Connecticut: Senior Citizen Raped in Public Housing for Poor and Disabled

Editor:  I have been busy over at Refugee Resettlement Watch these days as news has picked up there now that Biden says he will attempt to move 62,500 refugees from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East to your towns before September 30th.  But, issues involving abuse of vulnerable seniors move to the top of my … Continue reading Connecticut: Senior Citizen Raped in Public Housing for Poor and Disabled

More Americans Homeless than Ever; Bring in Impoverished Migrants Anyway

…. the nation has a “moral responsibility to end homelessness.” (Biden’s new HUD secretary former Rep. Marcia Fudge) Dear Ms. Fudge,  Good luck with that! Yesterday I wrote about where one could live in peace in America. Add Phoenix, and Arizona generally, as a place to avoid as homelessness grows for veterans and families while … Continue reading More Americans Homeless than Ever; Bring in Impoverished Migrants Anyway

America First Has No Effective Opposition to Recreating the Third World on American Soil

Saying that the US must “solve the global refugee crisis” is meaningless pabulum.  It will never be solved as third world countries send their excess people off to America and America says sure come on in, we can take care of everyone. And, then one day, we too will be the third world. I don’t … Continue reading America First Has No Effective Opposition to Recreating the Third World on American Soil

Trump’s Loyal Aide Stephen Miller Launches Legal Group to Sue Biden Administration

If you followed my other blog RRW over the Trump years, you know that the Leftwing NO-borders groups and the refugee contractors sued Trump for every move he made to limit immigration and attempt to reform refugee resettlement policy. Now, Stephen Miller, surely one of the few aides outside the President’s own family who was … Continue reading Trump’s Loyal Aide Stephen Miller Launches Legal Group to Sue Biden Administration