Since I had previously devoted some attention to immigrant-pushing Islamic cleric Imam Omar Suleiman this post at Islamist Watchby Sam Westrop jumped out at me this morning as I did my usual perusal of the news looking for items that I think would interest you.
Westrop points out that the Salafistshave not needed to change (or pretend to change) in Europe because the Muslim population there is high enough to push their ‘purist’ agenda without ‘modifying’ their hardcore beliefs, but in the US the population is not high enough (yet!) so they need the Leftwingers, the Progressive Dems, to essentially hide behind.
One of those clever pretenders is Suleiman. I wrote about him working with Church World Service and CAIR in March of 2018 to protest Trump’s refugee slowdown. See here.
Flexible Salafis
The Growing Political Power of ‘Woke,’ Modernist Islamism
Imam Omar Suleiman rarely talks about da’wah – the Islamic duty of proselytization. He never talks about Islamist designs for an Islamic state. Instead, America’s leading Islamic cleric speaks about broad political change, employing the language and ideas of progressivism.
In fact, Suleiman, president of the Yaqeen Institute, is not just a preacher; he is an activist, found often in front of TV cameras, speaking before Congress, or being arrested on Capitol Hill at protests against the Trump administration’s policies.
His success is surprising. Suleiman is one of a number of popular clerics who emerged from a network centered around the AlMaghrib Institute, a Salafi-founded organization dedicated to a hardline strain of Islam. Its own extremism is incontrovertible. Founder Muhammad Alshareef once wrote a paper titled “Why the Jews Were Cursed,” in which he claims Jews control the media and murder prophets. Other leading Almaghrib clerics include Abdullah Hakim Quick, who calls for the killing of homosexuals and urges God to “purify” Al-Aqsa from the “filth of the Yahud [Jews],” and “clean Afghanistan and Iraq” from the “filth of the Kafiroun [unbelievers].”
Suleiman at the southern border in December 2018
Suleiman’s rhetoric has at times been just as extreme. Around 2014, he was busy beseeching the ummah to rise up and act against the forces that threatened Islam. He praised a newer generation of “awakened” Muslim youth, and lauded the piety and commitment of the people of Gaza. And he criticized those who were “too lazy” to boycott the “Zionist regime,” claiming such activism by a committed few had already cost the Israelis over 8 billion dollars.
But as his fame grew, his tactics changed. Whereas once Suleiman excused the killing of adulterers and denounced homosexuality as a “repugnant shameless sin,” today he is an ardent advocate for political alliances with the progressive Left, including “LGBT” movements. In lectures and quasi-academic essays, Suleiman and Yaqeen now promote Islam as a force for “social justice.”
Instead of talking just about refugees from Gaza or Syria, Suleiman is today also found at the border with Mexico – equipped with journalists and their cameras – to embrace non-Muslim emigrants and loudly protest the Trump administration’s policies.
And rather than remain just a regular fixture on the Islamist conference circuit, Suleiman today finds himself introduced to Congress by Nancy Pelosi, and given a platform at Bernie Sanders’ campaign rallies, to talk about the “promise of America … an America that resists the forces of bigotry … the forces of greed … that distract us from corrupt billionaires.”
Omar Suleiman is both the Left’s talking-point and its talking-head.
He is no longer issuing parochial calls for an awakened Muslim youth, but he has become part of a broader hard Left movement that claims to be building a utopia for all.
Editor: I want you to see my post at Refugee Resettlement Watchthis morning. I’m mentioning it here because it fits at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and because RRW has not yet rebuilt its following since WordPressdotcom silenced methere.
I’m back writing at RRW almost every day! And, right now there is a lot of refugee news being made.
Who comes up with this hokey stuff?
Is this goofy or what! That is the Rev. McCullough of Church World Service on the far left. He pulls in an annual salary and benefits package of nearly $300,000 from the quasi-government CWS. Looks like Anne Richard, Obama’s refugee chief next to him, and then of course CAIR’s Nihad Awad fourth from the left.
But, I want readers here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’to know about the “Civil Disobedience” planned by CAIR and Church World Service for the US Capitol on Tuesday. See the news here.
Also, see that Trump’s deal with Mexico must be holding as the Mexican National Guard halted a thousand-member caravan (including many Africans) before it even got a few miles up the road toward the US border, here.
Both stories fit just as well here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ as they do at RRW!
Back later with a sad story involving another illegal alien…..
Recently I told you that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a federal refugee contractor, had become the first church group to declare that they are a sanctuary church that seeks to protect the “undocumented.”
We see that another federal contractor, Church World Service, which received $39 million from US taxpayers in 2018, is on the sanctuary bandwagon.
No pictures of crying kids! By the way, these are two Salvadorans charged in the rape of an 11-year-old in Montgomery County, MD a sanctuary county. I didn’t have the photos for my post on Saturday, so thought I would put them here. Why not! This is what you get with sanctuary policies!
Church World Servicewants you to contribute to their sanctuary scheme. (Hat tip: Joanne)
From their website:
With the resurgence of the Sanctuary Movement, hundreds of congregations are standing in solidarity with immigrants and providing spaces of sanctuary for individuals facing deportation or targeted by hate.The Sanctuary Movement has been lifting up stories of immigrant leaders and people of faith working together to stop individual deportations and demonstrate against mass deportations and detention.
Shirt with CWS logo. Did you pay for her T-shirt?
We are living in extraordinary times, which call for more resources and support from as many people as possible to help strengthen our capacity to create sanctuary spaces, outreach to new congregations and build new coalitions.
People of faith from all traditions are called to respond to the current political reality by joining the Sanctuary Movement and working together to lift up the prophetic voice of immigrant leaders.
Please donate to the Sanctuary Movement today.
Just so you know these are theMember congregationsChurch World Service claims as their own. It is over 50 years since Cloward and Piven wrote about the strategy to transform America—to bring on the revolution—a strategy that required getting the churches on the side of the communists, see here.
Checking their latest financials, you can see that CWS received 62 percent ($39 million) of its income from you via your tax dollars in this most recent Charity Navigator report.
Look at the bright side!
I guess they are making a big push for dollars for their sanctuary program because they are way down in government funding. See here in January that in the previous year they got $68 million directly from the US Treasury (from you!).
For new readers, see the list of all nine UN/US State Department refugee resettlement “partners” here.
If you haven’t done it already, you must tell the Prezto cut all federal funding of these fake non-profits sucking off the federal teat while breaking the law and harboring illegal aliens!
“Refugee backers….worry that the doomsday scenario — taking numbers down to zero — could debilitate the resettlement program for years to come.”
I had planned to immediately this morning jump on the Rep. Ilhan Omar (Somali refugee) marriage scam story, but need to tell you about this breaking news first. Church World Service which receives millions in federal grants and contracts to place refugees in your towns and cities is crying the blues…..
A little background….
Every year at this time various administration agencies and the federal resettlement contractors (also called incorrectly ‘charities’) get together to plan for the coming fiscal year and how many refugees should be admitted and from where.
The State Department then in conjunction with the White House prepares the Presidential Determination that is sent to Congress in September for consultation with various committees. However, it is the President who has the power under the Refugee Act of 1980 to set the CEILING for the coming year.
One step in the process that has now been missing for years is the “scoping meeting” which for many many years was held in May or June and it was an opportunity for the public to weigh in with views on the scope of the program. Longtime readers of Refugee Resettlement Watchmay recall that for a number of years during the Obama Administration those of us with concerns about the program swamped them with comments. That opportunity for public comment was dropped and the Trump Administration has never revived it.
So here we are again the annual squabble over numbers of refugees for the coming fiscal year has begun (FY20 begins on October 1, 2019). Previously I saw that the nine federal contractors (Church World Service is one of the nine) who are paid to place the refugees are again pushing for 75,000.
Not happy with what they learned last week from the Trump team, they have leaked to Politico and surely other news outlets to vent and to stir up their minions to put pressure on Congress and the White House so they can continue to be paid to change America by changing the people.
And, get this! Heritage Foundation is on the side of more refugees rather than less!