North Carolina County Taxpayers Spent $5000 to Hear Linda Sarsour Vent


Sarsour spoke in Hillsborough on Sunday.

What is going on in North Carolina?  I often hear people from the Northeast say they are heading down to live/retire in the Carolinas to get away from high taxes and liberal government policies, but I would think really long and hard about choosing North Carolina.
Map orange county NC
Orange County, NC

The political Leftwing is working day and night, year after year, to change North Carolina (by changing the people!).  When I was writing at Refugee Resettlement Watch I was puzzled by the push for more refugees to be placed there and I even noted that some world famous Islamic terrorists like KSM went to college in the Tar Heel State.
As I noted the other day, North Carolina, even under Donald Trump, is the fifth most ‘welcoming’ refugee resettlement state in the nation.
Now to the news about the Sarsour event, put on by the taxpayer-funded ‘Human Relations Commission’……
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Soros Wanted to Document Hate Crimes in Wake of Trump's Election

So he funded the earliest version of a “hate crime” database, but according to Richard Tofel, the president of ProPublica, a founding partner and a recipient of the largess of  Soros foundation grants, the database is not an effort to collect statistical data, but instead they are simply “soliciting people’s stories.”

George Soros is out to get President Trump!

Those “stories” are then made available to leading media outlets where reporters can then supposedly sift through the “stories” and weed out the hoaxes from the legitimate cases.
But, Soros and media pals sure missed the boat on the Jussie Smollett hoax!
How many more of the “stories” collected by the project known as “Documenting Hate” are hoaxes as well?
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The Left Loves Films! They want to Stimulate Discussions about Immigrants, they say

But, of course the films will all be lovely, warm and fuzzy stories about resilient immigrants and refugees who bring the joys of diversity to your communities and thus bring love and peace to one and all.

“The idea of the films is to generate discuss (sic) about immigration.”

Yes, there are deserving immigrants, but WTH how can you have a real discussion without also discussing the cultural clashes and downright criminality some migrants bring to America?
That’s what grates on me!  That is why I write this blog. I want balance in the discussions and since I’m not seeing it in the public square, I’m trying to balance the media’s diversity-is-beautiful meme right here.
If you missed my first post at Frauds and Crooks, here it is.
You will see much of my inspiration came from a report about a documentary film being produced in Columbus, Ohio (to get your minds right on immigration!) in advance of the 2020 presidential election.
Now comes news about TEN documentary films to be shown in Boston at the end of this month, all made by the immigrants themselves telling their own ‘stories.’
Leftists LOVE stories!
And, they sure know how to do propaganda!
Immigrant films Boston
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