The other day I posted a list of conservative news aggregator sites (see it updated here with more reader suggestions), but you should be reading the leftwing propaganda sites from time to time as well—very edifying. Like this one….
Common Dreamssnarks that Vice President Mike Pence, who they intimate is an Islamophobe, got the Chinese Virus vaccine and by doing so, they say, he is a hypocrite.
I’m posting this to show you what the hard Lefties are writing, but also to inform you that Turkish Muslims living in Germany are the creators of the Pfizer vaccine.
What Common Dreams wants its readers to know is this—yousee all immigrants are good people who benefit society.
But, frankly for every deserving immigrant I can give you ten frauds, crooks and criminals as I have been saying and cataloging for over a decade.
Pence, Who Backed Muslim Visa Ban, Gets Vaccine Invented by Muslim Immigrants
Pence also praised far right-wing evangelical leader John Hagee. Hagee has said that Muslim Americans are not real Americans.
Defeated Vice President Mike Pence got the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Friday.
Here is why he is a hypocrite.
Pence served for four years in the Trump administration, which initiated a visa ban against Muslims. Although he had in 2015 called any such ban “unconstitutional,” he folded when Trump insisted on it and proudly stood behind the Mad Presidentwhen he signed the order.
Pence also praised far right-wing evangelical leader John Hagee. Hagee has said that Muslim Americans are not real Americans.
Pence has, further, improperly pressured USAID to route US foreign aid to the Middle East away from Muslims and to Christians instead.
Pence is a serial science denier. He says smoking cigarettes does not cause cancer. He has called the human-caused climate emergency “a myth.”
Ugur Sahin and Özlem Türeci
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine involves science and Muslim immigrants, so why is he getting it?
Pfizer partnered in developing the vaccine with a German firm, BioNTech, which was founded and is headed by the Turkish-German husband-wife team of Ugur Sahin and Özlem Türeci. BioNTech really developed the vaccine, though Pfizer is the one with the ability to mass-manufacture and distribute it.
The two are Turkish-German Muslims. [Gasp!]
Author Juan Cole goes on to report(breathlessly) that Sahin and Türeci are now both billionaires. It is unclear why that matters.
As far as I am concerned the jury is still out on whether the vaccine is a success or not.
Meanwhile, search “new Covid strain identified in UK” and see that the world is in a panic as evidenced by every major news outlet spreading more fear. Of course the big SCIENCE question is: will Pfizer’s vaccine work against the new strain (assuming it even works on the original strain)?
I know it is an understatement, but this election matters like no other.
And, let me ask at the outset, why are so many of you pushing for schools to re-open? If you are truly a conservative, get your kids the hell out of there and use this opportunity (the COVID panic) to launch your own homeschool!
Sarsour can’t wait to pressure a Biden administration!
Before I give you a few snips about what the Dems’ presidential candidate Joe Biden said, perhaps the last few lines of the story are most telling.
Here is what Emgage Action conference attendee Linda Sarsour said of Biden according to The Christian Post:
“I choose Biden. But I choose him as my opponent in the White House,” Sarsour added. “I want him to defeat Trump so we can mobilize our movements to hold him accountable and push him to do and be better. We can’t do that with Trump.”
Joe Biden wants Islam taught more in schools, decries ‘rise in Islamophobia’
Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden said Monday that he wants schools in the U.S. to teach more about Islam and claimed that there is an “unconscionable rise in Islamophobia” under the Trump administration.
“I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith,” Biden, a Catholic, said during his video remarks played at the “Million Muslim Votes” summit organized by the Muslim American political action committee Emgage Action.
“I wish we talked about all the great confessional faiths. [Islam is] one of the great confessional faiths. What people don’t realize is … we all come from the same root here, in terms of our fundamental basic beliefs. I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity for being engaged, for committing to action this November.”
Emgage Action boasts of being the “political home for Muslim Americans” and endorsed Biden in April after initial endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in the Democratic presidential primary.
“Donald Trump has fanned the flames of hate in this country, across the board, through his words, his policies, his appointments, his deeds and he continues to fan those flames,” the 77-year-old Biden, who served as vice president under former President Barack Obama, said. “Under this administration, we have seen an unconscionable rise in Islamophobia, including kids being bullied at school and hate crimes in our communities.”
Despite calling out administration officials he accused of being Islamophobic, Biden mentioned nothing in his speech about confronting the presence of radical Islamic extremist groups that are responsible for the killing of thousands around the world.
Biden praised Emgage Action for its effort in getting 1 million Muslim voters to show up to vote in November.
He went on to say that “this is the most important election in modern American history.”
Biden vowed to “end the Muslim ban on day one.” Biden also vowed to work with Congress to pass hate crime legislation and legislation to end racial and religious profiling by federal law enforcement agencies.
Biden’s comments on wanting to see more Islam taught in public schools come as many public school districts around the country already include units on Islam in high school and, in some cases, middle school social studies class.
“Biden has a lot of work to do to win the hearts of young Muslim Americans who were core to Bernie’s campaign,” Sarsour wrote in a Twitter thread. “They are anti-war, pro-Palestinian, pro-Abolition of ICE & support defunding of police. They care aboutRohingya, Uighur Muslims, Kashmir, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen & Syria.”
“I choose Biden. But I choose him as my opponent in the White House,” Sarsour added. “I want him to defeat Trump so we can mobilize our movements to hold him accountable and push him to do and be better. We can’t do that with Trump.”
There is much more, including the fact that Rep. Ilhan Omar was there (not a surprise).
“Suu Kyi and Orban issued a joint Islamophobic statement in which they said that immigration, and both countries’ growing Muslim populations, posed a serious challenge.”
(Verena Hölzl at Deutsche Welle)
No stories this morning about dirty doctors, Islamic terrorists, illegal aliens killing senior citizens, or the many frauds new Americans are perpetrating on our social safety net.
Instead I was refocused, as I said in my previous post , by a warning about the danger of an advancing worldwide Islamic caliphate that can only happen if the Hijra (the migration) proceeds unimpeded.
And along those lines I was thrilled to see the news that Burma’s longtime freedom fighter Aung San Suu Kyi went to Hungary and the Czech Republic this past week to discuss the dangers to countries like hers, and to Europe, of the mass migration of Muslims. Some world leaders get it….. Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi met with Hungarian PM Viktor Orban: “A chilling sign of Global Islamophobia” (says the Leftwing press)
‘New American’ Sina Mousavi
After reading my story yesterdayabout the Canadian doctor who murdered his wife when she wanted a divorce, a reader from Tennessee sent me news from just this week about how domestic violence is part and parcel of Islamic law.
This story is not from the Middle East or even from Muslim centers in states like Minnesota and Michigan. It happened in Nashville.
The abused wife escaped and went to the police. (Hope she is now in a safe place!) Continue reading “Violence Against Women Sanctioned under Sharia Law”→
Released this week, the Council on American Islamic Relationsreportcontends that over a thousand foundations (listed in the appendix) fund a vast array of organizations who hate Muslims (they say).
Of course my first thought was, well who funded this report endorsed by the disgraced Southern Poverty Law Center and who funds CAIR?
And, my second thought was that if there is so much money sloshing around in the “Islamophobia Network,” why haven’t I seen any of it?
I know a lot of citizen volunteers/writers working on educating America about political Islam who work for zip, zero, nada!
Hey, rich foundations! I am over here! (Donation button in right hand side bar!)
Thanks to a reader for sending me the news. Continue reading “CAIR's 2019 Funding "Islamophobia" Report is Worth a Look”→