Michelle Malkin on the SPLC/CAIR and Media Lemmings

You may have heard by now that the managers at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort have cancelled (on very short notice) an event scheduled there by Brigitte Gabriel’s Act for America at which Michelle Malkin was to be the featured speaker.

Here Malkin pens a piece published at Rasmussen Reports explaining how the SPLC and CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) say “jump” and the media does exactly what they are told and businesses like the Mar-a-Lago resort quake in their boots and capitulate!

Artwork from Conservative Review https://www.conservativereview.com/news/the-media-are-a-horde-of-intellectually-incurious-lemmings/

Surrendering to SPLC’s Lazy Media Lemmings

ACT for America, a nationwide grassroots group that educates the public about radical Islam, was founded in 2007 by my vigilant activist friend and Lebanese Christian immigrant journalist Brigitte Gabriel. I was honored to accept Gabriel’s invitation to speak at her organization’s annual banquet at Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, on Nov. 7.

Gabriel has worked tirelessly to expose the Islamic imperialist agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic state; barbaric practices of female genital mutilation and honor killings by adherents of sharia; and the whitewashing of violent jihad in American middle school textbooks. Past speakers and honorees at ACT for America’s events and legislative briefings include former Rep. Mike Pompeo of Kansas (now President Donald Trump’s secretary of state), Rep. Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma (now Trump’s NASA administrator), Rep. Ron DeSantis of Florida (now Florida governor) and Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee.

I planned to talk to ACT for America‘s gala attendees about the ongoing national security threat that jihad-coddling Muslim grievance groups and other identity politics agitators in the “Open Borders, Inc.” infrastructure pose to our country’s very existence. But thanks to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Council on American Islamic Relations, Miami Herald, copycat journalists and the Trump Organization, the event was banned from Mar-a-Lago.

Yes, banned.

All it took was a noisy little echo chamber of lazy media lemmings in search of weekend clickbait. On Saturday morning, the Miami Herald published an inflammatory attack masquerading as “breaking news” with the headline:

“Anti-Muslim extremist group says it will host $1,500-a-plate gala at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago.”

Where did the Miami Herald get its characterization that ACT for America was an “extremist group”? From the discredited charlatans at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Miami Herald reporter Nicholas Nehamas admitted to me that he wrote the “story,” padded with an obligatory assist and dutiful quote from SPLC’s Muslim counterparts at CAIR, after receiving an SPLC HateWatch alert titled:

“Anti-Muslim Hate Group to Hold Gala at Mar A Lago.

Media monkey see. Media monkey do.


SPLC’s sweeping hate designations haven’t just targeted Gabriel and me (two conservative women of color, by the way), but also (for starters):

Go here to continue reading and see the extensive list of ‘haters’ the SPLC has designated and targeted (including me!) in their attempt to silence anyone who doesn’t agree with their Progressive world view.

What you can do is get Malkin’s piece spread far and wide.  I see that this morning it is at the Minot Daily News.

Just a reminder!  I am posting almost every day on the newly reconstructed Refugee Resettlement Watch.  They tried to shut me up, but have failed.

Amazon Worker Strike in California Inspires Another Minnesota Worker Strike

Hey, I am just reporting the news. Don’t assume I am in any way feeling bad for Amazon!   See my previous posts on Somali workers protesting in Minnesota.

The Awood Center helped organize the walkout. http://www.awoodcenter.org/

From The Verge:

Amazon workers in Minnesota walk out in protest over part-time work

A day after The Verge reported on Sacramento Amazon workers protesting Amazon’s strict time-off rules, more than 60 Amazon workers in similar roles in an Eagan, Minnesota, warehouse walked off the job. During the two-and-a-half-hour protest, workers demanded the lifting of the 30-hour-per-week cap, a more respectful work environment, and a less strenuous workload.

The Sacramento and Eagan employees work in Amazon delivery stations, which are smaller warehouses that sort packages for delivery routes. Delivery stations are staffed almost entirely by part-time employees who receive no medical insurance and can be fired for taking more than 20 hours off without pay per quarter.

“We are not allowed to work more than 30 hours per week, even though there’s more work,” said a worker in a video of the walkout posted by Workday Minnesota. Amazon would be required to offer employees who work more than 30 hours a week medical insurance under the Affordable Care Act. The worker went on to say that they must lift heavy boxes and take time off without pay if they get injured. “We have no value here, they treat us like we are not human.”  [Golly! Was Obamacare just a way to let the big guys like Amazon avoid paying medical insurance?—ed]

Nimo Omar, an organizer with the Awood Center, a nonprofit focused on East African workers that has been active in organizing Minnesota Amazon employees, attended last night’s walkout. Omar said the workers demanded a more respectful work environment and complained of heavy workloads and close monitoring, including managers knocking on the door if they spent more than several minutes in the bathroom. Like the Sacramento workers, they also felt Amazon’s unpaid time-off policy was inflexible and demanded the option to work more than 30 hours a week.

Rep. Ilhan Omar spoke at an Amazon worker strike here in 2018. https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/12/17/583163/US-Amazon-muslim-workers-prayer-breaks-protest

The Eagan delivery center and nearby fulfillment center in Shakopee, Minnesota, have emerged as hotbeds of worker activism within Amazon’s distribution system. Many of the workers are Muslim immigrants from Somalia and elsewhere in East Africa, and in the summer of 2018, they began protesting that the pace of work and time-off system made it difficult to observe Ramadan. Amazon met with the organizers, but workers say the company didn’t address their concerns. They staged a strike during Prime Day this year over the increasing pace of work and other issues.


Before the Eagan workers walked out, the Awood Center posted a message to Facebook saying workers in Minnesota were dealing with the same issues as those in Sacramento.

Shortly after 9PM, more than 60 workers walked off the job. According to the Awood Center, the employees agreed to return to work two and a half hours later when the manager on site agreed to talk to his boss about their demands.

The Awood Center said in a Facebook post that all truck deliveries for the night were canceled due to the backlog created by the walkout.

Will Amazon eventually cave to demands? We will be watching!

Just so you know, most Somalis in the US today are here through the US Refugee Admissions Program and federally-funded refugee resettlement contractors like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service placed them in Minnesota

.I’m so glad to have RRW back!  Here is a post I wrote in 2011 explaining how Minneapolis became Little Mogadishu.


Montgomery County, MD Rally Brought Out Crowds in Support of ICE

***Update***  Help Save Maryland has an extensive report, see here.

Yesterday, I told you about the rally planned for this morning in sanctuary county MoCo.

Here is an early report from Bethesda Magazine (hat tip: Cathy):

Crowds Gather in Rockville for Protest, Counterprotest Over Immigration Enforcement

Larry O’Connor, a conservative radio host on WMAL, was drowned by chants of “USA” as he addressed a crowd of supporters in front of the Montgomery County Council Building on Friday morning.

Malkin in MoCo
Michelle Malkin (Photo credit: Cathy)

O’Connor was appealing to a crowd of protesters who arrived at the building to protest an executive order by County Executive Marc Elrich that directed local agencies not to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Across the street, another crowd was gathered to support the order and express their solidarity with the immigrant community.

Gorka and Fitton
Big guns Sebastian Gorka and Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch listen to Malkin speak to the crowd  (Photo credit: Cathy)

The dueling protests were the latest conflict over the executive order, issued in July, that attracted nationwide attention after the Trump administration directly criticized the policy.

The conservative protest Friday also attracted national attention. Former Trump administration official Sebastian Gorka stood beside O’Connor in opposition to the executive order. USCIS Acting Director Ken Cuccinelli tweeted his support for the protest.

brother killed
One of many protest signs  (Photo credit: Cathy)

Across the street, County Council members and advocacy groups such as CASA of Maryland voice support for the policy.

The executive order did nothing to change the county’s existing policies, which have long instructed the Montgomery County Police Department and Department of Corrections not cooperate with federal immigration detainers.

When I get more news from the frontlines, I’ll post it here.

Wouldn’t you love to see more rallies like this one in sanctuary jurisdictions across America!   Maybe Malkin and Judicial Watch would lead the effort!

Getting Ready for the New School Year? Then Prepare for Hating Haters Indoctrination

Maybe it might best be described as Hating Trump Voters 101.

I’m not spending a lot of time on this, too much backed up in my posting queue, but I just saw this Opinion piece at the Philadelphia Inquirer that tells us to see the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s “Hate at School” report. (I’m betting there is nothing in it about how to treat even Trump supporters with respect.)

Do your kids have the “emotional intelligence” to be ready for the 2020 Presidential election? Indeed are they ready to confront “racism, sexism, and heteronormativity” this year?

If not, may I suggest home schooling!

To confront the 2020 election cycle, we need emotional intelligence in schools | Opinion

In the history classes I teach, I begin with a digital dialogue called “What Gives Us Pause.” Before we begin formal instruction, I invite students to share with each other the social and political currents that worry them most, or make them most hopeful for the future. This dialogue unleashes a flood of student voices.

brendon jobs photo for interview
Author Brendon Jobs a “teacher leader.”  http://marcusedu.blogspot.com/2013/02/brendon-jobs-interview-how-to-be.html

Every year, students name wars that tear nations apart, gentrification that disrupts the fabric of urban communities, environmental crises, and hate and prejudice. I expect them to talk about the most recent incidents of mass shootings and gun violence right here in Philadelphia. Very quickly, this bonds the classroom in ways that prepare us to support and hold each other accountable, and name patterns of behavior we witness — in the news cycle, on social media, and in our own lived experiences — as the year unfolds.

When I began teaching in 2007, the first years felt sterile. I was discouraged from getting too political or confronting social power structures like racism, patriarchy, or class. I was trained to believe that teachers had to create “safe spaces” that were apolitical and socially neutral. We celebrated civil rights victories but did not discuss the dark legacy of slavery. We didn’t talk about the environment. Textbook-driven instruction drove my practice at the expense of student voices and authentic connections with each other.

Grrrrr!  “Student voices!” “Authentic connections!”  But, did they learn anything about the Revolutionary War or the Civil War?

I digress…. after a recent visit to the Antietam Battlefield, a friend whispered a question—what about all the northern white families who lost their husbands, fathers and sons fighting to free the slaves, don’t they deserve reparations?

Jobs goes on….

Too often, public conversations stop at simply naming transgressions: identifying something as hurtful or difficult and then moving on. In other cases, policy-driven mandates aiming to keep discourse respectful — like bans on the use of specific words, music, readings, or opinions — leave little room for gray areas. School communities, on the other hand, can model practical responses to and discussions of these moments that young people can use their entire lives, including when confronting racism, sexism, and heteronormativity. [You can bet any students who support our President will never emote in Jobs’ classes!—-ed]


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The SPLC calls it the “Trump Effect” (LOL! note the obligatory dark cover of the report!) https://www.splcenter.org/20190502/hate-school

The stakes feel high. The special report “Hate at School”by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance project showed a sharp increase in hate and bias in schools since the 2016 election.

Thankfully, the “Hate at School” report offers many entry points for engaging students, educators, and families in inquiry around how to notice, name, and combat acts of bias and hatred on an ongoing basis — not only when individual moments grow large and public. This defines the work that educators across the nation prepare to engage as school resumes, just over a year out from the 2020 election. [It is all about 2020 to the Progressives.—ed]

There is much more (if you can stomach it!).

Are you looking for a project?  Even if your kids are grown, how about looking into what is being taught in your local schools?

My post over the weekend about Michigan teachers being indoctrinated with incomplete information about Islam, see it here, was a huge success on social media.

Fascinating that the beat goes on at the Southern Poverty Law Center. You might think the media (and people like Jobs) would hesitate for a few minutes about using the work of the hypocrites at the SPLC after the incredible airing of their dirty (racist!) linen earlier last spring.

See my complete archive on the SPLC by clicking here.

Are Your Tax Dollars Being Spent on Islamic Indoctrination in Schools?

It sure looks like it, according to a press announcement on their investigative reporting from the Thomas More Law Center yesterday entitled,

TMLC Uncovers Tax-Payer Funded Islamic Propaganda Forced On Teachers


logo thomas moreANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has uncovered evidence of a well-orchestrated Islamic propaganda campaign aimed at teachers in school systems throughout Michigan and several other states.

Concerned about a two-day mandatory teacher-training seminar on Islam conducted by a Muslim consultant hired by Michigan’s Novi Community Schools District, TMLC filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents related to the workshop.

Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Law Center, commented on the results of their investigation, “We found that the teachers were subjected to two days of Islamic propaganda, where Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America bashed—all funded by Novi taxpayers.”

Moreover, during the past five years the school district has presented no teacher-training seminars focusing on Christianity, Judaism or any other religion – only Islam.

Huda Essa
Huda Essa:  You can book Essa for a fee ranging from $10,000-20,000!  See here:  https://www.allamericanspeakers.com/celebritytalentbios/Huda+Essa/426739

The hired Muslim consultant was Huda Essa, a resident of the Dearborn area and of Arab descent.

She appeared before the Novi teachers in a hijab, the Muslim headscarf, billing herself as an expert in “cultural competency” and “culturally responsive teaching.”

Most disappointing was the fact that of the more than 400 teachers attending the workshop, not one teacher challenged Essa’s denigration of Christianity or attacks on America.

TMLC inspected dozens of internal school documents, including audio recordings of Essa’s presentation.

The information on Islam she provided to Novi teachers was riddled with falsehoods and errors of omission that were clearly meant to deceive.


And her message extends far beyond Novi.

Essa’s client list reveals she has been spreading her “trash America first” philosophy to colleges, universities, schools and professional educator associations throughout Michigan, California, Georgia, Texas, Florida and beyond. In Michigan alone her website lists nine school districts as clients – Oakland County Schools, Ann Arbor Schools, L’Anse Creuse Public Schools, Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, Roseville Community Schools, Farmington Public Schools, Dearborn Public Schools, Birmingham Public Schools and Melvindale Public Schools.


Novi’s Islamic teacher-training is just the latest example of professional Islamic indoctrinators infiltrating U.S. public schools even as Christianity has been forced out of the classroom.

“This type of infiltration amounts to an Islamic Trojan horse within our public-school systems,” Thompson said. “No other religion gets this kind of special treatment in our schools.”

Much more here.

Looking for something to do, see if your school district has employed Muslim consultants to ‘train’ your teachers.  Maybe the TMLC would like to hear about it.