….but, how many others are never caught?
This morning I wanted some news that didn’t involve the Chinese Virus ‘Crisis’ and thanks to a reader, Kristin, here is a little something you should know about.
LOL! But it does indirectly involve the virus because you can bet that gobs and gobs of borrowed billions is flowing to medical researchers in the quest for the magic bullet to stop COVID-19.
The federal government doles out grants in the billions of dollars to researchers in various fields, and does have an oversight department called the Office of Research Integrity that investigates fraudulent research and cheating researchers. “Research misconduct” they call it.
You have been hearing a lot on the news lately about our “Public Health Services” and ORI lists those federal agencies and acts as a watchdog over them.
Here are the Public Health Services we pay to guard our health:
Office of Public Health and Science
National Institutes of Health.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Food and Drug Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The Health Resources and Services Administration
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
The Indian Health Service
Office of Regional Health Administrators
Now check out the list of recently debarred*** medical researchers listed by ORI.
The message across the world must be—go to America foreign student/doctor and suck off the American taxpayers!

You can access the cases from here as well.
Have a look at Dr. Sudhakar Yakkanti for example. He can be back as soon as 2024 looking for more federal bucks!
How many more ‘new Americans’ are participating in “research misconduct” and are not ever exposed?
No wonder that so many Americans are suspicious of medical information being put forth on the nightly news.
***The debarment and suspension procedures are intended to prevent waste, fraud and abuse in Federal procurement and non-procurement actions. Debarment or suspension of an organization or individual excludes that company or individual from doing business with the Federal Government.