I welcome comments and point out that the views of those who comment are not necessarily my view at Frauds, Crooks and Criminals.
I want a vigorous debate, but insist on civility. I will not post personal attacks, name calling or foul language.
I also do not post comments that I judge to be way out of line. Some examples would be comments that are extremely long, poorly written, too repetitive, or filled with questionable points that would take up too much of my time to refute.
Please keep comments under 200 words.
And, please don’t send a whole bunch of links, I don’t have a lot of time to read and sort them out for appropriateness.
That said, in the past I have published almost all of the comments I received, so those rules don’t apply to the vast majority of your comments.
The main reason I write this blog is because I believe that certain subjects and viewpoints are not covered by the mainstream media and it gives me satisfaction to present those to you.
Finally, if you have a lot to say, I do encourage any and all of you to write your own blog!
P.S. I’m trying to keep this website looking neat, clean and easy to use. As time goes on I’ll be building categories and tags for easy reference.