Many Somalis sure hope so, while some Minnesotans are saying an emphatic no!
Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar with Speaker Pelosi. Omar is featured in the documentary below….
For longtime readers of my other blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch, you know that beginning in the 1990’s the US State Department and its ‘religious’ charity contractors, specifically Lutheran and Catholic resettlement contractors, have been placing Somalis, many from Dadaab the big UN camp in Africa where Ilhan Omar previously resided, into the state of Minnesota.
Once the population grew, some Somalis placed elsewhere in the US migrated to Minnesota to be with their own kind of people.
The decision to place Somali ‘refugees’ into Minnesota had a lot to do with employers looking for cheap labor and for the fact that Minnesota had a generous welfare system.
That expanding Somali population is now having a political impact as many seek elected office.
When I traveled in the state in 2016, I realized that the rest of America had no clue about what was happening in a state where residents take pride in their kindheartedness — Minnesota nice—they all told me. I came home thinking that someone needed to make a documentary about the state and what was happening there.
Well here it is! Know that Biden/Harris have removed restrictions on Somali refugees, restrictions that President Trump had placed on their migration to America.
Watch before Youtube removes it!
Update! There is a slightly changed version of the video here, but unfortunately my blog isn’t set up to play it. Check it out!
The word has gone out! Come one and all to the US Southern Border because Biden/Harris promise they will not hold you on the Mexican side of the border like that mean old Donald Trump did for so long.
Surely you are seeing the news everywhere—oh woe the unaccompanied alien children are suffering.
Biden’s proposed refugee admissions number (125,000 for FY22) surpasses any year of Obama’s 8 years.
But, no one, even on our side of the immigration divide, tells you that the “children” are not tiny tots crying for mommy, but are mostly teenaged males.
Before I get to that, see my Round-up post yesterday at Refugee Resettlement Watchon the Biden administrations plan to bring in up to 62,500 third world refugees by October first of this year, in addition to the tens of thousands flooding in illegally.
And see that all across the country the contractors are gearing up for the new arrivals (aka new Democrat voters).
Before you even read the news about how Chairman Joe is now getting blowback from his own people because he isn’t moving fast enough on his promises to the open borders agitators, and he is incarcerating kids, see this data from the Office of Refugee Resettlementwhich is responsible for the care and feeding of the unaccompanied alien ‘children.’
In fiscal year 2020, 72% were over 15 years-old and 68% were males. Those numbers have remained steady over the years.
At another time in history these young men would have been called invaders.
Mostly teenagers:
Mostly males (and how many of those 17 year-olds are actually much older?)
Although President Joe Biden promised to end the seemingly draconian immigration policies of the previous administration and reclaim the country’s supposed reputation as a safe haven for immigrants everywhere, some supporters are enraged as he continues to expel tens of thousands of migrants, restores an unlicensed shelter for migrant children and struggles to implement policy changes without a full staff in place, reports the Washington Post.
And as former president Donald Trump dispatched his deputies to the Hill on Wednesday to lobby against Biden’s immigration overhauls, and Trump plans to blast those changes in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Sunday, An Immigration and Customs Enforcement email obtained by The Washington Post shows that the administration has already entered crisis mode on the southern border.
Trump is reading the tea leaves, as noted by PJ Media.
Unbelievable! The Democrat socialists are more concerned about us and about white nationalism than a border invasion! Don’t expect any reaching across the aisles anytime soon, maybe not in our lifetimes!
An email from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement reports that shelters have been authorized to purchase airline tickets and cover other transportation costs for unaccompanied minors who have crossed the border and whose relatives are already living in the United States.
Since Biden’s promise not to expel any more minors, the number of minors in federal custody has more than tripled to 7,000, prompting officials to reopen an overflow shelter in Texas to house them — even though the shelter is not state-licensed, as required — until officials can place them with a parent or guardian in the United States.
Endnote: If you are on Facebook, see that I have been posting on my Refugee Resettlement Watch page there. Click here. There is lots of enthusiastic commenting going on and so I’ll stay on Facebook in order to reach thousands, at least until I get the boot.
Yesterday I postedthis newsfrom the UK Daily Mail.
AOC wants to abolish the Dept. of Homeland Security and ICE and wants us to admit thousands of ‘climate refugees’—a new category of refugee— something I have been talking about for a decade at RRW.
President Trump had followed through on his promise to use extreme vetting when reviewing applicants for the US Refugee Admissions Program and Chairman Joe has already said his administration will do away with the extra layers of security screening.
Twenty-six House Republicans earlier this month sent a letter to the administration, soon to be entirely run by Kamala (after dementia Joe said some very damaging things in his infomercial with Anderson Cooper), urging that they not let-up on vetting refugees and immigrants who want to be your new neighbors.
I hadn’t seen this news a week ago, and only became aware of it when I read the ABC story (below), a whiny account of how Biden can’t get the refugee admission numbers high enough very fast because of how that mean-spirited Trump had decimated the refugee industry over four years.
And, because they have to get rid of Trump’s extreme vetting before the pipeline to America will flow smoothly.
It is clear in the ABC story below that Biden/Harris are going to begin funneling millions of dollars to the refugee resettlement contractors*** as fast as they can.
House Republicans caution Biden administration against weakening vetting of refugees
EXCLUSIVE: More than two dozen House Republicans on Wednesday urged the Biden administration to oppose efforts to weaken screening for immigrants and refugees coming to the U.S. over national security concerns.
“We are extremely concerned with the Biden Administration’s plans to weaken screening and vetting for foreign nationals coming to the United States, including refugee applicants in the [U.S. Refugee Admissions Program] and other humanitarian-based U.S. immigration programs,” the letter, signed by 26 House Republicans says.
Go hereto see the letter, and below is a screenshot of signatures of the 26 House members you should be thanking. You should let others in your district know about their brave work. Maybe write a letter to the editor of your local paper.
And, if you have a Republican Congressman or Congresswoman and they aren’t on here, ask them why they aren’t urging extra caution in vetting prospective ‘new Americans.’
***If you are new to the refugee issue, here below are the nine federal contractors that put the wellbeing of refugees above struggling Americans.
Adding insult to injury, you pay them with your tax dollars to place refugees throughout the country. They along with the US State Department determine where they will be placed.
And, these nine are always busy on The Hill putting pressure on lawmakers.
You can bet they blasted the twenty six above for daring to suggest that terrorists and other criminals could get into the program.
Even as refugee resettlement contractors*** say it isn’t so, and attempt to silence us by getting us listed as hate groups at the Southern Poverty Law Center (more to say on this later) for daring to raise the issue of national security breaches and fraudulent activity that surrounds refugee admissions from the Middle East, they can’t hide the truth.
The US Refugee Admissions program is filled with fraud! Here is more proof that you have no idea who your ‘new American’ neighbors are!
‘Sophisticated insider threat’ at DHS immigration agency forces pause to Iraqi refugee program
Ali had been anxiously eyeing the first days of the Biden administration, counting on the president’s promises of a new era in immigration to clear hurdles and help him get the visa he’s been seeking for years, as a reward for helping the U.S. war effort in Iraq.
But two days into the new administration, those hopes were dashed when the State Department announced an emergency pause on the special Iraqi refugee program.
Prosecutors had just revealed an almost unthinkable internal security breach: Two Homeland Security employees had been selling secret files from the Iraqi program for years, leaving security experts to figure out the damage, and the State Department to try to cauterize the wound.
The scam also left those like Ali — a pseudonym The Washington Times is using to protect his identity — worried about what bad guys might now know about him.
“I was literally counting the days of Trump’s presidency term and wishing Biden wins the election to resume the program so we can finally get our freedom and restore our normal life,” Ali told The Times in an email. “Now with this news I receive another shock to be added to my life’s tragedy.”
The criminal case has exposed staggering gaps in security at Homeland Security’s legal immigration agency, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
The fraud is similar to asylum fraud we have reported in the past at RRWwhere lawyers create a ‘sob story’ that is used with variations to get an applicant through the process.
Sources told The Times the goal was not, as Ali feared, to glean information that could be used to exact retribution against those who helped the U.S. Instead, the scammers were trying to exploit America’s generosity to pave a path for undeserving people.
Having access to the case files from successful applications gave the fraudsters a template to help others craft their own applications, cutting out information that had sunk others and highlighting the factors that had worked in previous cases.
“These guys were seeing applications and write-ups of those who were successfully able to establish eligibility, and basically take those narratives and repurpose them for others,” said Rob Law, the past chief of policy at USCIS.
“People adopt similar stories, once someone is found to successfully navigate the system.”
Top Republicans on the House’s Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs committees have demanded secret briefings on what went wrong, calling it a “sophisticated insider threat.”
Mr. Law, now director of regulatory affairs and policy at the Center for Immigration Studies, said he expects more revelations about the extent of the fraud.
“What’s being currently reported as being uncovered is potentially just the beginning,” he said.
He also said the scam should be a caution to the Biden administration as it seeks to unwind former President Donald Trump’s strict vetting of refugees and other foreign arrivals.
I have an extensive archive at RRW on the special immigrant visa program for Iraq and Afghanistan (a Ted Kennedy gift to America). To learn morego here.
***For Readers unfamiliar with the US Refugee Admissions Program these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House and are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, as well as raising the refugee admissions ceiling from 15,000 this year to 125,000.
These nine contractors are largely responsible for choosing where to place special immigrant visa holders from Iraq and Afghanistan. During the Trump years regular refugee numbers were low, especially from Muslim countries. However, the SIVs coming in afforded the contractors paying work as their numbers did not decline at least in the early years of the Trump administration.
These nine fake charities (really quasi-government agencies) are paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting Americans last!
And, to add insult to injury, the CONTRACTORS are jumping for joy because Biden has promised to get rid of Trump’s extreme vetting.