Australia’s Sky News: US Media Acting as a Biden Protection Racket

The media down under is saying what American mainstream media refuses to say, Joe Biden’s “cognitive decline”, his dementia, is accelerating. And, they all knew it and kept it secret throughout the 2020 presidential campaign.

Hopefully Youtube doesn’t delete this five minutes of honest analysis being seen across Australia (and around the world) at the oldest cable news network on the continent.

Over 700,000 views since yesterday.  Watch before it is gone! And, get it out far and wide!

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One thought on “Australia’s Sky News: US Media Acting as a Biden Protection Racket

  1. This is so embarrassing. Comrade Kamala now making foreign leader calls. How did we get this way? It is called complacency by the American voters. They don’t care enough to get involved and admit the truth. Passed it on.
    Thanks Ann for collecting and disseminating all of these far reaching news tidbits.

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