Worcester "Man" Admits Guilt in Identity Theft Scheme at Crooked Convenience Store

visa fraud
I sometimes think the media, which you might assume would want titillating headlines, downplays stories like this so people won’t bother reading it!
Of course the headline isn’t going to say “illegal from Ghana” admits guilt! 
Here is the Worcester Telegram headline and story,

Worcester store employee admits to identity theft

WORCESTER – A Worcester man who worked at a city store whose owner was jailed for $3.6 million in food stamp fraud admitted Tuesday to stealing people’s identities.
Yaw Okyere, 36, a citizen of Ghana who overstayed a student visa in 2009, pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated identity theft and one count of possessing five or more identification documents.
Mr. Okyere was arrested last year after authorities said they found evidence of identity theft and dozens of boxes of pricey merchandise in his apartment.
He had nearly 200 state driver’s licenses in files on his computer, authorities said, and apparently used other people’s identities to order goods through the mail.

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Why is this store still open? Owner found guilty in 2016 of $3.6 million in food stamp fraud, the largest bust in Massachusetts’ history.  She was sentenced to one year in the slammer. https://www.telegram.com/news/20160711/worcester-woman-behind-36m-food-stamp-fraud-gets-year-in-jail

Authorities allege in court documents that Mr. Okyere had intermediaries bring the ill-gotten goods to his day job at J&W Aseda Plaza, the same Worcester store where $3.6 million in food stamp fraud was perpetrated several years ago.
Mr. Okyere is described in court documents as a relative of the store owner, Vida Causey, who was sentenced to a year in jail. He told authorities who raided his home she was his aunt.
The charges Mr. Okyere faces carry combined maximum penalties of up to 17 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000. He also faces possible deportation.

What! Possible deportation! Possible deportation! Deport him now and save the taxpayers the cost of keeping him in prison!
More here.
I couldn’t find a photo of the Ghana illegal alien man, but wondered if that might be him standing outside of his aunt’s business!
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What can you do?
This is one more story that should be reported in the mainstream media so Americans would have a better idea of the kinds of frauds to watch for and the kinds of fraudsters that are out there. Best thing you can do is to send this story out to your social media networks. Be sure to mention the student visa fraud!


Tuberculosis in the Migrant and Refugee Population: Is Silence Deception?

This story from Fargo, ND this week got me thinking.

Refugees and tuberculosis: After Fargo commissioner expresses fears, other officials offer perspective

Before I tell you more about the apparent sudden realization by some in North Dakota that refugees are admitted to the US with tuberculosis (I was shocked by that fact in 2007!),  know that this is how and why the US Refugee Admissions Program has become reviled by many: the contractors and promoters of it keep secret certain things they don’t want the public to know because the general public would find it unacceptable.
When citizens learn the truth, then they believe they have been lied to!
One such example involves the issue of the infectious diseases that are permitted entry to the US with the refugee flow. (A separate issue is the one involving diseases that arrive with illegal aliens and travelers.)

Symptoms and signs to watch for!

We permit refugees with Latent TB and HIV entry to the US and then we, the taxpayers, must fund their medication and the cost of tracking those people through our local health departments.  There is even some evidence that we have admitted refugees with active TB as well. (See one of many stories on that subject at Breitbart, here.)
Just recently the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) put out an analysis of their data from 2017 which confirms that, yes, we have thousands of active cases of TB in the US and most involve immigrants. Asians top the list (that would include refugees from Burma).
Here is the news from Fargo that attracted my attention:

FARGO — City Commissioner Dave Piepkorn proposed this week to cut off refugee resettlement in Fargo after airing concerns about local refugees who carry tuberculosis. His proposal floundered after other commissioners did not support it.

Now we have the media scurrying to put peoples’ minds at ease!

We talked with health and refugee resettlement officials about TB, a potentially serious infectious bacterial disease that mainly affects the lungs, and got some perspective on the issue.

In 2018, Cass County had 133 cases of latent TB. Those are cases in which someone carries TB, but isn’t contagious. Of those 133, 24 were refugees. There were also five active cases of TB, none of which were refugees.

Desi Fleming

Monday’s City Commission meeting took a contentious turn after Piepkorn called for a stop to refugee resettlement in Fargo. “People will die,” he said. His concern appeared to be with the 24 refugees carrying latent TB.

Desi Fleming, public health director for Fargo Cass Public Health, explained why people with latent TB are not considered a threat. “Someone with latent tuberculosis can not spread the disease to others,” she told WDAY-TV. She said anyone with latent TB would be watched closely and caught before they posed a health risk.

“People with latent TB have no restrictions. They are being followed medically. They’re on treatment, and the treatment kills the germs inside the body,” Fleming said.

Continue reading here.
Once again, we see the effort being made to lull concerned citizens back to sleep.
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Here (under Prevention Challenges), and in response to Ms. Fleming, is what the CDC said just last month on the issue of latent TB and the problem with managing it so it doesn’t become active!

Treatment duration and completion
~Treatment TB disease can be lengthy. Patients are often unable or reluctant to take medication for several months. For people with TB disease, inadequate treatment can lead to treatment failure, relapse, ongoing transmission, and development of drug resistance.
~For people with latent TB infection, medication for a condition with no symptoms of illness is often not a priority.

So Ms. Fleming can say she is watching her latent TB immigrants carefully, but is everyone? How about when they move from one meatpacking town to another, are they tracked? Does someone make sure they are taking their meds after they move? And, how about the fact that taxpayers are paying for all of this!

question markI debated with myself about whether this news fits my overall theme here at Frauds, Crooks and Criminals, but obviously decided that deceiving citizens by keeping important information about “new Americans” from us is a form of fraud. What do you think? 

The facts on Immigrant Crime Published in NJ Newspaper

And, not only that!  The Trentonian, via an opinion piece by David Neese, reminds its readers in blue New Jersey about statements from politicians past that should have earned them (at least) a wrist slap from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

bernie and barack
So where was the Southern Poverty Law Center when we needed them?

You have heard the comments repeatedly lately, but I will bet a buck most Dems outside of the DC beltway have no idea both Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders were so vocal in their demands for border security!
Maybe I’m too hard on the mainstream media! Sometimes they come through with the truth!
The Trentonian:

Provocation: Documented facts about ‘undocumented’

Using at least two words that are now verboten in proper Washington circles, writer Neese begins with a little provocation about the hypocrisy that is driving us nuts these days! (Emphasis is mine)

Surely it was a white supremacist — or at a minimum a xenophobic bigot — who brazenly uttered these words: “We simply can’t allow people to pour into the United States undetected, unchecked, circumventing the people who are waiting patiently, diligently, lawfully to become immigrants in the country.”
But, lo and behold, these were not the words of some slope-browed yahoo driving around in a pickup with a confederate decal on the rear window right by the gun rack.
These were the words of none other than Barack Obama, spoken in 2005.
Okay, but surely the following words, spoken in 2007, were the sentiments of a Klan rabble-rouser:
“I don’t know why we need millions of people to be coming into the country who will work for lower wages than America works and drive down wages even lower than they are now.”
Nope, not Klan words. Those were the words of Bernie Sanders, socialist tribune for the toiling proletariat.

Then he gets to the numbers that no one should ignore:

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) puts out a report called “Criminal Alien Statistics.” The 2018 edition notes 208,800 criminal aliens in state and federal prisons, doing time for an assortment of felonies at a taxpayer cost of $1.4 billion annually.
That seems like a lot of offenders behind bars if immigrant crime is merely, as frequently asserted, a “dog-whistle” term the Know Nothings employ to incite resentment of brown people.
Looking at a sample of 197,000 criminal aliens, the GAO reports an average 10 criminal offenses per alien among this group. Ten!
For the period roughly 2011-2016, the GAO reports the following number of offenses by illegal aliens:

— Drugs: 761,200 state, 336,600 federal.

— Assaults: 397,000 state, 108,400 federal.

— Weapons: 124,709 state, 44,500 federal.

— Sex offenses: 120,300 state, 13,600 federal.

— Robberies: 54,700 state, 13,500 federal.

— Homicides: 50,300 state, 6,000 federal.

— Kidnappings: 18,600 state, 5,000 federal.

Go here to read it all.
Thank you Mr. Neese and The Trentonian.  (If you are wondering, I don’t know David Neese.)
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Looking for something to do? Get Neese’s piece circulating on social media.  Not my post, but his original (here) and consider contacting The Trentonian to thank them for publishing it.

Nigerian Fraudster Indicted for Stealing Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Funds

The news of Olanrewaju A. Beyioku’s arrest in November was reported in local news and in one large news outlet—the Chicago Tribune.  The story in the suburbs section of the Tribune does not mention the ‘new American’ status of the “Indiana man” the feds indicted in December.
However, the Nigerians are not so shy about identifying him as Nigerian.  See LailasNews.com and don’t miss the comments where Nigerians say he brings shame to Nigeria.

nigerian defrauds red cross
Olanrewaju A. Beyioku

You have to hand it to them, Nigerians are clever scammers.
I’m posting a good bit of the Dept. of Justice press release from December 20th (hat tip: Diana) so you can see how the 38-year-old Beyioku was one of many who together scammed the American Red Cross out of more than a million dollars intended for Hurricane Harvey victims.
From the Department of Justice, Northern District of Indiana,

HAMMOND- Olanrewajua A. Beyioku, 38, of Gary, Indiana, was charged in an indictment with wire fraud, announced U.S. Attorney Kirsch.
U.S. Attorney Kirsch said, “At a time when individuals were going through some of the worst times in their lives, Mr. Beyioku seized the opportunity to enrich himself with hurricane relief funds meant for those who lost homes and businesses. My Office and our law enforcement partners will continue to investigate those who defraud the government for personal gain.”
The Indictment alleges that, in September and October 2017, Beyioku, a.k.a. “Papa Smith Morgan,” working in conjunction with others, known and unknown to the United States Attorney, devised a scheme to defraud the American Red Cross (“Red Cross”) by obtaining reference codes intended for nine different households directly impacted by Hurricane Harvey, and by using those codes to obtain $3,600 in hurricane relief funds.
One type of federal disaster relief was a one-time cash payment of $400 through the Red Cross. The Red Cross established a link on their website where hurricane victims could apply for the cash assistance. Hurricane victims used their email addresses to apply. They entered personally identifiable information, including their address. If the address fell within a designated disaster area, The Red Cross forwarded the application electronically to an entity referred to herein as “Company A.”
Company A vetted the information, and electronically forwarded it to “Company B.” Company B then created an eleven-digit alphanumeric code. The code was then sent to the applicant with instructions to redeem the code at a Wal-Mart Money Center or Customer Service Desk.
In early September 2017, The Red Cross received reports of ineligible people redeeming multiple reference codes at various Wal-Mart stores across the United States. The Red Cross reported this to the National Center for Disaster Fraud (“NCDF”). With assistance from Wal-Mart Global Security Investigators, The Red Cross identified over 3,300 instances of fraudulently obtained reference codes. The loss to The Red Cross is more than 1.3 million dollars.

See the remainder of the press release by clicking here.  The feds don’t identify him as Nigerian either.
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So why didn’t this story make the national news?  Because it is not a warm and fuzzy story about New Americans!  And, by the way, which LEGAL immigration program did Beyioku use to get in here in the first place?


Child Brides! When Legal Immigration Must be Fixed

Thanks to a reader for sending this news from the Associated Press.

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Photo: No excuse for child brides in Europe!  (Not in US either!)  https://www.thedailybeast.com/theres-no-excuse-for-child-brides-in-europe

Did you know that our LEGAL immigration system allows children, mostly girls, to be exploited through a form of immigration that allows old men to import child brides?
And, it allows children in the US to bring in ‘husbands’ much older than themselves.
Frankly, I don’t see any defense for this flaw in our immigration system, and it seems it could easily be fixed through administrative action immediately, and ultimately by Congress when those do-nothings get around to doing something.
From the AP (emphasis is mine):

WASHINGTON — Thousands of requests by men to bring in child and adolescent brides to live in the United States were approved over the past decade, according to government data obtained by The Associated Press.
In one case, a 49-year-old man applied for admission for a 15-year-old girl.
The approvals are legal: The Immigration and Nationality Act does not set minimum age requirements. And in weighing petitions for spouses or fiancees, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services goes by whether the marriage is legal in the home country and then whether the marriage would be legal in the state where the petitioner lives. [What the heck! Why should we consider the legality of the arrangement in their home country! Whiff of creeping sharia here?—ed]

Fraidy Reiss of Unchained at Last is working to end child marriage. http://www.unchainedatlast.org/

There were more than 5,000 cases of adults petitioning on behalf of minors and nearly 3,000 examples of minors seeking to bring in older spouses or fiances, according to the data requested by the Senate Homeland Security Committee in 2017 and compiled into a report.
Some victims of forced marriage say the lure of a U.S. passport combined with lax U.S. marriage laws are partly fueling the petitions.
The data was requested in 2017 by Johnson and then-Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, the committee’s top Democrat. Johnson said it took a year to get the information, showing there needs to be a better system to track and vet the petitions.
“Our immigration system may unintentionally shield the abuse of women and children,” the senators said in the letter.
The head of USCIS, L. Francis Cissna, said in a letter to the committee that its request had raised questions and discussion within the agency on what it can do to prevent forced minor marriages.
The agency noticed some issues in how the data was collected and has resolved them. Officials also created a flagging system that requires verification of the birthdate whenever a minor is detected.
The country where most requests came from was Mexico, followed by Pakistan, Jordan, the Dominican Republic and Yemen. Middle Eastern nationals had the highest percentage of overall approved petitions.

Much more here (including some horror stories).
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