It sure isn’t a big surprise to hear this is happening, but so good to see that there are people with a backbone willing to step forward and expose Tech Tyranny.
That is what (now former) Facebook tech, Morgan Kahmann, told Project Veritas. His bottom line, no matter what happens to him, is that he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he did not speak out.
His message to others in his situation—Yes, there will be blowback, but weigh it out. If you don’t speak up can you live with yourself for the rest of your life?
Watch Kahmann’s whole interview with James O’Keefe of Project Veritas here:
And, here he is on Tucker Carlsonlast night:
The whistleblower wraps with a pitch for his GiveSendGoaccount. I don’t fault him one bit for making a pitch for financial help for his young family.
Maybe if we handsomely reward whistleblowers, more will be willing and able to come forward to expose the truth about big tech censorship that is out to destroy our Constitutionally granted right to free speech.
Apparently the fascists running Joe Biden’s government these days don’t like what Nick Fuentes says since he has not committed any crimes. Scary stuff!
The story is at VDARE, a website the Left abhors and so therefore you should visit it often even if you don’t agree with every word they publish.
Fuentes is apparently being harassed because of his political activities in support of America First and Donald Trump and because his speech is uncomfortable for some tender ears.
Remember the old adage….First they came for Nick!
America First Patriot Nick Fuentes Put On No-Fly List
America First host Nick Fuentes can no longer fly on an airplane. He announced Tuesday that he couldn’t check into his flight because the authorities didn’t clear him to fly.
Fuentes believes he was put on the no-fly list due to hysteria over the Capitol protests. He has suffered numerous bans since January 6.
Fuentes was on his way to Florida for a press conference and rally against Big Tech and for Governor DeSantis push to rein-in the power of the tech giants in his state.
Here Fuentes posted news on the gathering of free speech advocates on Twitter last Friday.
You probably noticed that Fuentes is at least still on Twitter when yours truly was suspended back in January.
VDARE notes that Glenn Greenwald, a staunch defender of American civil liberties no matter which side of the political divide one resides on, came to Fuentes’ defense.
This could be you someday, but that is no reason to pull any political punches in these difficult times.
And if this is the first time you have heard of Nick Fuentes, he is the host of a podcast America First Live.
Check it out!
LOL! By singling Fuentes out like this, those seeking to silence him may just have broadened his audience.
It was earlier this month when we saw that the destruction of a Black Lives Matter sign at a church in Missouri turned out to have been the work of— wait for it—a black man.
Sorry move along, nothing to see! No White supremacists lurking there.
Let’s see what happens with this latest gasp! shocker. In the increasingly diverse Howard County, Maryland someone had the audacity to paint over the world BLACK on a Black Lives Matter sign at a Middle School.
***Update*** A reader found a photo of the defaced sign!
The “disturbing crime” left only the words LIVES MATTER, a racist phrase if there ever was one!
Of course my first question is why is there a BLM sign at any public school?
And, that brings me back to my post of a couple of days ago when I wondered out loud why anyone is sending their kids back into public school when parents have just been given the opportunity to make the break!
Here is CAIR’s press release as the hunt intensifies for those wily White supremacists!
CAIR Condemns Racist Graffiti at Md. School, Welcomes Hate Crime Probe
(BALTIMORE, MD, 3/16/21) – The Maryland office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today welcomed a hate crime investigation into racist graffiti reportedly discovered at Glenwood Middle School in Howard County, Md.The incident took place Saturday when the word “Black” in a Black Lives Matter marquee was spray-painted over.
CAIR’s Director in Maryland Zainab Chaudry.
Howard County Public Schools’ Superintendent Michael Martirano issued a statement condemning the incident and confirming that the graffiti was quickly removed. He added that the incident was being investigated by police as a hate crime. It read in part: “We believe the lives of our black and brown students and staff should not be diminished and devalued in this way. We reiterate our support for the fact that Black lives matter.”
“As schools resume in-person instruction after a long and difficult year, students deserve to know that they will be returning to a safe, inclusive learning environment in which hate won’t be tolerated,” said CAIR’s Director in Maryland Zainab Chaudry. “We look forward to learning the outcome of the investigation, and appropriate consequences for the perpetrators of this disturbing crime.”
Taking a trip down Memory Lane…
Back in 2013, several Maryland conservative Tea Party activists, me included, put on a conference in Annapolis and our featured speaker was the legendary Pamela Geller.
Of course CAIR busied itself trying to kill our gathering and our FREE Speech by intimidating the hotel where we had a contract. Fortunately the hotel stood firm and our conference went on.
They also attempted to intimidate other speakers planning to speak at the event.
I wrote about it here at my blog Potomac Tea Party Report, which I am delighted to see is still there! Chaudry had just appeared on the scene at that time.
CAIR-MD intimidating speakers at MD CAN (again!); boosts registrations!
“….who should be the ultimate authority over each human being’s genetic software code? If we truly live in a free society, wouldn’t it stand to reason that we would want to have an energetic debate over how to answer that question?”
(Leo Hohmann)
It is no surprise in this day and age that social media is trying to silence anyone with questions about the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccine, or whatever you want to call the Pfizer or Moderna shot because it isn’t a vaccine in the normal sense that we are accustomed to receiving for the flu, for example.
Before I start a war here on what I will just call “The Shot,” my philosophy is this: Do your own research, and choose what you think is best for you. After all, haven’t we been told for decades now that we have “choice” when it comes to our bodies.
Easier said than done because everywhere you turn these days, the question looms: Did you get the shot?
If you say no, the look that follows is usually a stern one. Is that because the person asking has had the shot and thinks you are mean and selfish and will be a walking Covid time bomb? If so, why are they worried, they are now protected by The Shot, right?
Or, are they deep-down wondering if they did the right thing themselves by allowing the injection that will alter their body’s God-given genetic code.
Of course, there are those who haven’t gotten The Shot and do want your opinion.
I guess you get my drift. For now, I’m holding off.
I’m not an anti-vaxer. In fact, as I cleaned out accumulated paperwork from a busy life this winter, I came across medical records from when I traveled to Vietnam in 1998. My doctor then insisted I be vaccinated for what looks like every tropical disease known to mankind that year. I got the works!
I’m older and wiser now and I think that we simply do not know enough about the new pharmaceutical injection being shoved down our throats (jabbed into our arms!). Indeed it is the big campaign that frankly makes me a skeptic. I am resisting being herded.
I am angry too because I see all around me that the tyranny being created by The Shot question is literally destroying friendships and breaking-up family relationships and generally furthering the destruction of social cohesion, the last thing this country needs right now.
When this is the guy telling us what to do with our bodies, I am not listening. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey
Did you see that Twitter has new rules in its efforts to silence skeptics?
Mention your concern about The Shot five times and you are toast at Twitter.
Of course for me that doesn’t matter as they have already suspended my account and taken away my followers.
Adding insult to injury they won’t let me delete my account (it sits there unused). Why can’t I delete it? Because, they inform me, it is suspended!
VAX THOUGHT POLICE: Anyone who criticizes coronavirus vaccines FIVE times will be banned from Twitter
(Natural News) Anyone caught spreading “misleading information” about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines on Twitter will be given five chances to stop before being forever banned from the social media platform, the company recently announced.
A new “strike system” will reportedly keep track of the number of times a Twitter user says something bad about Chinese virus vaccines. Each time the punishment will increase until eventually that user is struck from the platform for good.
This is Twitter’s way of ensuring that as many people as possible are misled into taking an experimental gene therapy “vaccine” that will forever alter their DNA through genetic engineering and reprogramming.
I thought all Covid vaccine skeptics were on the political right!
Look at this, Robert Kennedy Jr., a big Dem with an anti-shot campaign, is banned from Instagram! Me and Kennedy on the same side of anything! Remarkable!
Anti-vaxxer Robert F Kennedy, 67, is BANNED from Instagram for ‘repeatedly sharing false claims about COVID-19’ – including theory that Bill Gates is pursuing Marxist plot to destroy US sovereignty
It is one thing to silence our speech, but imagine if the fascists get to this stage and demand proof that you took The Shot to board a plane, or to take part in other types of public events and gatherings!
Ironically I saw that the World Health Organization is opposing any restrictions involving so-called vaccine passports because it would limit the movement of poor migrants (less likely to have been vaccinated) around the world.
All of that is a lead-up to the primary article I want to bring to your attention.
Moderna’s top scientist: ‘We are actually hacking the software of life’
These are concluding paragraphs but please read the whole thing…..
These scientists truly believe that the human body is nothing more than a machine that can be hacked into and reordered according to some programmer’s instructions.
The same ground-breaking nature of this research that excites some, is what horrifies others.
A person’s genetic makeup is, as Dr. Zak said, “the software of life.”
If this is true, then who should be the ultimate authority over each human being’s genetic software code? If we truly live in a free society, wouldn’t it stand to reason that we would want to have an energetic debate over how to answer that question?Shouldn’t it be the number-one issue being debated in Congress and the media? Instead, nobody is allowed to even ask these questions without being threatened, censored, rebuked, deplatformed. Members of the corporate media who dare broach the question get fired.
Contrary to what some scientists believe, we are not machines. We are human beings with bodies, souls and free wills. Anyone who tries to mandate the acceptance of an experimental gene-altering treatment is going against the international Nuremberg Codes, which require informed consent of any experimental treatment.
And, now I am going to do a test and put this on my facebook page. It will be off topic as my page is mostly about refugees and immigration, but I hear facebook is scouring its pages looking for people who are asking questions about The Shot.
p.s. Yesterday I wrote a post on how Biden is p******-off the progressives because he hasn’t yet signed the order to allow 62,500 refugees into the US before September 30th. People on facebook are very interested in the refugee/migration issue as my facebook data indicates—I had a reach of 100,000 there in the last month.
“The establishment declared war on me… when it told me my ideas weren’t worthy of debate and discussion or that they were even so dangerous they couldn’t be shared publicly.”
(Frank Miele)
An opinion piece at Real Clear Politics is the most important thing you can read this week!
As I write this I am so proud to say that I met Mr. Miele in Montana in 2016. I don’t know if he remembers me, but I am so thrilled to see this absolutely spot-on piece about where we are today.
In the last few days I have found myself fuming over the Other Sides’ bullying tactics. How about you? Everywhere you turn you are told to keep you politics to yourself.
How often have I heard in recent weeks, especially since January 6th, that those of us who believe in the Constitution, support Donald Trump, question the results of the 2020 election, and are conservatives in the way we view the world are being bullied into silence, from family members, from neighbors, on social media and from people we hardly know or never met!
I have never once told someone they weren’t permittedto tell me their political views, why the heck do they think they have a right to shame us and tell us to shut up!
Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell Montana, and author of ‘How we got here. The Left’s Assault on the Constitution‘ helps us understand exactly what is being done to us.
Enemies of the State vs. Enemies of the People
I didn’t declare war on the establishment; it declared war on me.
It declared war on me when it supported energy policies that could enrich Saudi Arabia and Russia and would cost me more money at the gas pump or on my power bill.
It declared war on me when it told me my ideas weren’t worthy of debate and discussion or that they were even so dangerous they couldn’t be shared publicly.
It declared war on me when it used the police powers of the FBI and CIA to first spy on a presidential candidate and then worked to undermine the administration of that candidate after he was elected.
It declared war on me when it told me my religious beliefs did not deserve the protection of the First Amendment.
Let’s just say it plainly: The establishment declared war on me and on all conservative Americans when it decided that leftist orthodoxy was more important than the Constitution.
Don’t believe me? Fine, why should you believe a Trump supporter? You’ve been indoctrinated by the national media, Big Tech oligarchs, the Democratic Party, and academic elites to believe without questioning that people like me can’t be trusted.
This “guilt by labeling” is the antithesis of fair play or justice. It is a convenient mechanism for the ruling class to herd people into identity clusters so that individual rights can be supplanted by group responsibility. If this reminds you of China’s Cultural Revolution, you are not wrong. The ruling class wants you to conform, confirm and comply. If you step outside the lines, be prepared to be shamed, silenced and ostracized.
By the way, I am reading that above as I learned yesterday that once again the Southern Poverty Law Center, attempting to intimidate me into silence, has called me a “hate group.”
No wonder the people are starting to rise up and rebel against the plutocracy.
(A plutocracy is government by the wealthy.)
Keep speaking, keep writing, keep communicating and never let them shut you up. The next time you are told at a family gathering or other social event to keep your politics to yourself say politely that you don’t plan to stay silent anymore! WE have nothing to be ashamed of!
On Gabthe other day, I saw a suggestion that I thought was a good one. Find every avenue you can on e-mail chains, social media, your local newspaper, whatever, and use them all to spread a conservative, America First! message.