic Charities, LAYC (Latin American Youth Council) and Ayuda.
About eight or so years ago, I posted often about CASA, see hereif you are interested.
The county had planned to call FEMA and the Office of Refugee Resettlement for federal funding since it’s one of the top 10 receiving sites for asylum-seeking children.
“The call took place but there were no commitments from FEMA about funding,” a MCHHS spokesperson said.
One of the major concerns to avoid is the involvement of gangs.
Community leaders know gangs are preparing themselves to recruit many of the young people as members offer what could seem like a family environment.
A Montgomery County police spokesperson said the department is working with the Department of Health and Human Services to address gang preventative measures for all undocumented minors.
In Virginia, there have been 119 resettlements in Fairfax County.
The sponsors who help happen at the federal level. The Office of Refugee Resettlement works with organizations such as Bethany Christian Services & Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services on sponsoring children. These organizations previously are certified and licensed at the federal level.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, headquartered at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, is a federal refugee contractor which I write about often at RRW. The UACs, however, are NOT refugees, remember that!
$55 million is their take (of your money) for the children! over the last twelve months.
P.S. Maryland Republican Governor Hogan is apparently not saying a word about the ‘children’ flooding into the state for taxpayers to support. Twenty other governors are saying NO, even as the federal government ignores them.
Although the Harris/Biden team is dodging the question, the crisis is growing on the Southern Border as thousands of mostly teenagers breach the border.
In January the message went out far and wide that America was now free for the taking!
Yesterday when I wrote my Refugee Round-up for the week at RRW, I linked the data on file at the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement about where the “children” were distributed to sponsors around the US.
(Only the numbers distributed are available. The data does not include those still in custody.)
In that round-up, I also explained that the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) are NOT refugees.
The data is only through January 31st so the full impact of the Biden-welcome has not yet been recorded.
Nevertheless, this list of counties is likely to continue to be the primary locations to suffer the most impact of the invasion.
By the way, see the UAC numbers that went to each state since 2014. I think you will be shocked and disappointed to see how large the numbers were for a few of Trump’s years in office.
Top welcoming states, for the mostly teenaged illegal aliens who will impact high schools (get your kids out!) and crime gangs, are: Texas, New York, Florida, California, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia.
A total of 7,207 UACs were distributed among all states in the first four months of FY21.
So much for the sob stories about the ‘unaccompanied minors’ (sometimes referred to as unaccompanied alien children) who enter the US without Mommy or Daddy and end up in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Here at least four of this MS-13 gang once held that status.
Sixth suspect arrested in Montgomery homicide involving MS-13, police say
Police arrested and charged a sixth suspect in a May 26 homicide that Montgomery County police said involved members of the MS-13 gang.
Think about it! Four of these little darlings were once ‘unaccompanied minors’ in the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. From left: Carlos Andres Orellana, Daniel E. Huezo Landaverde, Oscar Effrain Zavala-Urrea, Romeo Almengor Oxlaj-Lopez and Victor Alfonso Cruz-Orellana.
Jose Luis Lainez-Martinez, 26, is being held without bond on a first-degree murder charge. No attorney was listed for him in court records.
According to court documents, the homicide occurred when Francisco Medrano-Campos, a painter, left his Wheaton apartment and was ambushed by MS-13 gang members who had watched his movements and knew what time he left for work. He was shot multiple times at 7:06 a.m. and died on the scene, police said.
Weeks before the incident, Medrano-Campos had gotten into an argument with one of the suspects who had broken into his apartment and stolen $3,000 in cash and two video-game systems, court documents allege. Medrano-Campos reportedly fought back, demanding the suspect return what he stole and beating him with a lead pipe, the documents state.
“By all accounts, he was a hard-working guy who was headed to work that morning,” said Capt. Edward Pallas, director of the major crimes division at the Montgomery County Police Department, of Medrano-Campos.
Monday’s arrest of Lainez-Martinez is the latest related to the killing. On June 10, police arrested and charged five suspects — ages 19 to 21 — with one count each of first-degree murder. All were accused of playing different roles in the slaying, from lookouts to shooters, according to court documents. The suspects, Carlos Andres Orellana, 21, Daniel E. Huezo Landaverde, 19, Oscar Effrain Zavala-Urrea, 19, Romeo Almengor Oxlaj-Lopez, 20, and Victor Alfonso Cruz-Orellana, 21, are all being held without bond.
Four of the suspects — Orellana, Zavala-Urrea, Oxlaj-Lopez and Cruz-Orellana — entered the country illegally from Central America as unaccompanied minors and were transferred to the custody of the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman previously told The Washington Post. ICE asked Montgomery jail officials to notify the agency if any of the four will be released from custody, a process known as a detainer that can lead to deportation.
Deportation! It is more likely they will get years behind bars and you will be paying for their care with your tax dollars!
I once lived in this county that is a sanctuary for scum like this. So glad I got out when I did!
When you hear the mainstream media use the phrase “unaccompanied children” coming across our southern border, don’t be fooled!
The vast majority of the “children” are teenage boys (in FY18, 85% were teens with 71% being males).
They are being distributed to “sponsors” in all fifty states. Here come the “children!”
According to data maintained by the Office of Refugee Resettlement over 30,000 were spread out across the country in the first six months of Fiscal Year 2019 alone. Five states got the lion’s share.
We are thus on target to surpass the numbers seen in several Obama years. Continue reading “Maryland in Top Five States Receiving Unaccompanied Alien Teenagers”→